• 不是是指一种具争议性无法否定显现方法

    No. I mean by a method of revelation that is incontrovertible; that cannot be denied.


  • 不是是指一种具争议性无法否定显现方法

    No. I mean by a method of revelation that is incontrovertible ; that cannot be denied.


  • 物权行为理论德国民法理论基础我国长期处于否定的地位。

    The theory of Juristic Act of Real Right is the basis of German civil law, but it has been negated in China for a long time.


  • 当中国四分五裂时候也许是理想否定的关系,这个理想显现更为迫切。

    At times when the fact was division and disunity, the ideal manifested itself even more fervently, perhaps just because of its being denied in fact.


  • 幼儿教育小学化一种较为普遍否定教育现象,要求纠正防止错误教育倾向

    Early Childhood education "Primary" is a more universal education was in the negative, are required to prevent and correct the errors tend to education.


  • 其他否定衣服还包括印有标语T恤(32%的英国认为得体花哨领带(26%的人反对)。

    Other items of clothing to get the thumbs down, included slogan T-shirts (deemed inappropriate by 32 percent of Brits) and novelty ties (26 percent).


  • 阿列克谢耶维奇并非按照正式历史文献描述历史,而是个人经历机密档案以及忘却、否定资料中挖掘

    Alexeyevich is not in the formal history of the historical literature to describe the history, but from the personal experience, confidential archives and from the forgotten, the negative data mining.


  • 问及自己目前工作的看法时,无论如何都不能否定态度。

    When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it.


  • 想法认为离题而遭否定

    His idea was rejected as an irrelevance.


  • 尽管神经能量之间质量差异从未严格否定,但一学说普遍放弃相反的观点则支持

    Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was never rigidly disproved, the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view.


  • 另一个促使人们倾向否定本性难移假设因素概念经常滥用当作大多数不人道行为挡箭牌

    Another factor contributing to the tendency to deny the assumption of a fixed human nature was that the concept has so often been abused as a shield behind which the most inhuman acts are committed.


  • 建议否定了。

    His suggestion was knocked down.


  • 如果答案是否定他们立刻抱怨那些强迫遵守规定的国家处于竞争劣势

    And, if not, they rightly complain that those who are forced to comply will be at a competitive disadvantage.


  • 生物学家认为神经机制无法模仿至少无法通过电脑软件模拟出可匹敌能力灵活性,对此,库韦尔也予以了否定

    He defies biologists to come up with a neurological mechanism that could not be modeled or at least matched in power and flexibility by software running on a computer.


  • 渡边百合子曼格日本公司发言人表示沃克评论解释格纳和吉利进行谈判肯定否定

    Yuriko Watanabe, a spokeswoman for Magna's Japan unit, said Walker's comment should not be interpreted as confirmation or denial that Magna held discussions with Geely.


  • 由于缺乏证据由于OK一词产生于那些可能产生该词的事情以前,这些流行的说法可能否定

    These can all be dismissed because of lack of evidence or because OK predates the events that supposedly led to creation.


  • 认同和顺从这些“真理”的【即使的】代理人,得到利益;否定这些真理的,即使他们正确的,忠诚怀疑。

    Those agents who confirm this perceived truth - even if it is wrong - prosper. Those who deny it - even if they are right - fall under suspicion.


  • 现实如果有些东西被否定不一定就是的。

    In reality, something is not necessarily bad if it's negated.


  • 多年来,有些民族的历史否定,但他们现在已经开始寻找自我,通常以和平建设性方式偶尔也诉诸宗派主义和流血。

    People who for years have been denied theirpasts, have began searching for their own identities, oftenthrough peaceful and constructive means, occasionally throughfactionalism and blood shed.


  • 至于尼,上面提到的佛教为中心的方案否定了,但是复兴此地的努力已经开始。

    As for Lumbini, the Buddha scheme has been shot down, but attempts to revive it are already under way.


  • 我们动物的时候,当我们得悉它们怎样饲养的如何虐待的,本能告诉我们怎么办,否定我们本能我们来说是有害的。

    Denying our instinct -- the voicethat tells us this when we eat animals, when we hear about how they areraised and mistreated -- is unhealthy for us.


  • 这些证据尼斯湖水怪的真实性既没有否定没有证实----尽管那些坐在研究室科学家可能不同意尼斯湖水怪的存在。

    Because of this evidence, The Loch Ness Monster has been neither confirmed nor deniedthough the scientists in the room may beg to differ.


  • 忽略对话开幕,对长期否定非凡潜力号召,对长期遗忘的医疗之爱的承认

    It is the opening of a dialogue too long ignored, the calling forth ofextraordinary potentials too long denied, the acknowledging of a healing lovetoo long left unspoken.


  • 重要否定艾滋病无法治愈的神话。

    More than anything, it defies the idea that HIV is incurable.


  • 参与来世这个项目经历甚至很多方面伊斯特伍德本人更为出色他的剧本也经历了起死回生经历,在几近被否定之后再次启用。

    His involvement in a project about the afterlife is in many ways even more remarkable than Mr. Eastwood's, and his script, as it happens, underwent a near-death experience and then a resurrection.


  • 糟的是,一些公司确实需要支持客户改变需求主动性工作否定因为他们建议没有最够强调联系

    Even worse, some initiatives the company actually needed to support customer changes were denied because their proposals did not sufficiently emphasize the link.


  • 如果这场计划公众否定预示希腊破产欧元区造成难以衡量的沉重打击

    If the plan was voted down by the country's citizens, foreboding bankruptcy of Greece, it would deal an unfathomable blow to the eurozone.


  • 如果这场计划公众否定预示希腊破产欧元区造成难以衡量的沉重打击

    If the plan was voted down by the country's citizens foreboding bankruptcy of Greece it would deal an unfathomable blow to the eurozone.


  • 推进刺激计划国会少量的票数领先而获得通过,提出用钱注资银行问题资产救助计划很明显国会否定了。

    He pushed his stimulus package through Congress by a wafer-thin margin; the Troubled Asset Relief Programme, money to be used for bailing out Banks, was originally turned down by Congress.


  • 推进刺激计划国会少量的票数领先而获得通过,提出用钱注资银行问题资产救助计划很明显国会否定了。

    He pushed his stimulus package through Congress by a wafer-thin margin; the Troubled Asset Relief Programme, money to be used for bailing out Banks, was originally turned down by Congress.


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