• 这些报导引来了游客有时这个曾经孤立天堂似乎挤满跑来呆呆地凝望本地人观光客

    These reports attracted travelers and, at times, this once-isolated paradise seems filled with tourists who've come to gawk at the locals.


  • 地方紧挨着宜家,宜家消费文化缩影,它总是让吃惊,因为停车场总是那些买了一堆自己需要东西的人挤满

    I live next to an IKEA, which is the epitome of our consumer culture, and what amazes me time and time again is how frequently the parking lot is packed with people buying stuff they don't need.


  • 这些基因提供了复制优势使这种混合病毒弥漫散布密集挤满的养猪场,养猪场饲养的猪例行运往美国各地

    These new genes provided replication advantages that allowed the hybrid to permeate densely packed pig farms whose inhabitants were routinely shipped across the United States.


  • 由于每个不同个体经历体验不同的,挤满空间中,产生一种现象每个人都会感觉到自己别人所注视着。

    Since each individual's virtual experience is generated separately, in a "room" full of people, each person could experience the phenomenon of everyone else looking at them.


  • 诸多比赛设计成基于大众投票选择优胜者并且花费大量金钱来激发稀缺性思想,这些比赛如同鱼食到挤满饥饿的鲑鱼池塘一样。

    Contests that are designed to select winners based on popular votes only and huge dollar amounts inspire scarcity thinking. Much like throwing some fish food into a pond filled with starving Coi fish.


  • 由于监狱挤满全国不赞同又如眼的目光般聚焦伯明翰,在这样的压力下,公牛康纳放弃了的“非暴力”姿态

    With the jails filling up and the scorching glare of national disapproval focused on Birmingham, Bull Connor abandoned his posture of nonviolence.


  • 购物者一年一度戏称为黑色星期五”的这一挤满商店,进行感恩节后购物

    S. holiday shopping season has officially begun, with shoppers crowding stores for post-Thanksgiving sales in a yearly event nicknamed "Black Friday."


  • 地铁挤满了人,上班一路上整个大约上百个忙忙碌碌公交者压扁了。

    The subway was so packed this morning, I got totally squished by about a hundred busy commuters on the way to work.


  • 意大利威尼斯挤满游客的刚多拉卡在繁忙运河里。

    Gondolas filled with tourists jam a busy canal in Venice, Italy.


  • 街道上挤满腐烂尸体保护平民设立安全区忽略。

    Decaying bodies filled the streets and the safety zone which was established for the protection of civilians was ignored.


  • 定时涨落、多盐分河水这些居民生命线,这条河疏浚污染过度捕捞,还挤满

    The briny, tidal water of the Bei River, the residents' lifeblood, has been dredged and is polluted, overfished and crowded with ships.


  • 又浅池塘挤满了克氏虾,用于商业化的养殖。

    Small, shallow ponds have been stocked with red swamp crawfish and are managed for commercial production.


  • 并不是个舒服的交通工具因为火车可能挤满,挤到我们沙丁鱼一样罐头里。

    It is not a pleasant ride because the train can be full of people. It is so crowded that we are packed like sardines? Just like small fish in a can.


  • 今天,卡尔加里轻轨车厢挤满了人;旁边的一个流浪汉得死死地顶着

    Today, the C-train was packed and I was stuck with a homeless man pressed up against me.


  • 到了候诊室,正如我所预料的那样,里面挤满了人

    I was shown into the waiting-room which, as I had expected, was full.


  • 我们必须协调控制产品力量,同时界面因此挤满窗口对话框不相关很少使用控制

    We must coordinate and control the power of the product without letting the interface become a gaggle of Windows and dialogs, covered with a scattering of unrelated and rarely used controls.


  • 可是有那么糟糕。今天早晨说吧地铁挤满了人,上班一路上整个大约上百个忙忙碌碌的乘公交车压扁了。

    But it is! Take this morning for example. The subway was so packed this morning, I got totally squished by about a hundred busy commuters on the way to work.


  • 路易斯安那开枪杀死自己的孩子埋葬时,棺材没有一个随身行李箱非常两个护柩者抬着穿过挤满人的百慕大圣保罗传教士浸信会教堂St。

    When a Louisiana toddler who shot himself was buried, his coffin was no bigger than a piece of carry-on luggage, and it was so light that two pallbearers easily carried it through the packed St.


  • 中国大熊猫保护研究中心(China Conservationand Research CenterforGiant Pandas)的发言人称,预测赛事计划取消是因为担心中心挤满摄像机兴奋围观者

    A spokesman for the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas said the predictions were dropped over fears that the cubs would be overwhelmed by cameras and excited onlookers.


  • 城市废墟挤满抢劫一空孤儿

    The ruins of the city was packed with robbed the orphan.


  • 画面描述了伦敦街道可怕景象,街道上挤满马车公共汽车行人商人赶往市场羊群

    This depicts an apocalyptic scene of a London street swarming with horse-drawn carts, omnibuses, pedestrians, traders and flocks of sheep being driven to market.


  • 公共运输状况将近被挤满并且瘫痪许多上下班时间沙丁鱼一样堵塞狭窄分隔空间

    The condition of public transport is nearly overcrowded and paralyzed, many people jam into a narrow compartment like sardines in rush hour.


  • 这个仅有460万人口小国购物很多视为一种消遣方式,其中心乌节百货商场化妆品柜台前,总是挤满了人

    Shopping is considered a pastime for many people in this small city-state of 4.6 million and cosmetics counters at department stores on central Orchard Road are often crowded.


  • 这个仅有460万人口小国购物很多视为一种消遣方式,其中心乌节百货商场化妆品柜台前,总是挤满了人

    Shopping is considered a pastime for many people in this small city-state of 4.6 million and cosmetics counters at department stores on central Orchard Road are often crowded.


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