• 那个更远歌手带来一点点比较少紧张放在听证会

    It seems like the having the "Shouting" of the singer being brought a bit farther puts less strain on your hearing.


  • 巨大地不同的,并且真正地享用了它,虽然妻子没有喜欢带来巨蟹烹调之前

    It was hugely different and I really enjoyed it though my wife didn't enjoy having the king crab brought to the table alive prior to being cooked!


  • 没有脚印,没有履带,也没有推土机之类的重型机械……没有任何东西带来用以搬过这些石头

    There are no footprints, no type tracks and no heavy machinery like a bulldozerNothing was ever brought in to move these heavy rocks.


  • 人们将会容忍证明带来利益苦难

    People will accept suffering that can be shown to lead to a greater good.


  • 最近零售公司研究证明了信息技术已经变得普遍相对容易获得但它本身似乎没有带来什么优势

    According to a recent study of retail firms, which confirmed that IT has become pervasive and relatively easy to acquire, IT by itself appeared to have conferred little advantage.


  • 由于我们意识日常生活所占据,所以我们并不总是思考白天发生的事情所带来情感意义——直到我们开始做梦这种情感意义才开始浮现。

    Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life, we don't always think about the emotional significance of the day's eventsuntil, it appears, we begin to dream.


  • 诊断患有严重疾病已婚女性可能会发现她们不仅要疾病斗争而且还要承受离婚带来压力

    Married women diagnosed with a serious health condition may find themselves struggling with the impact of their disease while also experiencing the stress of divorce.


  • 祖父母计划组织中,父母逼着生育孩子可以获得一些客观的信息——关于生养他们自己的孩子可能带来的精神错乱

    At Planned Grandparenthood, children targeted by their parents to reproduce could obtain non-biased information about the insanity of having their own kids.


  • 如果野心正确看待,那么它所带来回报——财富、名望命运的掌控——就必须认为是值得牺牲

    If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one's destinymust be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf.


  • 如果野心正确看待,那么它所带来回报——财富、名望命运掌控——就必须认为是值得付出牺牲的。

    If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one's destinymust be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf.


  • 一旦完成了这个河流带来淤泥沉积在此处回报丰厚的:产量雨水滋养的土壤的

    Once this was done and the silt carried down by the rivers was planted, the rewards were rich: four to five times what rain-fed earth would produce.


  • 伤害这样模糊的——例如,指的是情感上的伤害吗?那么人类员工取代会造成伤害吗?——抽象概念带来编码问题

    A word such as "harm" is vague (what about emotional harm? Is replacing a human employee harm?), and abstract concepts present coding problems.


  • 海狸鼠是阿根廷皮毛养殖者带来的放归野外

    Nutria were brought there from Argentina by fur farmers and let go into the wild.


  • 野兽撕裂的,没有带来,是我自己上。

    I did not bring you animals torn by wild beasts; I bore the loss myself.


  • 野兽撕碎,看守的带来当作证据,所不必赔还。

    If it was torn to pieces by a wild animal, he shall bring in the remains as evidence and he will not be required to pay for the torn animal.


  • 大多数赞同精益观点更喜欢拉动不是传统推动系统因为前者认为带来卓越表现生产力

    Most people who subscribe to lean ideas prefer pull systems as opposed to traditional push systems as they are deemed to be superior for performance and productivity.


  • 亚洲孩子们进行如此大规模考试认为是天经地义的,不会带来害处产生焦虑

    In Asia, such a march of tests for young children was regarded as normal, and not evil or particularly anxiety provoking.


  • 批评人士指出20世纪全球地表温度记录一定程度上可能城镇带来的热量以及其他因素侵蚀过。

    Some critics argue that the global record of land surface temperature over the 20th century could be to some extent corrupted by heat from towns and other factors.


  • 稳定性带来好处可能夸大。

    It is possible to overstate the benefits of stabilization.


  • 这种精简导航很明显会给用户带来钓鱼危险因为使用户无法很容易地看到当前网站域名SSL状态

    This new streamlined navigation bar obviously poses some phishing risks, because it doesn't make the domain and SSL status of the current site easily visible to users.


  • 那些混血儿能够多数派一边,另一只脚踩在少数派一边”,以这种方式缓冲感觉自己记号化”带来消极影响

    "The multiracial kids are able to" place one foot in the majority and one in the minority group, and in this way might be buffered against the negative consequences of feeling tokenized.


  • 也许有人命令他们他们忍受许多延迟梦境带来恐惧失败

    They could've been told to succumb to the fear and frustration of so many dreams deferred.


  • 但是,这种积极影响气候变暖带来干旱抵消限制南半球植物生长导致全球土地生产力出现负增长

    But that effect was offset by warming-associated drought that limited growth in the Southern Hemisphere, resulting in a net global loss of land productivity.


  • 呼喊所带来震撼认为促成袭击结束

    The shock effect is believed to have helped to end the assault.


  • 去年方玄昌发表了一系列文章质疑“肖氏程序”的效力也许就是这个带来袭击的祸端。

    Last year, Fang Xuanchang published a series of articles questioning its efficacy, which may have prompted the attacks on him.


  • 曾经熟悉艾泽拉斯世界,这同时也给玩家带来了全新冒险机遇

    Players will explore once-familiar areas of the world that have been reshaped by the devastation and filled with new opportunities for adventure.


  • 全球化一度认为带来水涨船高效应。

    Globalization was said to be the rising tide that would lift all boats.


  • 全球化一度认为带来水涨船高效应。

    Globalization was said to be the rising tide that would lift all boats.


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