• 谈到作家容易变得虚荣,并抱怨他们就是当局膨胀起来的。

    He talked about how easily writers could become vain, complaining that they got puffed up by the "authorities" .


  • 自从谈到父亲遗弃已经时间了。

    It was a long time since she'd referred to her father's desertion.


  • 苹果电脑公司首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯当年斯坦福大学演讲谈到死亡,那次演讲认为是近年最好的演讲之一

    Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs' address at Stanford University that year, in which he talked about death, is also considered one of the best in recent memory.


  • 就连乐于开怀大笑马克吐温谈到人像照片时,“没有什么一个又傻又蠢的微笑永远定格可怕的了”。

    Even Mark Twain, a man who enjoyed a hearty laugh, said that when it came to photographic portraits there could be "nothing more damning than a silly, foolish smile fixed forever".


  • 这里甚至没有谈到称之为子孙后代的那种小小的永恒

    I am not even speaking here of that paltry eternity that is called posterity.


  • 谈到计算机任何年前硬件都已经当成中世纪古董,而超过就已是远古化石了。

    When it comes to computers, any hardware over two years old is considered middle-aged and anything over five years is considered ancient.


  • 不过越来越多谈到首次经济开始复苏迹象正在显现时去年同期相比经济收缩速度降低可以视为一个回暖的迹象

    But amid growing talk that the first budding signs of recovery are emerging, a reduction in the year-on-year rate of economic contraction can be considered a sign of progress.


  • 谈到临近的一个男子射中脖子

    He said a man next to him was shot in the neck.


  • 承认美国医学界谈到筛查作了过多的承诺,筛查优势夸大了。

    But I'm admitting that American medicine has overpromised when it comes to screening. The advantages to screening have been exaggerated.


  • 谈到挣钱时,他们当做是拥有能力的异类。

    And they, too, are thought to have superhuman powers when it comes to making money.


  • 德普不是第一个引起此类分歧明星。《暮光之城》的主演克里斯汀·斯图尔特谈到狗仔偷拍时用了类似比喻

    Depp isn't the first star to make the contrast; Twilight's Kristen Stewart made a similar comparison whilst talking about being photographed by the paparazzi.


  • 读者应当记得,我们前面谈到一个建立这里圣美里街垒挡住的街垒。

    The reader will remember all that has been said about the barricade effected at this point, and eclipsed, by the way, by the barricade Saint-Merry.


  • 有一件很有意思事情我们当时谈到这个地方,意识到其实很脆弱,很可能即将到来风暴摧毁

    One of the things that was interesting, when we were talking about the Sooka, was this idea that the Sooka should be weak enough and it would be destroyed if a big storm comes through.


  • 1996年时候Lycos谈到检索到的网页数目其中还有不少根本没有检索到或者搜索者根本就无法进入的网页。

    Way back in the 1996, Lycos talked about the number of pages it "knew" about, even those these weren't actually indexed or made accessible to searchers.


  • 近日福布斯》(Forbes)的报道谈到,身陷一起对冲基金骗局投资者们声称全球最大的对冲基金行政管理人Citco所伤。

    Forbes recently ran a story about investors caught up in a hedge fund fraud who claim they were burned by Citco, the world's largest hedge fund administrator.


  • 年仅22岁却身为社交网站Facebook创始人CEO马克扎克伯格谈到曾经枪管指着的经历时这么说到。

    Mark Zuckerberg, the 22-year-old founder and CEO of social-networking site Facebook, is talking about the time he came face-to-face with the barrel of a gun.


  • 巴马问到北约首脑会议的与会者是否要把提供援助和废除这个法律挂钩,奥巴马,北约首脑会议上谈到了对这个问题的关切。

    Mr. Obama said concerns were raised during the summit.


  • 本文中,谈到数据安全性机密性方面确保受保护数据只能授权用户系统访问

    In this article, I will address the confidentiality aspect of data security: Making sure protected data can only be accessed by authorized people or systems.


  • 巴马胜利势必意味着今年选举之后种族成为人们经常谈到的话题,同样意味着这个话题今后永远不会像今年这样频繁讨论

    The victory of Barack Obama ensured that race would be much discussed in the aftermath of this year's vote -- yet it also ensures that it never again will be discussed quite this much.


  • 没错BW一个强大的OLAP引擎但是当时没有谈到数据仓库。 数据仓库后来加上的,可是真正含义没有意识到

    Yes, it comes with powerful OLAP engine, but no one talked about BW as a data warehouse at that time; it came later, but it's true meaning is still not recognized.


  • 真谛全面道来。不仅谈到实在的风险因素列举了可能误解一些信号

    Here she talks not only about real risk factors, she also rules out signs that could be misread.


  • 试着去做事情这种有意识进程阻碍无意识进程不受约束,于是提高我们的行为想法的控制,”韦格纳在科学在线谈到

    "The conscious process of trying to do the right thing is hampered, and the unconscious process is free then to increase its sway over your behavior and mind," Wegner told LiveScience.


  • 星期天各家报纸都对此大表欢迎,同时刊登伊丽莎白母亲一封信,信中谈到了白金汉遭到轰炸的当日险些殃及的情况。

    On Sunday the papers rolled out the ghostly red carpet. They printed a letter from Elizabeth to her mother about the day that Buckingham Palace was bombed and she narrowly missed being splattered.


  • 希拉里尽管不想看做干扰他国国内选举,但还是欧洲一次非正式场合谈到这个问题

    Clinton, while anxious not be seen to be interfering in a domestic election, has discussed the issue informally in Europe.


  • 彼得·保罗谈到拉弗蒂同事指控传闻”时,告诉没有哪个学者质疑真伪或是画框字条真实性。

    Peter Paul, who referred to the allegations by Lafferty's colleagues as "hearsay," told me that no scholar had questioned the authenticity of the picture or of the note tucked inside the frame.


  • 学生觉得不同方式因为谈到错误的贴标签那些展现爱情神奇力量的预言。

    Student: I kind of, I feel like it also plays in a different way. And because of, you do talk about how you're systematically mislabeled by the fables that present love as magic.


  • 然而德国联邦数据保护机构主管彼得·沙尔谈到欧美之间隔阂夸大了。

    But regulators such as Peter Schaar, who heads Germany's federal data-protection agency, say the gulf is exaggerated.


  • 纳德勒尼尔逊谈到如果董事会在继任安排上已做好合理规划那么会更多CEO短期回报率不佳炒。

    Messrs. Nadler and Neilson both said more CEOs would be fired for poor short-term returns if boards did a better job of succession planning.


  • 纳德勒尼尔逊谈到如果董事会在继任安排上已做好合理规划那么会更多CEO短期回报率不佳炒。

    Messrs. Nadler and Neilson both said more CEOs would be fired for poor short-term returns if boards did a better job of succession planning.


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