• 现在只不过是火热团发光包围,他一个巨大钟摆一样不可思议摆动弧线上摇摆

    Encompassed in a luminous cloud, of which he was now merely the fiery heart, he swung through unthinkable arcs of oscillation, like a vast pendulum.


  • 尽管向天文学家证明了金星厚厚的气体所包围层气体使太阳光在金星周围发生折射,但这效应都使精确时间控制成为不可能。

    While this showed astronomers that Venus was surrounded by a thick layer of gases refracting sunlight around it, both effects made it impossible to obtain accurate timings.


  • 房屋蜘蛛所包围

    Your house is teaming with spiders.


  • 不要您自己担心焦虑包围——例如如果公司的同事聚集休息室闲聊谈论裁员的事情那时您就前去凑热闹了也不必和他们一起担心。

    Don't surround yourself with worry and anxiety - For example, if co-workers gather in the break room to gossip and talk about job cuts, then don't go there and worry with everyone else.


  • 视频中,这位铁路工作人员愤怒乘客包围,其中一个指责不该光顾着,并说道:“别以为哭了就解决问题。”

    The rail employee was shown being surrounded by angry travelers, one of whom was berating her for crying. "You can't try to solve the problems with your tears," the passenger said.


  • 没有再婚,仍然长岛旺托(Wantagh房子里,昔日共同生活的回忆包围

    Shehas not remarried, and she lives in the same house in Wantagh, on Long Island, surrounded by mementos of their life together.


  • 物理学家提出星系不可见物质晕圈所包围

    So physicists proposed that the galaxies are surrounded by halos of invisible matter.


  • 他们人造细胞”着手,这些细胞的“人造细胞”外部一层脂肪所包围

    They began by experimenting on artificial "protocells". These, like real cells, were surrounded by membranes made of fatty molecules.


  • 这座军事堡垒查尔斯顿一个岛屿四面南方炮火所包围

    The fort was built on an island in Charleston Harbor. It was surrounded by southern artillery.


  • 世界一个复杂地方浩瀚的信息海洋包围

    The world is a complicated place, with oceans of new information sloshing around.


  • 邮件服务器这些请求所包围无法处理真正的电子邮件其中一些邮件可能销售线索支持请求。

    While the mail server is bogged down with all the spurious requests, it can't handle real e-mails, some of which may be sales leads or support requests.


  • 进入生活我们批评包围,总有人教我们什么应该,怎样做才好,无穷无尽,冗长乏味。

    Once we enter this life, we are bombarded with what not to do and what to do better; it's an endless litany of criticism.


  • 毫不夸张地说风险资本投资人研究人员包围寻求研究帮助

    Venture capitalists have been literally besieged by researchers seeking their aid in conducting research.


  • 现在担心(美国)抛弃失去援助联系,的宿敌同盟包围,如印度

    It now fears being abandoned, losing aid and relevance, and becoming encircled by forces allied with its old foe, India.


  • 令人感到沮丧的共识冲突饥荒疾病所包围非洲一场新的联合灾难侵袭——虽然非洲制造了全球二氧化碳排放量2%。

    That's the gloomy consensus: Africa, beset by conflict, hunger and disease, is being hit by a new disaster that combines them all - though Africa produces just 2% of global emissions.


  • 为了测试感觉帕克的团队于1997年到2002年再夏威夷海域附近观察了42竞争性的鲸鱼这些一条多条雄鲸所包围

    To test this hunch, Pack's team observed 42 competitive groups--those with one female surrounded by varying numbers of males--in the waters around Hawaii from 1997 to 2002.


  • 随后基地几个小时内关闭状态,有流言称还有枪手目前在逃。基地流言和恐惧包围

    For several hours the base was locked down and plunged into confusion, amid misplaced fears that more than one gunman was at large.


  • ——表示他们家中度假体验很差美国援引主要原因感觉像是一次真正的度假”(76%);接下来是“家中度假乏味无趣”(56%)以及“还是工作所包围”(20%)。

    Of those who said they've had a bad staycation, the main reason cited was "it didn't feel like a real vacation (76%)," followed by "it was boring" (56%) and "Too much contact with work" (20%).


  • 米尔·迪拉马克顿时沙漠所包围,果园和葡萄园必须依靠墨累——澳洲农业生命线——灌溉才能存活

    Mildura and Renmark are surrounded by desert, and fruit farms and vineyards survive only with irrigation from the Murray River, the lifeblood of Australia's agriculture.


  • 集镇上,我们怀抱木薯头上顶着成捆甘蔗女人所包围

    In small market towns, we were surrounded by women hugging great bags of cassava or balancing bundles of sugar cane on their heads.


  • 棵树依旧是受欢迎,对于爬树的孩子们来说,如今爬树绳所包围,为的是让学生放学课后的玩耍

    The tree remains a favorite climbing tree, and is now equipped with climbing ropes for the students to play on during recess and after school.


  • 我们白银所包围,我们还越来越相信黄金和石油保护我们一时会儿,帮我们逃脱美元贬值带来损失。

    We are closing in on mania in silver, and growing conviction gold and oil will protect your out that relationship for a moment or two.loss of value in the dollar.


  • 死海明亮而稍带一点奇怪的蓝色调,部分是因为海水四周红色群山所包围,部分因为海水中盐分很高,含有其他矿物质

    This is partly because the water is framed in red by the surrounding mountains, partly because it is supercharged with salt and other minerals.


  • 可能十五分钟车,就发现自己已经繁忙金边来到了稻田所包围村庄

    It is possible to ride fifteen minutes from the bustle of Phnom Penh and find yourself pedalling through small villages, surrounded by shimmering rice paddies.


  • 银色的树皮日落红叶造就新罕布什尔州巴特利特附近迷人组合,它是新罕布什尔州里一个中部白山国家森林所包围文明小岛

    Silvery bark and sunset-colored leaves make for an enchanting combination near Bartlett, N.H., a tiny island of civilization surrounded by the White Mountain National Forest in central New Hampshire.


  • 地球水域包围或者是大部分外围水域所包围我们拥有大气层,火焰月亮水星金星太阳等等

    The earth is surrounded by water or largely surrounded by water beyond that we have the sphere of air then fire then the sphere of the moon, mercury, Venus, the sun and so on.


  • 西斯高地巨大的沟壑包围这种辐射状地貌蔓延数百英里称为槽沟

    Tharsis is surrounded by Titanic gouges in the landscape radiating outwards for hundreds of miles, known as fossae.


  • 最终的结果各种数据图形格式色彩徽标所包围

    The result is an amalgam of data surrounded by and intertwined with graphics, formatting, colors, and logos.


  • 特拉·佛斯特商业区林林总总的店铺餐馆数量非同寻常的冰激凌店包围

    DOWNTOWN Traverse City is filled with shops, restaurants and an unusually large number of ice-cream parlours.


  • 萨姆特堡四面南方炮火所包围,南方的炮艇守卫着这座港口。

    The fort was surrounded by southern artillery. Southern gunboats guarded the harbor.


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