• 作为城市公共空间台阶不仅交通连接节点,同时也是城市事件发生和表演舞台观看观看引发器

    As urban public space, the big steps, is not only the connected nod of traffic, but also the urban stage of city events, the initiator of watching and being watched.


  • 关于件作品的颜色这样构想的:白色并置的状态下观看的光亮永远朝向光线一切则向着一边

    Turner's idea about colour was that colour was to be viewed in its relation to white, light always towards light. Everything I ever made I think, goes the other way. From red to black.


  • 参与者邀请访问一个网站提供一些传记细节后,观看一系列20张照片,对每张照片的恶心程度进行15评分

    Viewers were invited to visit a website and, after giving a few biographical details, to view a series of 20 pictures and rate each of them for disgustingness on a scale of one to five.


  • 参与者专门要求观看入室行窃录制视频

    Specifically, participants were presented with a video enactment of a burglary.


  • 段来自秘鲁莫切的12岁男孩在路灯下的人行道上做作业的视频在当地警方分享后,在脸书上被观看了数百万次。

    A video showing a 12-year-old boy from Moche, Peru, doing his homework on the sidewalk, under a streetlight, has been watched several million times on Facebook after being shared by local police.


  • 他们罪行制成录像带,由专家观看而后和白宫商议销毁录像带,他们希望美国人永远都不知道一幕。

    These crimes were videotaped, so that "experts" could watch them, and then the videotapes were destroyed, after consultation with the White House, in the hope that Americans would never know.


  • 这个来自与美国无线电公司的官方流行视频今天为止已经观看了103 202 250次。

    This official pop video from RCA Records has been viewed 103, 202, 250 as of today.


  • 二十四测试者每人都在磁共振成像扫描仪一个小时观看四个节目他们脑部活动都即时记录下来。

    The two dozen subjects each spent an hour inside an fMRI scanner watching four programs while their brain activity was measured.


  • 这种引入广告软件定义执行例行程序”,客户收听观看广告,不能选择跳过。

    Described in the application as "enforcement routine" software, it is believed the technology would force users to watch or listen to small adverts which they would be unable to skip past.


  • 史蒂夫乔布斯2005年斯坦福大学毕业典礼上讲话youtube上观看超过2百万

    Steve Jobs' 2005 commencement address at Stanford University has been viewed more than 2 million times on YouTube.


  • 对夫妇兴奋观看一切妻子一个树根倒了,其他他们走过来。

    The couple was excited to watch this while the wife tripped on a tree root. The other people walked towards them.


  • 那些九刺鱼观看段时间之后允许自行选择一个喂食器,结果75%的九刺鱼能够自己观察中明白喂食器位置已互换

    After watching for a while, the observers were allowed to choose a feeder for themselves and around 75% were able to work out from their observations that the feeders had been switched.


  • 过去,伊朗妇女进入大型运动场观看比赛而受到警察的阻拦,有时候偶尔允许进入小型运动场观看篮球排球赛等

    Women have occasionally scuffled with police when barred from entering stadiums, although now and then they have been allowed into smaller venues to watch sports such as basketball or volleyball.


  • 实验中,实验者要求观看一部录像,内容是分别穿衬衫衬衫的队员篮球,实验者要求记录下白队传球次数

    Subjects are told to watch a video of two teams - one wearing white shirts, the other black - passing basketballs, and to count the number of times the white team passes the ball.


  • 实验非常简单他们观看一部克林特·伊斯特伍德的老电影(《地狱三镖客》),并且磁共振扫描仪观察试的大脑皮层上发生了什么

    The experiment was simple: they showed subjects a vintage Clint Eastwood movie (“The Good, The Bad and the Ugly”) and watched what happened to the cortex in a scanner.


  • 认为一直以来人们阻止(看《红楼梦》)并非因为书中年轻人爱情描写而是其他人他们阅读观看”的言论。

    Qin: I think that for a long time people were put off-not by the actual portrayal of young love in the book-but by others saying that they shouldn't read or watch it.


  • 每位妇女观看光学器件,其快速连续显示三个圆盘

    Each woman looks into an optical device that shows her three tiny discs in rapid succession.


  • 视频描述这些东西移到别处了所有重要的观看数据变大了。几乎所有的“高级信息消失了(可以点击按钮显示)。

    Things like the video description have been moved around, the all-important view counter is bigger, and nearly all 'advanced' information has been collapsed (you can hit buttons to reveal it again).


  • 但是战场树木遮挡,在小山包观看战斗人群只能看到一点点战场情形。

    But the battleground was covered so thickly with trees that the crowds saw little of the fighting.


  • 米拉·弗洛雷斯船闸已经成为了旅游景点,游客们坐在体育场式的座位上观看一艘艘船抬升下降。

    The Miraflores locks already have a visitor centre with stadium-style seating to watch boats being raised and lowered.


  • 一半的测试对象要求原始脸部照片另一半的人则要观看通过数字加工疤痕照片人物脸颊下颌或者额头的照片

    Half were asked to look at original face shots, while the other half viewed images that had been digitally manipulated to add scars to their cheeks, jawbones or foreheads.


  • 曾经一些诊断注意力缺失孩子家长过,他们发现拿走电视观看权限孩子们的注意力有了显著改善

    I have talked to many parents of children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder who found the difficulty markedly improved after they took away television viewing privileges.


  • 问及为什么人们会选择在家观看手机电视时,日本韩国媒体主管往往个相同动作

    When asked why people watch mobile television in their homes, Japanese and South Korean media executives tend to make the same gesture.


  • 卡特尔韦伯并不确定因此他们首先测量了29试对他人信任度然后他们观看一些分阶段面试录像

    Carter and Weber weren't so sure, so they measured how trusting 29 participants were and had them watch videos of a staged job interview.


  • 这项研究名称“在观看自然视象期间,大脑激活的试间同步性”。

    The title of the study is “Intersubject Synchronization of Cortical Activity During Natural Vision”.


  • 也许(出于商业上原因)电影必须18岁以下儿童观看并且长于120分钟

    Maybe (for commercial reasons) the movie must be viewable by children under 18 and no longer than 120 minutes.


  • 试实验中的表现观看树木田地小山后能够很快得到恢复观看街道工业区甚至几何图形都不能达到这样的效果。

    People's performance was soon restored by picture of trees, fields and hills, but not by streets, industrial units or even complex geometric patterns.


  • 试实验中的表现观看树木田地小山后能够很快得到恢复观看街道工业区甚至几何图形都不能达到这样的效果。

    People's performance was soon restored by picture of trees, fields and hills, but not by streets, industrial units or even complex geometric patterns.


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