• 法术抵抗时候一个黑色旋涡形的效果。

    There is now a black swirly animation when a spell is resisted.


  • 不能指望猎人6奥射,得考虑到驱散抵抗的问题。

    With a dispel on a 6 second cooldown it isn't reliable vs the chance for the dispel to be resisted.


  • 法术提示包含有描述法术是否抵抗区块以及给定法术特有的法术组件(如果有的话)。

    Spell tooltips now include blocks that describe whether or not a spell can be resisted, and what the specific material component is for a given spell (if any).


  • 然而现在一种新型已经开发出来,它可以低的温度下抵抗断裂同时保持强度韧性而不需要昂贵添加剂

    Now, though, a novel type of steel has been developed that resists fractures at much lower temperatures, while retaining its strength and toughnesswithout the need for expensive additives.


  • 由于害虫有巨大繁殖潜力基因多样性许多害虫认为能够抵抗合成化学物质而且生育的后代杀虫剂具有内在的抵抗

    Because of their tremendous breeding potential and genetic diversity, many pests are known to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in resistance to pesticides.


  • 至1981年以来已有两千五百万条生命艾滋病去,在全球范围内感染了三千三百万。至今人类在苦苦探索抵抗艾滋病疫苗

    The quest continues for a vaccine against AIDS, which has claimed more than 25 million lives since 1981 and infected some 33 million people worldwide.


  • 分解的南人几乎完全丧失抵抗:,他们因为上帝送来恐惧全面瘫痪

    And the disunited Canaanites put up little or no resistance: they're paralyzed by a fear that is sent by God.


  • 根据一切他们认为正如肥胖一样胰岛素抵抗视为一个症状视为人体流通脂质过量适应性反应

    In light of all this, they suggest that insulin resistance, like obesity, should be viewed not as a pathology but as an adaptive response by the body to an excess of circulating lipids.


  • 这种具有生物活性蕈类代谢产物认为是能够帮助我们免疫系统新生,抵抗大量致病性致病性疾病

    Such bioactive mushroom metabolites are believed to have the capability to helping revitalization of our immune system against a large number of pathogenic and non-pathogenic diseases.


  • 道琼斯指数年前,面对当时视为仅仅次级抵押贷款危机时候,表现极有抵抗力,曾触及14 000高点

    A year ago the Dow, resilient in the face of what then seemed only a subprime-mortgage crisis, hit an all-time high of a whisker over 14, 000.


  • 道琼斯指数年前,面对当时视为仅仅次级抵押贷款危机时候,表现的极有抵抗力,曾触及14,000高点

    A year ago the Dow, resilient in the face of what then seemed only a subprime-mortgage crisis, hit an all-time high of a whisker over 14,000.


  • 我们工作抵抗情绪是个很有趣的事情这种抵抗情绪感觉似乎很难克服,只要我们开始着手做了一点点工作,这种感觉就马上击败了

    Our resistance to work is a funny thing... it can feel huge, but it starts to vanish as soon as we take the tiniest action towards getting something done.


  • 那些抵抗总部竟是草坪院子伪装起来的建筑群配有门廊、儿童秋千、花园台水泵,操作水泵者是——并非搞笑——是健身器男子

    Those turn out to be a canopied complex of grassy backyards, complete with porches, children, swings, a garden, and a water pump operated by-no joke-a man on a StairMaster.


  • 伊拉克长期受到压迫什叶派夺取权力一事实视为有史以来第一拔除了阿拉伯抵抗波斯扩张主要壁垒

    The capture of power by Iraq's long-oppressed Shias is perceived as having, for the first time in history, removed the main Arab bulwark against Persian expansion.


  • 如果他们能够抵抗,有关他们勇气新闻传出公众所知,这样他们的追随者将会增加,如果他们屈服了,那么运动也许结束了

    If they resist, news of their courage will seep out and their hold over the public will grow. If they crack, the movement may crack too.


  • 初步试验发现,我们这种病毒免疫力是以极大的代价换来的:为了抵抗人类艾滋病病毒抵抗大幅削弱。

    Test tube experiments suggest that humans paid a high cost for developing immunity to this bug: it may have left us much more susceptible to another retrovirus, HIV.


  • 也许我们求助时,我们不能抵抗因为一种确认我们技术告知“我们方式

    Perhaps we can't resist when we're asked to help out because it's a validation of our skill and another way of being told, "we love you."


  • 非暴力-为此工作保持姿态。没有可以打破这种抵抗当然支持的。

    Non-violence - working with what will happen while remaining in a state of loving presence. One never tries to break down resistance; rather, it is supported.


  • H5N1病毒似乎扩大了宿主范围,导致以往视为禽流感病毒具有抵抗哺乳类动物的感染死亡

    H5N1 appears to have expanded its host range, infecting and killing mammalian species previously considered resistant to infection with avian influenza viruses.


  • 间日疟原虫,世界常见疟疾寄生虫现在传染到了以前认为拥有抵抗人们身上。

    Plasmodium vivax, the world's most common malara parasite, now infects people previously considered to be resistant.


  • 海盗立刻就放弃了抵抗一些海盗还将他们武器扔下了大海,最终全部抓获”LaRussa又补充道。

    "The pirates surrendered right away, some throwing their weapons in the sea, and were arrested," La Russa said.


  • 最后一些历史上著名船只使用下风(leeboard)取代活动龙骨板;这些下风板悬挂船只底部的两侧可以活动龙骨板一样放下来以抵抗侧向晃动。

    Finally, some historic craft have leeboards instead of centerboards; these boards, mounted outside the hull on both sides, can be pivoted down like a centerboard to resist leeward motion.


  • 虽然PET具有优良的材料性能芳香聚酯他们几乎完全证明抵抗微生物攻击

    While aromatic polyesters such as PET exhibit excellent material properties, they prove to be almost totally resistant to microbial attack.


  • 住家户一旦与开发商谈判补偿金,通常相当适度,老房子拆除了,这一片区最后抵抗将会在瓦砾堆中生活,注视着周围拆除的房子。

    Homes are torn down. The last holdouts in a neighborhood will live amid the rubble, watching the surrounding homes.


  • 尽管中国步兵顽强抵抗,村子还是拿下了他们英寸接一英寸保卫着村子,但考虑到他们劣势装备徒劳的。

    It was taken in spite of the sharp resistance of the Chinese infantry, which defended it inch by inch, but in vain, on account of the inferiority of their equipment.


  • 尽管中国步兵顽强抵抗,村子还是拿下了他们英寸接一英寸保卫着村子,但考虑到他们劣势装备徒劳的。

    It was taken in spite of the sharp resistance of the Chinese infantry, which defended it inch by inch, but in vain, on account of the inferiority of their equipment.


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