• 这个通告受到欢迎,被认为是向正确方向迈进一步普遍看作装装样子。

    The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.


  • 一些研究人员认为思想不能完全看作完全内在的”。

    Some researchers have suggested that thoughts cannot properly be seen as purely "internal".


  • 一些研究人员认为思想不能完全看作完全内在的。

    Some researchers have suggested that thoughts cannot properly be seen as purely internal.


  • 未来食品药物管理局更为严格规定,所以认为迄今为止发生件事都看作是全面竞赛结束

    But the FDA may have more-stringent requirements in the future, so I think that everything that's happened so far shouldn't be viewed as the end of the game in any respect.


  • McKendrick引用了IFEAD的定义,事实上定义没有提及大型组织,而是认为EA适用任何企业——EA看作达成目标一种尝试

    McKendrick quotes IFEAD's definition pointing to the fact that there is no mention about large organizations in it, concluding that ea applies to any enterprise - seen as an endeavor to reach a goal.


  • 为了维持关系一些认为说“看作抛弃迹象可能导致他人关系破裂和友情的断绝

    Not burning bridges. Some people takenoas a sign of rejection. It might lead to bridges being burned and relationships severed.


  • 以色列鹰派看作疯狂不过现在他们认为他们的。

    THE hawks in Israel always called it madness, and now they say they have been proved right.


  • 相反坚持认为应当把那些曾经嘲笑盲目模仿屡屡违规的公司看作进入市场的主要同盟

    Rather, he insists, firms once derided as copycats and scofflaws should be seen as essential Allies in entering new markets.


  • 认为艺术或者体育可以看作技能或者特长,使生活多姿多彩,会扩大知识面

    I think, art or gym can be regarded as a kind of skill or speciality, which will make you have colourful life or widen your knowledge.


  • 最近,我国位于东海天外天油气田又惹日本争议,东海天外天油气田日本看作有待于谈判的位置,而我国认为,这个油气田绝对是无争议的中国管辖海域

    Japan said Monday it "cannot accept" China's development of a gas field near a disputed part of the East China Sea after Beijing insisted it was acting within its own waters, AFP reported.


  • 空间认为时间看作第四

    Space is considered to be three-dimensional and time is thought of as the fourth dimension.


  • 文化看作正常之举,在另一种文化中可能被认为离经叛道的。

    In a culture is seen as a normal move, in another culture may be considered to be deviant.


  • 因此,我们认为ESPN这个分支损失值得继续关注看作持有股票结构性障碍

    We thus think ESPN sub loss is worth keeping an eye on, but should not be viewed as a structural impediment to owning the shares.


  • 如此他们认为干涉无用什么自然事情的进展。

    So they think it is useless to interfere in what is viewed as a natural course of events.


  • 麒麟认为德性仁兽历代帝王都把看作太平盛世象征

    It is considered as an animal of morals and benevolence and all previous monarchs considered it as a symbol of peace and prosperity.


  • 本文认为詹姆斯身份缺失危机意识可以看作是詹姆斯的现代情感的体现,主要源于作者所处于的变动不居的时代和自我流放艺术家生活

    Besides, this thesis considers that James's sense of non-identity and crisis can be regarded as his modern feelings and they roots in his troublous times and his self-exiled life as an artist.


  • 尽管家乡认为直率自信的,但是在华盛顿看作害羞内敛的。

    Although back home she was considered outgoing and confident, in Washington she was viewed as shy and retiring.


  • 一些认为说“看作抛弃迹象可能导致他人关系破裂和友情的断绝

    Some people take "no" as a sign of rejection. It might lead to bridges being burned and relationships severed.


  • 有了星期四无罪宣判怀尔德原来认为激进的言论现在变得主流化了。荷兰几十年来,都看作全世界自由宽容国家

    With Thursday's acquittal, it appears that Wilders' once-radical words are now more mainstream in a country that for decades was viewed as one of the most liberal and tolerant in the world.


  • 奥运会看作测验运动员能力重要比赛,因此它也被认为体现公平竞赛的精神

    THE Olympic Games are seen as the greatest test of an athlete 's ability and are supposed to celebrate the spirit of fair play .


  • 几十年来,问题看作是一个“单纯哲学问题”,也就是说人们认为具有可以实验检验后果

    For many decades this problem was regarded as "merely philosophical", in the sense that it was thought that it had no consequences which could be tested in experiment.


  • 这不但看作无理行为,某些场合反而认为是得体举止。由于西方人认为外国人不会说或说不好英语所以为了避免尴尬的场面而不去主动开始交谈

    Unfortunately, western people often think that "foreigners" might not be able to speak English and thus they do not begin the conversation because they fear that they might embarrass the person.


  • 百慕大三角士兵们看作大西洋墓地”,但美国海军并不认为一个危险区域

    The Bermuda Triangle, known to soldiers as "the Graveyard of the Atlantic", is not recognized by the U. S. Navy as a danger zone.


  • 由于这种通常里面工作地区看作”的水资源利用影响通常被认为微不足道的。

    Since this water is usually kept in the region from which it was "used, " the water use impact is generally perceived to be negligible.


  • 外界普遍认为枪手在今夏清洗一边缘球员机会寥寥无几的贝拉看作“热门人选”。

    The Gunners have been expected to clear out many peripheral players in their squad and Vela was expected to be shown the door after finding opportunities at the Emirates limited.


  • 外界普遍认为枪手在今夏清洗一边缘球员机会寥寥无几的贝拉看作“热门人选”。

    The Gunners have been expected to clear out many peripheral players in their squad and Vela was expected to be shown the door after finding opportunities at the Emirates limited.


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