• 被动保护器材的通用语,该种器材攀登时被入岩缝用做锚点

    Chock - Universal term applied to passive protection piece wedged into cracks for use as a rope anchor during a climb.


  • 农村电网改造中,低压成套电器设备设计制造安装中的主动保护技术被动保护技术进行了探讨

    The paper discusses the active and passive protection technology for wiring design, manufacture and installation in country electro - network reconstruction.


  • 动物保护试验田间应用试验结果表明,制备的高免血清和用灭活油乳剂苗免疫雏鹅提供好的被动保护

    The experimental and field applications results proved that both means of the passive immunity can provided very good prevention for gosling against GNTVE.


  • 许多国家贷款人认为破产法缩减了他们权利也许有人期望提前要求更多保护措施。我明白了,这里主要是那个被动语态加虚拟语态中让我误解了。

    With lenders in most countries seeing their rights under bankruptcy law curtailed, they might have been expected to insist on more safeguards upfront.


  • 首席研究员弗瑞·艾伦伯:“这项研究让我们知道睡觉不仅仅被动保护记忆而是记忆巩固中起着积极主动的作用。”

    Head researcher Dr Jeffery Ellenbogen says: "This shows us that sleep does not just passively protect memories, but rather, plays an active role in memory consolidation."


  • 来自于那些填鸭式喂养鸭子身上获取的。这种行则为保护组织指称为残忍之行为。

    Foie gras is from the liver of a force-fed duck or goose, a practice that animal protection groups say is cruel.


  • 2010年5月,海蒂姐妹保护人士带到德国莱比锡动物园安家。

    Then she was brought to Germany in May by animal protectors and has settled down in Leipzig Zoo


  • 由于立法缺陷隐私权保护往往于无据,致使公民隐私权司法救济显得相当尴尬被动

    Because of legislation defect, protection of the right to privacy is utterly baseless from the Angle of law and it makes the judicial relief awkward and passive.


  • 目的研究黄芪合剂小鼠被动吸烟所致损害保护作用

    Objective: To study the protective effects of astragalus root mixture (AM) on injury caused by passive smoking of mice.


  • 流变阻尼器能够有效地改善被动系统性能,可保护隔震系统因过大水平变形而产生失效破坏

    Magnetorheological fluid damper can effectively improve the performance of passive isolation system and protect deformation of isolation layer against damage.


  • 在娱乐圈有“时尚劳模”雅号维多利亚-贝克汉姆最近保护组织PETA盯上,起因是维多利亚在不同场合所穿着佩戴的各种鳄鱼蜥蜴牛皮时装招致了这家组织的严重不满。

    Victoria Beckham has evidently risked the wrath of animal rights group PETA with her new bag collection made from crocodile, lizard and calf skins.


  • 可以被动凸轮保护器,可以是两个更多凸轮装置弹簧保护装置。

    Can be a passive CAM or a spring-loaded device with two or more camming pieces on a stem.


  • 有些被动——因为你们只是歇息里面,它创建了一个振动领域这个振动领域会本身特性保护你们情感灵性的精髓

    It's something passive, you just rest in it, and it creates a vibratory field that by its very nature protects your emotional and spiritual essence.


  • 但这不是问题关键保护系统只不过是在发生故障的一种补救办法一种比较被动办法

    This is not the crux of the issue, the protection system in the pump only after the failure of a remedy, is a relatively passive approach.


  • 驾驶员乘员汽车运行时必须系好安全带安全气囊属于被动安全装置只有安全带配合使用才能真正安全保护效果

    Drivers and passengers in the car must wear a seat belt, airbag is a passive safety device, only with the use of seat belts, in order to have a real security effect.


  • 被动安全系统事故保护乘客胶皮安全气囊安全带主动安全系统帮助预防事故,如absTCS

    Passive safety system protects the passengers in case of an accident such as airbag and seat-belt tightener. Active safety systems help prevent accidents such as ABS and TCS.


  • 特别行人保护碰撞车辆本身损坏被动安全性问题轿车车身外部造型设计的要求,做了比较详细讨论

    Especially the passive safety issues such as pedestrian protection and the damage to after vehicle collision in car body exterior design are discussed in detail.


  • 因为操作被动的,因此入侵者无法判断受到保护地区

    Because the operation is passive, intruders cannot identify the area being protected.


  • 随着被动疲劳程度的增加,通常HRV升高,HR降低可能生理抑制性保护作用。

    HRV increases and HR decreases with increasing passive fatigue level, which might show the physiological restrainable protection.


  • 并以家兔免疫血清小鼠进行被动免疫保护实验

    The immune rabbit sera were used for passive immunity test in mice.


  • 依附于大国保护安全机制中,澳大利亚军备控制裁军不扩散政策方面一个较为被动的旁观者。

    In the dependent regime of safety provided by the powerful nation, Australia has become a relatively passive on-looker in the fields of the arms control, disarmament and the nuclear non-proliferation.


  • 因此规范规定所有承载钢梁添加被动防火保护不必要

    This is resulting in the unnecessary specification of passive fire protection to all supporting steel beams.


  • 尽管爸爸妈妈们不断给予他们足够照料保护平复他们畏惧的小小心情,实际上他们确实是被动

    While mothers and fathers can assuage their fears to a significant extent by providing plenty of love, care, and protection, the fact is that there is not much the children can do for themselves.


  • 不是问题关键保护系统只不过发生故障的一种补救办法,是一种比较被动办法

    But that is not the crux of the issue, the protection system at pump only after the failure of a remedy, is a relatively passive approach.


  • 试验通过制备高效病毒性出血症高免卵黄抗体探讨高免卵黄抗体兔的被动免疫保护效果

    This experiment discussed the effect of yolk antibody on the passive immunity defense through preparing high-titer yolk antibody against the high-efficient rabbit's viral hemorrhage.


  • 实用新型作为室内一种烟气过滤器具不仅能够保护室内被动吸烟者身体健康,而且保持室内空气被污染。

    The utility model used as an indoor smoke gas filter appliance not only can protect the health of an indoor passive smoker, but also can keep the indoor air from being polluted.


  • 主动被动免疫可以达到保护易感者的目的。

    This may be achieved by active or passive immunization.


  • 被动植物自我防御包括物理化学防护,这些防护保护它们使病原体无法进入细菌或者侵略者放出一系列的不好闻的气味或是有毒的物质。

    Passive plant defense comprises physical and chemical barriers that prevent entry of pathogens, such as bacteria, or render tissues unpalatable or toxic to the invader.


  • 被动植物自我防御包括物理化学防护,这些防护保护它们使病原体无法进入细菌或者侵略者放出一系列的不好闻的气味或是有毒的物质。

    Passive plant defense comprises physical and chemical barriers that prevent entry of pathogens, such as bacteria, or render tissues unpalatable or toxic to the invader.


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