• 满怀喜悦惆怅成长可以讲述的故事时,从未遵守任何诺言真的真心真意相爱过

    When we grow up with happiness and sorrows, a story is coming out. We find that we never abide by any promise, but we really loved each other at one time.


  • 角色作者一种创造,角色的原创性标准包括清晰描绘标准、“讲述故事”标准、可预见性标准

    Character is the creation of the author. The originality tests of character include the distinct delineation test, the "story being told test", the predictability test and etc.


  • 我们满怀喜悦忧郁生长已经为一种可以讲述的故事时,我们发现我们从未遵循过任何忆■诺言我们真的真心真意相过

    When we grow up with happiness and sorrows a story is coming out. We find that we never abide by any promise but we really loved each other at one time.


  • 我们满怀喜悦惆怅成长已经成为种可以讲述的故事时,我们发现我们从未遵守任何一个诺言我们真的真心真意相爱过。

    When we grow up with happiness and sorrows, a story is coming out. We find that we never abide by any promise, but we really loved each other at one time.


  • 4我们满怀喜悦惆怅成长已经成为种可以讲述的故事时,我们发现我们从未遵守任何一个诺言我们真的真心真意相爱过。

    4when we grow up with happiness and sorrows, a story is coming out. We find that we never abide by any promise, but we really loved each other at one time.


  • 罗琳表示,《哈利·波特诅咒的孩子讲述这个巫师故事中“不为人知部分”。

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will tell the "untold part" of the boy wizard's story, Rowling has said.


  • 于小女孩的故事开始新闻记者报道,快餐店不得不给报社一个答复,讲述他们使其免费玩具更具有可持续性的计划。

    Since the little girls' story started being picked up by news reporters, the fast food restaurants had to give a reply to the newspaper office, telling about their plans for making their free toys more sustainable.


  • 一个写作者发现声音文字就随之而自由飞扬,句子演化段落,纸张,篇章随着这故事讲述写作者认可,读者得到了享受。

    When a writer findsthe voice, the words flow freely, the sentences become paragraphs and pages andchapters, and the story is told, the writer is heard, and the reader isrewarded.


  • 当然,还有另外一个故事每天讲述着,数百万每天为生活奔波的美国讲述着。

    Of course, there is another story to be told, by the millions of Americans who are going about their business every day.


  • 一个案例研究中,格里高利讲述弗拉基米尔·莫洛兹故事他的父亲1937年处决、母亲送往古拉格。

    In one case study, Gregory recounts the story of Vladimir Moroz, whose father was executed in 1937 and whose mother was sent to the Gulag.


  • 反而报告中讲述一个已经揭穿过许多次的故事——故事的主人公却从未做任何回应

    Beyond that, it tells a story that has been widely and repeatedly debunked - without responding at all to the debunkers.


  • 查尔斯·狄更斯的《大卫·科波菲尔》讲述男人一个丢弃孩子努力过上舒适正常人生活故事

    Charles Dickens' David Copperfield tells the story of a man who was abused as a child, and his efforts to live a comfortable and normal life.


  • 有时人们听说掳走会充当生者善意守护神,我闹鬼池塘来的这个故事也是一例,它讲述哈克特城堡约翰?

    Sometimes one hears of stolen people acting as good genii to the living, as in this tale, heard also close by the haunted pond, of John Kirwan of Castle Hacket.


  • 电影《鲁拉,巴西讲述一个贫户子弟奋发向上故事缺陷剪辑台删除,优点长处则特写镜头放大。

    "Lula, Son of Brazil" is the tale of a poor boy made good, his flaws left on the cutting table and his virtues in close-up.


  • 我们病人我们讲述最为残暴故事——孩子杀死自己的父母,一些房子里活活烧死

    Our patients have told us the most brutal stories - about children who are forced to kill their parents and people burnt alive inside their homes.


  • 通过私人录音采访方式参与者讲述感人的真实故事之后,参与者要求简要描述()的感受

    After being told an emotional true story during a private, taped interview, the participant is simply asked to describe how he or she feels.


  • 都市流言现代民间传说一种,那些虚假故事它们讲述演绎得可以以假乱真。

    Urban legend is a form of modern folklore consisting of apocryphal stories believed by their tellers to be true.


  • 尽管作者重新讲述这个残酷故事采用了所有叙事技巧这个故事还是包含着一些令人沮丧死角

    For all the narrative skill with which the author retells this grim tale, the book contains some frustrating dead ends.


  • 为我们讲述一个社会边缘化家庭破碎生活故事

    He tells a story of a socially marginal, disrupted family life.


  • 突破之作《天外细菌》出版于1969年,小说讲述一种太空病毒地球暴发故事给了好莱坞

    His breakthrough novel, in 1969, was The Andromeda Strain, which featured a space virus unleashed on Earth and was sold to Hollywood.


  • 这些指标,在之前报告中曾经嘲笑不已都是相同指标只有当这些指标编成一个故事讲述出来的时候,你才能更多理解。

    These are the same key metrics that we teased out of the report earlier, but when you put these metrics into a narrative, you will reach more people.


  • 罗森布拉特夫妇1996年应邀参加了“普拉·温弗瑞”,讲述他们童年时期(罗森布拉特先生臭名昭著布痕瓦尔德营区)相识的故事

    Mr. and Mrs. Rosenblat appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Showin 1996, telling their story of meeting as children while Mr. Rosenblat was a prisoner at a subcamp of the infamous Buchenwald.


  • 年轻压抑的愤怒通过讲述的故事、趣闻,充满激情又不显突兀地表达出来,夹杂着讽刺意味怀旧气息

    The anger she had repressed in her youth came out forcefully but smoothly, in anecdotes and epigrams, and was carefully modulated into irony or nostalgia.


  • 黑暗边缘》改编自一部1985年的英国电视剧讲述的警察寻找杀害女儿凶手故事,这部电影指与去年利亚·尼森的卖座电影《飓风营救》情节雷同

    Edge of Darkness, based on the 1985 Brit TV drama about a cop searching for his daughter's killers, bears a resemblance to last year's Liam Neeson hit Taken.


  • 肉豆蔻赤坂讲述讲述1945年八月士兵射杀老虎猎豹故事

    Nutmeg Akasaka told the narrator the story of the tigers, the leopards, the wolves, and the bears that were shot by soldiers in August, 1945.


  • 调查的人群中,将近五分之一讲述了一段错失良机的爱情故事其次遗憾家庭有关,16%的调查者后悔家人争吵,后悔孩提时,没有善待兄弟姐妹。

    The second most common regret involved family issues, with 16 percent of respondents expressing regret about a family squabble or having been unkind to a sibling as a child.


  • 威廉弗雷从前诺福克郡打渔的,这两个小伙子哼唱着一首哀伤的小调,歌中讲述不幸贝拉情人背弃、雪地里的悲惨故事

    William and Fred, two young ex-fishermen from Norfolk, sang a sad song about Unhappy Bella, who was betrayed and died in the snow.


  • 威廉弗雷从前诺福克郡打渔的,这两个小伙子哼唱着一首哀伤的小调,歌中讲述不幸贝拉情人背弃、雪地里的悲惨故事

    William and Fred, two young ex-fishermen from Norfolk, sang a sad song about Unhappy Bella, who was betrayed and died in the snow.


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