• 幸存者鲨鱼恐惧,特别是因为卖座电影大白鲨”的宣传,无限的扭曲夸大。

    The survivors said the fear inspired by sharks, most famously in the massively popular film "Jaws," is hugely distorted.


  • 全球最大零售商沃尔玛指控通过虚假打折宣传他们商店出售商品来误导消费者

    And, Walmart, the world's largest retailer, has been accused of misleading consumers nationwide by advertising false discounts on goods sold in their stores.


  • 但是数百位薪资最高者与宣传形象不符的事实浮现出来时一透明化的举动也破坏掉了。

    This claim was undermined when it emerged that hundreds of its highest earners were hidden from the published figures.


  • 此设备宣传成行动能力受限使用轮椅替代品。在手杖的帮助下,机械框架帮助使用者直立行走

    Billed as an alternative to the wheelchair for those with restricted mobility, the frame can help users to walk upright with the aid of sticks.


  • 好斗同伴们12月4日拘捕。这一天个庆祝“国家团结”的新兴节日,不过却极端民族主义者操纵,用来游行宣传他们的民族主义口号

    He and his combative comrade were detained on November 4th, a new holiday of "national unity" that has been hijacked by ultra-nationalists as their day to march and shout racist slogans.


  • 作为普通买楼者,脚踏售楼处,面对巧舌如簧销售人员花花绿绿宣传资料所包围还能保持清醒的头脑吗? ?

    As a general property, one foot into the sales offices, in the face of sophisticated marketing personnel, surrounded by colorful promotional information, you can keep a cool head?


  • 苹果AT&T最近可谓麻烦连连本月 他们已经第三消费者起诉在宣传iPhone 3GS时有误导消费者行为,这位用户宣称两家厂商欺骗消费者称iPhone 3GS能够支持彩信功能,而目前的实际产品上却无法实现这种功能 。

    For at least the third time this month, Apple and AT&T are being sued by a consumer complaining of being duped into believing that multimedia messaging, or MMS, was already available on the iPhone.


  • 近些年来,巧克力对于健康益处广泛宣传,这让了巧克力的爱好者有了正大光明的理由肆无忌惮的成迷其中。 。

    Thee well-publicised health benefits of dark chocolate have given many chocolate lovers an added reason to indulge in recent years.


  • 突破传统广告宣传模式突出塑造报道者魅力风采,提高企业知名度影响力

    It breaks through the traditional advertisement mode, highlights the charm of the interviewer, and promotes the popularities and influences of enterprises.


  • 所有8家酒店宣传完毕16周期间结束时,会在正确猜出至少4宣传酒店的参与者举办抽奖(“国际抽奖”)。

    At the end of the 16 weeks after all 8 Properties have been featured, a draw (" International draw ") will be conducted from the Participants who correctly guessed at least 4 featured Properties.


  • 一个预告片不能代表宣传影片,观众在实际观看影片的时候发现预告片影片的内容、人物情节均不符合,那么观众就是预告片给骗了,成了预告片陷阱受害者。

    When a trailer misrepresents the movie it advertises, when you view the actual movie, you see the trailer has nothing to do with the narrative, characters or plot. You are a victim of trailer fraud.


  • 一个预告片不能代表宣传影片,观众在实际观看影片的时候发现预告片影片的内容、人物情节均不符合,那么观众就是预告片给骗了,成了预告片陷阱受害者。

    When a trailer misrepresents the movie it advertises, when you view the actual movie, you see the trailer has nothing to do with the narrative 1, characters or plot. You are a victim of trailer fraud.


  • 一个预告片不能代表宣传影片,观众在实际观看影片的时候发现预告片影片的内容、人物情节均不符合,那么观众就是预告片给骗了,成了预告片陷阱受害者。

    When a trailer misrepresents the movie it advertises, when you view the actual movie, you see the trailer has nothing to do with the narrative 1, characters or plot. You are a victim of trailer fraud.


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