• 皮肤擦伤非常敏感

    My skin was abraded and very tender.


  • 这些在我身上都发生过。还有多次擦伤割伤—— 更不要说灰尘

    There are a lot of bruises, paper cuts—and dust.


  • 衬衫看了那四处炮弹碎片擦伤疤痕,脖子也有烫伤的地方。

    He pulled up his long shirt to show me four small shrapnel bruises and two burns on his neck.


  • 季节性便捷交通所消除,农场善于提供单调的耐擦伤且外表装饰水果蔬菜

    Seasonal variety has been sacrificed for ease of transport, and the farms best able to provide a monotony of fruits and vegetables with bruise-resistant flesh and waxy skins have won out.


  • BrockWade2009年的一次摩托车事故腿部擦伤,在住院治疗的头几天,因耐氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)感染生命垂危。

    Within a few days of scraping his leg in a scooter accident in 2009, nine-year-old Brock Wade was in hospital fighting for his life with a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection.


  • 其他人一样身上也战斗痕迹脸上些许擦伤长袍撕破了。

    Like all the rest, she bore marks of the recent battle: There were grazes on her face and her robes were ripped.


  • 胫骨很大一块被擦伤

    I have a big bruise on my tibia now.


  • 天边笑脸日月轮回跃现,白昼擦伤如果天边遥远摘下那玫瑰徜徉海上

    The smiling faces hanging in the sky, sun and moon popular in reincarnation, the heart was bruised day, if the distant horizon, off patch of roses, mind wandering sea.


  • 代谢紊乱清除淤血细胞组织激活生产增强(擦伤)。

    Metabolic disturbances, such as extravasated blood (bruising) will be scavenged, cell tissues are activated and production of enzymes is enhanced.


  • 凹槽-没有完全清除擦伤

    Groove - a scratch that was not completely polished out.


  • 泰勒回到家的时候星期三中午,猎犬还在,大篷货车不见。泰勒的下巴有道擦伤裤子撕烂了浑身头疼欲裂。妻子叫来了医生警察。

    But it was in mid-week and at midday that Mr Taylor crawled home, with the dog but without the van, with a graze on his chin and his trousers torn, covered in mud and with a thumping headache.


  • 同时,野生蜂蜜促进伤口愈合广泛应用割伤疼痛发炎胃溃疡烫伤擦伤等症状的治疗。

    Wild honey can also promote wound healing and is commonly applied to cuts, sores, ulcers, burns and abrasions.


  • 皮肤锐利的岩石擦伤了。

    The skin of her leg was abraded by the sharp rocks.


  • 一天的课程结束以后,一直等到脸上排球打擦伤那么时,迅速换上我的牛仔裤海军蓝色毛衣

    When the school day was finally done, and the blush was fading out of my cheeks from the volleyball incident, I changed quickly back into my jeans and navy blue sweater.


  • 手腕多出伤,粗糙绳子擦伤的

    She had abrasions to her wrists where the abrasive rope had scraped her.


  • 医生勒令必须平躺,虽然脸上擦伤恢复得比较快,颈部背部伤口依然剧烈疼痛。

    He was ordered to rest on his back for several weeks wearing a neck brace. His face injuries improved but his neck and back pains remained acute.


  • 医生勒令必须平躺,虽然脸上擦伤恢复得比较颈部背部伤口依然剧烈疼痛。

    He was ordered to rest on his back for a few weeks wearing a neck brace. His face injuries rapidly improved but his neck and back pains remained acute.


  • 季前训练照片里,丢肉的膝盖还是绷带包着。丫要么擦伤了膝盖,要么就是好利索

    Pre-season pictures show Djourou's knee still bandaged so he's either grazed his knee in the playground or he's still troubled by it a little bit.


  • 英国每日邮报》报道,上周末英国西约克郡举行的布拉莫姆国际赛马选拔赛匹赛马选手上演“倒栽葱”,同时头栽倒在地,场面令人惊恐不安。骑手颈背受伤送往医院,赛马也擦伤

    A horse and his rider last week achieved a perfect nose-stand after a heart-stopping synchronized fall at the Bramham International Horse Trials in West Yorkshire, UK, according to the Daily Mail.


  • 可能衬片浸渍、制动片脱出、使用毛病的衬片、以及制动鼓工作面擦伤凹凸不平所至。

    It may be that the linings have become greasy, that the Brake shoes are out of adjustment, that the wrong lining is being used and that drums are scored or rough.


  • 但有100多人伤或擦伤医院接受治疗,2人重伤,其中50岁左右男子倒塌烟囱砸伤另外一玻璃割伤

    Roughly 100 people were being treated for minor bumps and cuts. A man in his 50s was hit by a falling chimney while another suffered serious injuries after being cut by glass.


  • 但有100多人伤或擦伤医院接受治疗,2人重伤,其中50岁左右男子倒塌烟囱砸伤另外一玻璃割伤

    Roughly 100 people were being treated for minor bumps and cuts. A man in his 50s was hit by a falling chimney while another suffered serious injuries after being cut by glass.


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