• 小路车辆得满满的。

    The small roads are chock-a-block with traffic.


  • 米蒂国家公园的路塌方而关闭

    Roads into Yosemite National Park are closed due to landslides.


  • 奇怪是,这些马赛克创造出来的时候,大多数所代表物种没有生活瑞斯地区

    Oddly, most of the species represented did not live in the Sepphoris region when these mosaics were created.


  • 特雷问到声誉受到打击的问题。

    Tressel was asked about his reputation taking a hit.


  • 然而尔维亚要求逮捕,这损害波黑的关系

    But his arrest at the behest of Serbia will damage its relations with Bosnia.


  • 因为合同已经终止弥尔不得不一个帐篷里过夜这份工作依据安全性来讲危险的,可以一些

    Because his contract had been terminated, Samuel had to move to a tent to stay over. The job was dangerous in terms of security, but he could earn some money.


  • 火花点燃火花附近燃料混合物,这就降低燃烧效率并且随着使用年限增加火花中的金属慢慢侵蚀

    Spark plugs only ignite the fuel mixture near the spark gap, reducing the combustion efficiency, and the metal that makes them up is slowly eroded as they age.


  • 那以后今年越南菲律宾大量象牙缉获,团队准备利用他们DNA地图追踪这些象牙的来源

    Since then, major seizures of ivory have been made in Vietnam and the Philippines, both this year, and Wasser and his team are now preparing to use their DNA map to trace its origins.


  • 他们来说更大问题多创造农业奇迹可以其他国家借鉴吗? ,尤其是非洲,引进方法经常在这里行不通

    The bigger question for them is: can the miracle of the cerrado be exported, especially to Africa, where the good intentions of outsiders have so often shrivelled and died?


  • 人们怀疑如何何时为何的同时发现卡里格不是一个完整的圆圈,在东北部弄平了。

    A mystery on how, when and why it was built, the Castlerigg is not a full circle and is flattened on the northeast.


  • 但是索尔那时候,现在也是有钱出口商人,做火腿奶酪生意,而米莉亚跟娱乐界曾经有过的故事林格的“间谍机构”得好好的

    But Sol was, and is, a prosperous importer of hams and cheeses, and any connection he or Miriam ever had with show business is well hidden by the Salinger counterintelligence apparatus.


  • 原来爱情世界很大多少幸福还是空隙; 原来爱情的世界很小过就变成废墟

    The love world is big, it still has space for more happiness; the love world is small which will be ruined after one tread.


  • 尽管辞职双方同意”的,但没有怀疑先生愤怒地走的。

    Though the resignation wasmutually agreed”, no one doubts that Mr Thain was given an angry boot.


  • 屋子一侧缸子更多,里面的海龟沙丁鱼一样得满满的。

    On the other side of the building turtles are pack Ed like sardines into more tanks.


  • 南奥最近战争也许格鲁吉亚所触发的,这场战争很大程度俄罗斯所策划多年来,俄罗斯都在煽动地区冲突火焰

    The latest fighting inSouth Ossetia may have been triggered by the Georgians, but it waslargely engineered by the Russians, who have, over the years, fannedthe flames of the conflict.


  • 作者意大利艺术家路易吉·菲尼,该书认为另一个世界百科全书。

    Created by Italian artist Luigi Serafini, the book is supposed to be an encyclopedia of another world.


  • 上周一系列骤发洪水泥流巴西里约热内卢附近拉纳山地区爆发,建筑道路破坏

    Last week, a series of flash floods and mudslides struck the Serrana mountain region near Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil, destroying buildings roads and more.


  • 出示红牌的球队包括意大利克罗地亚捷克荷兰葡萄牙

    Other countries with two reds were Italy, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Portugal and Serbia-Montenegro.


  • 残雪作品确实属于现代主义但是曾经早期作家影响过例如万提斯的《唐吉可德》。

    CX: My works do belong to modernism, but I was also influenced by earlier writers, such Cervantes's Don Quixote.


  • 就如过去年中大部分光阴岁月今天特医生仍然卡斯的“桃花”的地牢里。

    Today, like most days for the better part of the past eight years, he is locked away in a dungeon on Fidel Castro's island paradise.


  • 托语是非洲最早书写语言之一(主要归功于教士),有着丰富文学

    Sesotho, one of the first African languages to be written down (mostly by missionaries), has an extensive literature.


  • 最大的空间用于展示尔姆格伦加里特所创造艺术品

    The main space is used for fabricating artworks created by Mr. Elmgreen and Mr. Dragset.


  • 一些理论费希尔驳回。

    Some of Gesell's theories were rejected by Fisher.


  • 从更程度上说,正是林格那本著名作品回忆,人们的热情燃起。

    To a large extent, the excitement is fueled by memories of Salinger's most famous work.


  • 而阿女士就能够展示出这种结果获得的可能性,哪怕运用再少推测

    Ms Athey has shown that strong results can still be obtained even if you assume much less.


  • 盗梦空间极佳展示了克里斯托弗·诺兰时间空间把握,但是斯科的“特般恶魔”压抑种种的更深层次让人不安挖掘

    "Inception" was an impressive demonstration of Christopher Nolan's command of time and space, but Scorsese's gothic nightmare was an altogether deeper and more troubling excavation of the repressed.


  • 现在这幢建筑仍然-维提(1816 -60)后裔所拥有,朱佩-维提是环游世界出售沃尔·泰拉著名商品——雪花石膏——的商人

    This building is still occupied by the descendants of Giuseppe Viti (1816-60), a merchant who travelled the world selling Volterra's most famous commodity - alabaster.


  • 贝尼特斯排兵选择困扰不仅仅在于留在西德郡名球员

    Benítez's selection problems are not limited to the five players who will be left behind on Merseyside today.


  • 泰特美术馆眼下举办美术中,一位令人难以理解的美国艺术家•托姆布雷,泛称为后抽象表现主义者,其参展的作品大都是不人们熟悉的。

    MANY of the most delightful pieces in the Tate show of art by Cy Twombly, an elusive American artist commonly described as a post-Abstract Expressionist, are among his least familiar works.


  • 泰特美术馆眼下举办美术中,一位令人难以理解的美国艺术家•托姆布雷,泛称为后抽象表现主义者,其参展的作品大都是不人们熟悉的。

    MANY of the most delightful pieces in the Tate show of art by Cy Twombly, an elusive American artist commonly described as a post-Abstract Expressionist, are among his least familiar works.


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