• 一个生命解救孩子母亲肯定这么

    The mothers whose children's lives have been saved would certainly say so.


  • 劫掠者派出追兵紧追不舍,诺亚解救伊渥克人树林,找到了已经坠落数十诺亚的飞船

    Escaping with the Marauders in close pursuit, Noa and the liberated prisoners fled to the forests, where Noa's grounded starship had rested for decades.


  • 查下年内全国范围内的诱拐。从案发现场有很多孩子的开始着手排除那些已经解救的尸体发现的。

    Hotch: Go back 10 years nationwide. Start with abductions and target-rich environments. Rule out any with bodily recovery dead or alive.


  • 他们援救直升机大火解救了出来。

    They were succoured from the fire by the rescue helicopter.


  • 与熊猫的联系要追溯到20世纪80年代中期,那时我在一个电视节目上作为西方电视记者,首次允许拍摄一个这样的特别机构,它们护理从野外的饥饿中解救出来的熊猫。

    My connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, when I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.


  • 美国ContinentalIllinois银行英国Johnson Matthey Bankers银行1984年解救因为规管者判断这些银行已经足够如果它们倒闭,将会撼动整个金融体系

    Continental Illinois in America and Johnson Matthey Bankers in Britain were rescued in 1984, because regulators judged that the Banks were large enough to rock the whole system should they go bust.


  • 我们负责个人高兴能够解救出来

    The eight people we were in charge of were glad to be out.


  • 每年成千上万的女性胎儿流产,解救她们父母一个男孩儿机会

    Thousands of female fetuses are aborted every year, to save their parents the opportunity to have a boy.


  • 其实约拿丢出船外就是头鲸鱼解救的还有各种海豚援助遇险游泳鲨鱼包围游泳者保护他们故事

    Indeed, Jonah was rescued by a whale when he was thrown overboard, and there have been tales of dolphins assisting swimmers in distress or shielding them from circling sharks.


  • 备受折磨、外表肮脏被解救工人照片显示他们全身到处都是打伤烧伤

    Photographs of the traumatised and filthy freed workers showed them with wounds and burns across their bodies.


  • 同时他们干涉,引导了其他公司包括雷曼,相信,他们绝境的时候,他们解救.

    At the same time their intervention led other firms, including Lehman, to believe that when push came to shove, they too would be spared.


  • 最终船只解救名少年飞机送叔叔所在的丘吉尔医院

    All three were then picked up by boat, and the youth was flown to join his uncle in hospital in Churchill.


  • 拯救儿童运动活动分子解救以后,阿曼家乡拉贾斯坦邦免费教育斗争。

    After he was rescued by activists of Bachpan Bachao Andolan, Om campaigned for free education in his native Rajasthan.


  • 官方媒体其中一些得到解救儿童越南越南人拐走然后在中国南方贩卖的。

    State media said some of the rescued children had been taken in Vietnam by Vietnamese residents and sold in southern China.


  • 一个人士失踪时,警方通常不会很多力气去需找,即使他们解救出来,由于他们智力缺陷,他们的证词不会认真对待。

    Police often won't exert much effort when a mentally disabled person disappears, he said, and even if they're rescued, their testimony is not taken seriously because of their impairment.


  • 露露是一只失明孟加拉马戏团解救出来

    Lulu, a blind Bengal tiger, was rescued from a circus.


  • 解救突袭洪水围困的群众救助登山迷路,都是救援队的工作范围

    The units deal with incidents ranging from helping those trapped by sudden major floods to rescuing people lost while out walking on hills.


  • 一直以来最有争议一部恐怖电影讲述一个12女孩恶魔力量控制,牧师尽力解救灵魂

    One of the most controversial horror films of all time tells the story of a 12 year-old girl possessed by a demonic force and the two priests who try and save her soul.


  • 托雷斯女士正在与朱庇特亲昵。 这只吼马戏团被解救出来,在马戏团中它遭受营养不良的折磨。

    Ms. Torres is embraced by Jupiter, a roaring lion recovered from a circus where he had suffered from malnutrition.


  • 尽管官方从未认可拿赎金救人方式,但谈判代表表示有成百上千万美元数次易手,拿来解救俘虏

    Though payments are never officially confirmed, negotiators speak of millions of dollars changing hands to free captives.


  • 英美特种部队上演大胆突袭解救索马里海域海盗劫持意大利货船

    These are the amazing pictures of British and U.S. special forces who staged a daring raid to free an Italian cargo ship that had been hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia.


  • 英美特种部队上演大胆突袭解救索马里海域海盗劫持意大利货船

    These are the amazing pictures of British and U. S. special forces who staged a daring raid to free an Italian cargo ship that had been hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia.


  • 我们一直教导利比亚意大利殖民地,一直杀死我们20万同胞嗜血欧洲人统治着,而,是卡扎菲突然来到解救我们

    We had always been taught that Libya was an Italian colony, ruled by bloodthirsty Europeans responsible for the deaths of 200, 000 of our countrymen, until Gaddafi suddenly arrived to liberate us.


  • 最终位和蔼的小姐解救了——她是我们16岁的小班老师——她打几个坏蛋的耳朵,擦干了泪水,我带到了幼儿班。

    I was rescued at last by a graciouslady --- the sixteen-year-old junior teacher --- who boxed a few ears and driedmy face and sent me off to The Infants.


  • 我们一直教导利比亚意大利殖民地,一直杀死我们20万同胞嗜血欧洲人统治着,而,是卡扎菲突然来到解救我们

    We had always been taught that Libya was an Italian colony, ruled by bloodthirsty Europeans responsible for the deaths of 200,000 of our countrymen, until Gaddafi suddenly arrived to liberate us.


  • 海豹在愉快地玩耍。它们防止虐待动物协会工作人员解救之后,重新放归到林肯郡萨顿·布里奇野外

    Two rescued Seal pups come together after being released into the wild off the Banks of the River Nene at Sutton Bridge in Lincolnshire, by staff from the RSPCA East Winch rescue centre in Norfolk.


  • 昨天位84老太太一位21岁的男青年救援人员他们住所废墟解救出来。

    An 84-year-old woman and 21-year-old man were pulled from the wreckage of their homes yesterday.


  • 3岁大的儿子乐,2008年3南方城市深圳街头诱拐今年2,文乐被解救并且已经他的父母团聚

    His three-year-old son, Wenle, was snatched on the street in March 2008 in the southern city of Shenzhen, but was spotted and reunited with his parents earlier this month.


  • 3岁大的儿子乐,2008年3南方城市深圳街头诱拐今年2,文乐被解救并且已经他的父母团聚

    His three-year-old son, Wenle, was snatched on the street in March 2008 in the southern city of Shenzhen, but was spotted and reunited with his parents earlier this month.


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