• 尽管个人伤害索赔一如既往继续着,但有些法庭开始支持被告特别是处理那些警示语也无济于事的案件时。

    As personal injury claims continue as before, some courts are beginning to side with defendants, especially in cases where a warning label probably wouldn't have changed anything.


  • 学生被告知人是可以改变的,他们能更好应对压力部分原因是他们觉得自己资源应对费时费力情况

    When students were taught that people can change, they had better responses to stress, in part because they felt like they had the resources to deal with the demanding situation.


  • 原告被告成功通过了第一项测试。

    The accused and accusers all succeed in outweighing the Bible.


  • 布莱卫,好好望着被告回想从前的事情,再您的灵魂良心告诉我们是否确实认为这个就是您从前监狱里朋友阿让。

    Brevet, take a good look at the accused, recall your souvenirs, and tell us on your soul and conscience, if you persist in recognizing this man as your former companion in the galleys, jean Valjean?


  • 加州检察长杰里·布朗州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格是本案被告,却不寻常拒绝出庭支持8号提议案。

    In an unusual move, the original defendants, California Attorney General Jerry Brown and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, refused to support Proposition 8 in court.


  • 所有被告假定无罪有权获得律师的辩护,刑事诉讼权利受限制遍及每个

    All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty and have the right to an attorney, and criminal procedure rights are extended to all persons without limitation.


  • 像国际刑事法庭这般耐心被告不遗余力制造事端审讯中作梗,而Moreno - Ocampo先生表明签发国际逮捕令

    Nor is the ICC likely to be patient: should the accused stir up trouble in their efforts to stymie a trial, says Mr Moreno-Ocampo, an international arrest warrant will be issued.


  • 被告审讯之前信息便被有选择泄露给外界,这往往会产生一种犯罪假设,而这无论是法庭上还是公众印象很难改变

    Information is selectively leaked to reporters before the accused come to trial, often creating a presumption of guilt that is difficult to reverse, whether in court or in the public mind.


  • 花花公子采访马尔科姆之后,哈雷成功说服知”的自传中一起合作

    After interviewing Malcolm for Playboy, Haley persuaded him to collaborate on an "as told to" autobiography.


  • 法律详细规定的有,警官处理照片一列指认嫌疑人不能先入为主知道嫌犯,目击证人指证时也警察知道谁是嫌犯。

    The laws specify, for example, that the police officer administering a photo or live lineup should not know who the suspect is, and the witness should be told that the officer does not know.


  • 被告成功获得驳回上诉却没得任何诉讼费。

    The defendants successfully obtained the dismissal of an appeal but were awarded no costs.


  • 被告成功让法院驳回了上诉却没得任何诉讼费。

    The defendants successfully obtained the dismissal of an appeal, but were awarded no costs.


  • 一周以后被试重新回来进行目击者描述他们自己搭档看到的是另一种版本的录像,因此需要其准确肯定一手信息

    A week later, the subjects returned to give a witness statement, whereupon they were told that their partner might have seen a different video and therefore to stick firmly to first-hand information.


  • 作为回应,被告律师谈判使用这些词汇分析他们自己的文件分析结果帮助他们有效抗辩

    In response, he said, the defense lawyers used those words to analyze their own documents during the negotiations, and those results helped them bargain more effectively, Mr. Sullivan said.


  • 许多认为解决方案在于加强金融监管主要原因就是他们遍又一遍银行业于监管。

    One main reason so many people think more financial regulation is the answer is that they have been told over and over that the financial sector is unregulated.


  • 第三控制组,这组的被情况下自由回忆抢劫案

    The third group was a control. Participants were told to recall the robbery freely on both occasions.


  • 或许印度更好被告他们就会觉得能被授权拒绝行贿。

    Perhaps when Indians are better informed they will feel more empowered and refuse to pay.


  • 他们/她们需要五分钟完成这个任务,但是做到分钟的时候却被打断严厉告知要更加快速完成这个算术任务

    They were told they had five minutes to complete it but were interrupted after two minutes and told harshly to carry out the arithmetic more quickly.


  • 遇难者家庭成员他们只能深夜悄悄埋葬遇难者,否则不能带走尸体

    Families of victims have been told they cannot take their bodies unless they are buried quietly at night.


  • 毫无疑问,已经千百编写代码时一定要添加注释

    I'm sure you have been told a number of times that you should write comments in your code.


  • 近几年来,我们不断股票一种最好长期投资

    Stocks, we have been told again and again through the years, are the best long-term investment.


  • 他们他们已经失去了一些珍贵的东西,所以也就悲痛轻易相信

    They were told they have lost something precious, and so the more credulous grieved.


  • [参考译文]随着有关个人伤害指控一如既往继续有些法庭开始偏向被告尤其是审理那些警告标签可能不到什么作用的案件的时候。

    As personal injury claims continue as before, some courts are beginning to side with defendants, especially in casesswheresa warning label probably wouldn't have changed anything.


  • 倒是一回被告可以全面、更自由报道,当真临表涕零了

    But this is the first time that we've received an advisory saying we can report more extensively, more freely.


  • 因为机场往往“机”满为患飞机频繁必须首都上空盘旋打转,这徒噪音之大给人们带来的痛苦

    Because the airport is often congested, aircraft are frequently directed to circle over the capital, increasing the misery.


  • 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿参观斯塔布尔宾办公室的人们,斯塔布尔宾多次试图在四壁上行走——结果只是痛苦被墙壁了回来。

    Visitors to Stubblebine's offices at Arlington, Virginia, are told of him repeatedly walking at walls - only to bounce painfully off them.


  • 到了接待处珀尔幸运被告知,刚好有人取消小时之后的面试,她可以填那个空缺。

    Pearl was fortunate at Reception, somebody had cancelled their interview for an hour ahead.


  • 刘易斯一家acu - Gen总裁抱怨时,他们,“我们可以肯定遗传上说你们怀是个男性,”的是他们记录的谈话笔录

    When the Lewises complained to Acu-Gen's President, they were told, "we are very sure that genetically you are having a male," she said, reading a transcript of the conversation, which they recorded.


  • 桑德伯格的回答后,米歇尔亲切“我坐在一起,重新采访这个问题。”

    When told of Sandberg’s answer, Mitchell affectionately said, “I’m going to have to sit with her and revisit this.”


  • 桑德伯格的回答后,米歇尔亲切“我坐在一起,重新采访这个问题。”

    When told of Sandberg’s answer, Mitchell affectionately said, “I’m going to have to sit with her and revisit this.”


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