• 推测避免冒犯中国尽管有助于冲绳岛居民了解为何新空军基地举足轻重的地位。

    Presumably that too was to avoid offending China, even though it would have helped Okinawans to understand why the new facility is deemed so important.


  • 剩下的88%土地闲置在那里推测

    The other 88 percent is just sitting there. It's just for speculation.


  • 证实了11月份任命为副首席执行官时出现的推测

    This confirms speculation first mooted in November when he was appointed deputy CEO.


  • 一些科学家推测那些看到以前生活回放病人可能是因为死亡过程大脑记忆区域随机激活原因。

    Some scientists have speculated that the life review some patients experience could be due to random activation of the dying brain's memory circuits.


  • 研究人员推测在皮肉剥离过程之后这些尸体整齐安葬木头架子上

    After the de-fleshing process, the corpses had been neatly laid to rest on wide wooden shelves, the researchers speculate.


  • 他们推测此项技术,包括跳过微波电子对们测试这种纠缠的影响,可以用来应用于研究不同电子的纠缠的特性

    They surmise that the technique, which involves zapping the electron pairs with microwaves to test for entanglement, could be used to study the properties of entanglement in many different molecules.


  • 这样推测是因为,他安装母亲房中无处不在传感器告诉通向外面厨房1:36,也就是一个小时,还没有再次打开

    That he deduced because the sensors he had installed throughout his mother's home told him that the kitchen door - which leads outside - had not been reopened since 1:36, more than an hour earlier.


  • 许多感觉自己疏远往往(错误地)推测其他人从来不会陷入困境的。

    Many who feel alienated assume (wrongly) that absolutely no one is, or ever will be, in their corner.


  • 名通灵人声称将军关押座砖头砌成的、屋顶建筑物内另一名推测人质关押在意大利北方小城帕多

    One of the psychics claimed that the general was held in a brick building with a red roof, and another guessed that the hostage was being held in Padua, a small city in the north.


  • 然而,“不想过分得到如此令人毛骨悚然精细推测吉尔伯特警告

    However, "you don't want to overinfer or get so fine-grained that it's creepy, " Gilbert cautions.


  • 研究作者推测英语已经越来越视为单纯一个工具许多人的脑海脱离了英国美国联系

    The study's authors surmise that English has become seen as a mere tool, divorced in many minds from its associations with Britain and America.


  • 最近计算机模式推测,这种合并事件非常火爆它们释放出巨大光芒两个黑洞之间气体严重压缩,然后冲向更多巨大的黑洞。

    Recent computer modeling speculates the event would be violent, unleashing tremendous light as gas is trapped between the two black holes and then rushes toward the more massive one.


  • 调查人员流入车辆发动机进气软管他们推测空气吸入喷头可能太低。

    Water flowed into the air intake hose of the vehicle's engine, said investigators, who speculated the air induction nozzle might have been attached too low.


  • 这个星期,于去年开始的年代测定结果公布使这部书的年代学者之前推测的提前一个世纪,也因此粉碎了许多关于起源学说

    The dating, carried out last year but announced this week, makes the book a century older than scholars had previously thought and quashes some theories about its origin.


  • 发现推动了一些之前认为属于鳄鱼家族化石中的物种祖龙这一边进化链靠拢,这也证实了恐龙家族有着之前推测更深厚根源所在

    The find moves several species thought to belong to crocodile family fossils to the archosaur side of species lines, and indicates the dinosaur family had deeper roots than previously suspected.


  • 第三意见推测澳大利亚进口绵羊死后从船沿下,引来了数量反常鲨鱼群

    A third theory suggested that sheep that had died while being imported from Australia had been thrown overboard, attracting an abnormal number of sharks.


  • 而阿女士就能够展示出这种结果获得的可能性,哪怕运用再少推测

    Ms Athey has shown that strong results can still be obtained even if you assume much less.


  • 阿斯奎斯其他许多物理学家一样很多时间思考希格斯玻色子那样难以捉摸的微粒子——科学家推测普遍存在于大自然万物中的一种粒子

    Asquith, like many physicists, spends a lot of time thinking about particles like the elusive Higgs boson - the subatomic particle that scientists say endows everything in the universe with mass.


  • 罹难者总数仍然是个未知数,不过专家根据城市摧毁的严重程度推测,数以万计可能已经死亡

    The human toll of is still unknown-but with much of the city reduced to rubble, experts say tens of thousands of people may be dead.


  • 据科学家推测,土卫二冰冷表面99%冰覆盖,地表之下存在液态水几率也很大

    The surface of the icy moon is thought to be about 99 percent water ice, with a good chance of liquid water beneath.


  • 他们推测这些兵器可能勾结西班牙印加部落使用的,可能西班牙人借用的。

    Those weapons may have been wielded by Inca from communities known to have collaborated with the Spanish, or might have been borrowed by the Spanish, they posit.


  • 后面的一个简短记录提到11推测为反叛分子的,1名当地阿富汗平民受伤

    A brief entry lower down mentions that the soldiers killed 11 supposed insurgents and wounded one local Afghan civilian.


  • 当志愿者大脑扫描时研究者推测他们做出简单选择

    Brain researchers predicted simple choices volunteers made as their brains were being scanned.


  • 因此也可以大概推测专利组合价值它的价值,自从北电收购以来,它的地位几乎不可动摇

    Its value - and therefore presumably that of its patent portfolio, too - has hardly budged since the Nortel auction.


  • 一颗地球1.4倍的质量如果推测证实的话,这将是迄今为止最小质量的外系行星

    The other, at just 1.4 Earth masses, would be the least massive exoplanet yet, if confirmed.


  • 然后他们测量健康人腰围,并由此推出腰围实际体重之间关系随后,这些信息用来推测拿破仑死前几个月的体重情况。

    They then measured the waists of healthy people to work out the correlation between that measurement and their actual weight.


  • 夫妻给予一定分数,用来给要的家庭资产打分。这个机制应该这样的(个人推测):两个人得到相同的总分,然后自己去分配

    A husband and wife are each given a number of points which they secretly allocate to household assets they desire.


  • 研究者推测病毒感染每个平均感染1.31.7人。

    The researchers calculate that every person infected by the virus will go on to infect 1.3 to 1.7 other people on average.


  • 研究员推测使审视审视者之间相互影响的诱因同时,还检验了不同体型外貌所产生的不同结果其中包括了对体型的控制,因体型而产生羞愧,以及对体型的不满。

    Motivation to interact with the objectifying person in the future was also measured as well as body image outcomes, including body surveillance, body shame, and body dissatisfaction.


  • 研究员推测使审视审视者之间相互影响的诱因同时,还检验了不同体型外貌所产生的不同结果其中包括了对体型的控制,因体型而产生羞愧,以及对体型的不满。

    Motivation to interact with the objectifying person in the future was also measured as well as body image outcomes, including body surveillance, body shame, and body dissatisfaction.


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