• 这个假行家光。

    He was exposed as a charlatan.


  • 重建44房屋严重质量问题

    The 44 built houses have also been found to have severe quality problems.


  • 然而自从本月这个节日网上之后就饱受争议

    But the festival has been shrouded in controversy since it was exposed on the Internet early this month.


  • 韩国花样滑冰明星金妍儿被曝一手将扶上奥运冠军宝座的加拿大教练布莱恩·奥瑟分道扬镳

    The ROK figure skating champion Kim Yu-na has parted ways with her Canadian coach Brian Orser.


  • 据《北京晨报报道昨天,又有永和豆浆真功夫家知名快餐企业使用豆浆调制豆浆。

    Two more fast food restaurants, Yonghe soybean milk and Kungfu, were found to use soybean milk powder to make soy milk yesterday, the Beijing Morning News reports.


  • 但是惊讶很快变成了不服,因为这位人称的“八胞妈”所有14个孩子都是人工受孕怀上的。

    But world astonishment turned to unease when it emerged that Octomom, as she was called, had conceived all her 14 children through in vitro fertilisation.


  • 分析师丑闻被曝年,投资者们反倒将更多资金交给发生重大问题花旗银行美林证券打理

    The very year that the analyst scandal broke, investors gave major offenders like Citigroup and Merrill Lynch more money to manage.


  • 这些照片有一张头鹿旁边开怀大笑的照片,后来这个猎物是他非法侵入私人领地射杀的。

    In one of these glamour shots, Big Cheese grins over a deer that, as it turns out, he shot while trespassing.


  • 五次蝉联网球大满贯玛利亚·莎拉波娃被曝今年年初未能通过兴奋剂检测。对此,赞助公司迅速作出回应

    Corporate sponsors reacted swiftly to the revelation that Maria Sharapova, a five-time Grand Slam tennis champion, had failed a doping test earlier this year.


  • 今年6月罗国华网上5法院随行人员南非埃及土耳其考察”期间,12天共消费48万

    Luo was exposed in June on the Internet after spending RMB480000 with 5 court staff members on a 12-day "investigation trip" in South Africa, Egypt and Turkey earlier this year.


  • 一月份,位于英格兰中部城市德比西园学校迫使(学校的说法)表现不好的孩子莫扎特其它音乐大师的音乐。

    In January it was revealed that West Park School, in Derby in the midlands of England, was "subjecting" (its words) badly behaved children to Mozart and others.


  • 现在,距最后本书出版已经了,怨恨根源最终出来了——就是哈利和父亲极高的相似造成和姨夫之间不愉快关系

    Now, eight years after the final book was published, the root of the resentment has finally been revealed - it is Harry's strong resemblance to his father which led to their unhappy relationship.


  • 现在,距最后本书出版已经了,怨恨根源最终了出来——正是哈利和父亲极高的相似造成和姨夫之间不愉快关系

    Now, eight years after the final book was published, the root of the resentment has finally been revealed - it is Harry's strong resemblance to his father which led to their unhappy relationship.


  • 不得不联想到2010年6月名居住纽约的GUCCI时装网站设计师马克·萨佩斯被曝布鲁克林仓库自建了座核反应堆,把邻居们给吓坏了。

    Not so the work of Mark Suppes, a New York web designer for fashion house Gucci who surprised his neighbors in June of 2010 by revealing he had built a nuclear reactor in a Brooklyn warehouse.


  • 摄者靠近光源有选择地让对象某些部分摄影师光线照亮摄者重要的部分。

    By positioning the subject near the light source and allowing some of the subject to underexpose, the photographer can let light touch only the most important part of the subject.


  • 1964年秘密投诚间谍身份作为国家秘密保留到了1979年,那时首相玛格丽特·撒切尔夫人公开出其身份,女皇伊丽莎白二世撤销了骑士身份

    He secretly confessed in 1964, but his espionage remained a state secret until 1979, when Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher publicly outed him and Queen Elizabeth II rescinded his knighthood.


  • 如果物体很多白色很有可能过

    If a subject contains a lot of white, it can easily be overexposed.


  • 周三奥巴马租房计划新闻出后,记者新闻摄影师蜂拥前往这个街区。“管家有点着了,”波德斯塔

    As news of the Obamas' housing plans became public on Wednesday, journalists and news photographers flocked to the block. "My housekeeper was a little freaked out," Mr. Podesta said.


  • 他们不仅失去了生存依靠,失去了家园,更失去了印泥马来去了生命的亲人

    They lost not only their businesses, they lost their home, and they lost many of their family members who were killed by the Indonesian Malay rioters.


  • 平部位网点吃亏由于网点遮蔽平时平线透过网点而变成的。

    Hihglights part of the loss is due to net-point are Twine masking and exposure time line through the mesh point.


  • 平部位网点吃亏由于网点遮蔽平时平线透过网点而变成的。

    Hihglights part of the loss is due to net-point are Twine masking and exposure time line through the mesh point.


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