• 呼叫的方法一定位于堆叠中的较高层

    The called method is always higher in the stack.


  • 指示指标参数呼叫程序传回呼叫程序(从伺服器到用户端)。

    Indicates that the pointer parameter is returned from the called procedure to the calling procedure (from the server to the client).


  • 地球建筑物外面墙壁砖块连同呼叫工具一起包装构造用黏土填塞。

    The outside walls of the earth buildings are constructed of brick and mud packed together with tools called tamps.


  • 农场工厂呼叫中心实验室人们也许可以为机器人取代机器只能那些适合自动化的活儿。

    People may be replaced by robots on farms, in factories, call centres and laboratories but machines can only do work that lends itself to automation.


  • 接收到信号显式唤醒呼叫唤醒之后,进程转变为TASK_RUNNING状态。

    Once signalled or awoken by explicit wake-up call, the process transitions to TASK_RUNNING.


  • (事实上,经常听到的唯一的噪音就是鸟叫声或者猫咪调皮的打闹声,不要为什么),我曾经生活纽约市而且过去十年里每年都回去拜访我的家人好几趟,所以我非常清楚那里汽车的嘈杂声,救护车的呼叫声,慌张的脚步,还有数小时的堵车包围着的感觉。

    Don’t ask.) But I’ve lived in NYC and have been visiting my family there several times a year for over a decade.


  • 然而,许多出于恐惧对于使用技术小心翼翼,他们对此保持太多接触——因而他们时间往往恼人的电子邮件电话呼叫消磨掉了。

    Many individuals are gun shy about using technology out of fear that they’ll remain too much in touch — that their time will be consumed by intrusive e-mails and cell phone calls. Fair enough.


  • 成衣制造商找不到足够的拥有基础文化水平工人旅馆商店只能眼睁睁看着会说英语员工呼叫中心挖走。

    Garment-makers cannot find enough workers with even the basic literacy they need. Hotels and shops see English-speaking staff lured away by call centres.


  • 空气污染一直没有消失但是这些专用分组交换机却已经直拨电话计算机化的路由呼叫系统替代了。

    Air pollution hasn't gone away, but these PBX RIGS have been replaced just about everywhere by direct-dial phone lines and computerized call-routing systems.


  • 如果某人严重呼吸问题护理严重呼吸暂停或急促呼吸(不是不通气引起的呼吸问题),呼叫999救护车

    If you or someone you are caring for has bad breathing problems such as severe breathlessness or very fast breathing (not just breathing problems from a stuffy nose), call 999 for an ambulance.


  • 似乎见到情景住了,突然站起来立即呼叫请求医疗救助

    The C.O. seems a little shocked at what he sees. He springs to his feet and immediately calls for medical assistance.


  • 斯普林特公司声称没有发现没有人提交任何明确日期证据说明电话呼叫转接了”。但这种说法令人难以信服

    Sprint maintains that it "has neither found nor been presented with any evidence to date that calls have been diverted".


  • 4所展示http呼叫基于。NET的OnCastCIL中,转换为HTTPCommand对象

    As figure 4 illustrates the HTTP call is translated into a HTTPCommand object in the.net based OnCast CIL library.


  • ibm收购之后,Daksh那些从事呼叫中心其他基本商务过程外包”业务印度员工已经去年4月的6000人骤增至20000人。

    Under IBM's ownership, the Indian workforce of Daksh, which runs call centres and does other basic "business process outsourcing", has grown from 6, 000 in April 2004 to over 20, 000.


  • 按照理解呼叫表达探讨会上的提问或者某人请求帮助

    As I understand the Call is expressed by a question on consultation or the request for the help to someone.


  • 乘客移转出租汽车公司收音机系统失去项目呼叫可能收费。

    Passengers may also be charged for calls made over the taxi companies' radio systems to find lost items.


  • 此次呼叫对方谢绝。他可能使用了呼叫识别服务接收已经承认呼叫呼叫

    The call was rejected by the person you called. The person may be using a caller identification service, and may only accept calls from recognized callers.


  • 外包呼叫中心出口服务你的电话体积技术担忧正在办理压力

    By outsourcing your call centre inbound service your call volume and technical worries are dealt with, taking the pressure from you.


  • 电话系统选项允许出局呼叫放入根中继线路中。

    An option on a telephone system which allows outgoing calls to be put in line for one or several trunks.


  • 使用固定电话禁用呼叫等待。若面试未接电话正在呼入的电话打断,这会增加紧张感。

    Use a land line, and disable call waiting. Interruptions caused by dropped or incoming calls just add stress you don't need.


  • 呼叫程序呼叫程序之间需要媒介情况下,委派相当有用

    Delegates are useful in situations where you need an intermediary between a calling procedure and the procedure being called.


  • 需求程序呼叫叫用堆叠查核行程,在堆叠检查直接间接呼叫程序码的所有呼叫端。

    Demands invoke a stack walk, in which all callers that directly or indirectly call your code are checked on the stack when your code is called.


  • 测试工具可以模拟多个SIP用户代理同时SIP服务器发出呼叫通过统计这些呼叫处理情况来反映系统性能

    The test tool simulates multiple SIP user agents to call the tested SIP server simultaneously and reflects the performance of the tested system by making statistic of the status of processed calls.


  • 如果知道呼叫程序码是以何种语言所撰写,您就不太可能会知道元件所公开功能是否能呼叫所存取。

    In cases where you do not know which language the calling code will be written in, you are unlikely to know whether the features your component exposes are accessible to the caller.


  • 事实上尽管电子商务模式认为核心竞争力七天连锁酒店并未放弃传统呼叫中心方式

    But in fact, despite e-commerce model is considered to be core competencies, seven hotel chains also did not give up the traditional call center approach.


  • 但是现在一家英国公司呼叫EEV已经提出自动地全部一个计算机处理的电视系统

    But now a British company called EEV has come up with a computerized video system that can do it all automatically.


  • 恢复本因为许多著,那些污灵大声呼叫就出来了;还有许多瘫痪瘸腿的,也都治好了

    For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.


  • 恢复本因为许多著,那些污灵大声呼叫就出来了;还有许多瘫痪瘸腿的,也都治好了

    For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定