• 拉希·摩尔兰杰·纳维·辛格旗子展开时候,安全警报游客提醒有关人员

    Mount Rushmore Ranger Nav Singh said security warnings and tourists alerted officials when the banner was unrolled.


  • 警方根据谋杀的假定展开调查。

    The police are working on the supposition that he was murdered.


  • 有时关于右脑先天后天争论时,我会立刻代表个人所有女性展开激烈的争论。

    Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus right brain, or nature versus nurture, I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.


  • 选择一个元素时,立即成为任务上下文一部分并且被展开

    As soon as you select an element, it becomes part of the task context and unfolds.


  • 准许一周工作让他得以展开房地产管理生意

    He was given permission to work three days a week, which allowed him to start the part-time property management business he envisioned.


  • 使查看能够控制对象状态,而不用考虑域对象是否展开或是破坏

    This is what allows the viewer to control the state of the domain objects, whether they are expanded or collapsed.


  • 年幼孩子虽然已经放到另一个房间上了,因为中间还开着,所以大家可以听到他们中间展开热烈讨论

    The younger children had been put to bed in another room, but with an open door between, so that they could be heard talking busily among themselves.


  • “时代奇迹”这个称号即将大都会艺术博物馆展开一项关于印度绘画800”的最新浩大调查项目所借用

    That title has been borrowed for an ambitious new survey of 800 years of Indian painting that is about to open at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


  • 于是同事们紧锣密鼓地展开实验将分离出的细菌进行了各种复杂分析是否细菌利用了。

    She and her colleagues then began to subject the microbes to sophisticated analyses to see if arsenic had been utilized by the bacteria.


  • 摄影小贴士捕捉亲密瞬间摄影师必须学会获取摄者的信任,还要学会在适当的时候自己“隐身”,生活得以自然地展开

    Photo Tip: to capture an intimate moment, the photographer must learn how to earn the trust of the subject, as well as when to "disappear" and let life unfold.


  • 一旦这些影响充分地理解它们就能够作为针对自动展开构建某些后续建议组成部分而发挥其作用。

    Once the impacts are fully understood, they can be leveraged as part of some of the later Suggestions around automating deployments and builds.


  • 一旦这个解决方案展开评估NPV作为实际结果对照度量具有非常重要的地位。

    Once the solution is deployed, the estimated NPV will become important as a measure against which actual results are compared.


  • 在沉寂了若干年以后本月印度国大党就“人口稳定问题又展开了辩论,此举外界认为是一种进步象征

    It was considered a sign of progress that India's Parliament debated "population stabilization" this month after largely ignoring the issue for years.


  • 热忱高涨时,可记事簿里,记录激发热忱的环境,以及因为热忱表现出来的举动:会因为激励而展开行动吗?

    When your enthusiasm runs high, make a not e of it in a notebook. Write down the circumstances that inspired you and the manifestations of that enthusiasm.


  • 他们展开调查重新分配人员表示那些需要对此负责任的人已经停职,或者一些严重案件起诉

    They have opened investigations, reassigned personnel and have indicated that those responsible will be suspended from their positions and in serious cases, prosecuted.


  • 许多改革派人士剥夺竞选权利,竞选基本上保守派不同派系之间展开

    With many reformists locked out of the electoral process, the contests were primarily between different factions in the conservative camp.


  • 如果展开效果不是100%顺畅,那么这种物理媒介幻觉破灭,那么又得界面困扰等待更新

    If the scrolling effect isn't 100% smooth, this illusion of physical media breaks down and you're back to struggling with an interface, waiting for it to catch up.


  • 美国会评级机构危机中的作用展开调查,作为穆迪公司最大的股票持有人之一,巴菲特牵扯进这场风暴

    The US congress is investigating the impact made by rating agencies on the crisis. And Buffett was asked to testify because he is the largest shareholder in Moody's Corp.


  • 公司目标之一似乎建立实时特定个人档案,从而确立卷入什么一起,以及事件如何展开等。

    One of the firm's aims seems to be to create real-time dossiers on particular individuals that will establish who is involved, with what, and how events might unfold.


  • 展开说明这个方法之前我们看一下实时信息怎样传递接收的。

    But before we get to that, let's explore how real-time content is currently delivered and consumed.


  • 绝大多数围绕植物如何自我防卫展开,例如释放毒素或者在附近无关植物吃掉资源集中于它们免疫系统

    Much of it described how plants defended themselves, producing toxins and concentrating resources on their immune systems when unrelated neighboring plants were eaten.


  • 决赛炎热潮湿环境展开之前斯齐亚沃尼一直看好去年冠军头衔看起来她占尽优势。

    Going into the final, which was played in hot, humid conditions, Schiavone was the perceived favourite, the experience of her title run last year seemingly giving her the edge.


  • 大海眼前展开或这一些极小的所隔断,水面翻着浪花,水色深暗神秘。

    The ocean was spread out before me, interrupted only by a tiny island here and there. The water's surface was choppy with whitecaps and it looked dark and mysterious.


  • 如果展开这个区段看到应用虚拟系统服务完整历史

    If you expand this section, you will see a complete history of the service that has been applied to the virtual system.


  • 电影的主要角色小丑鱼马林儿子,尼莫潜水牙医捉走,马林非常担心儿子的安危,并展开营救尼莫的任务。

    The central character is Nemo the son of Marlin a clownfish. Marlin is concerned about Nemo's safety but a scuba diving dentist captures Nemo.


  • 杜兰释放后,奥克利展开艾迪德谈判最终达成了个算是休战的协议。

    After Durant's release, Oakley opened negotiations with Aidid and eventually secured a truce of sorts.


  • 杜兰释放后,奥克利展开艾迪德谈判最终达成了个算是休战的协议。

    After Durant's release, Oakley opened negotiations with Aidid and eventually secured a truce of sorts.


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