• 曾经大陆性陆地一部海洋岛屿不同,火山作用地质过程形成的岛屿包含可以运输到那里动植物

    Unlike Oceanic islands that were once part of continental landmasses, islands formed by such geological processes as volcanism contain only plants and animals that could be transported there.


  • 以前铅条看成设计一部时候相比,不同的。

    It was different from before when the lead strips were part of the design.


  • 生命认为是自然一部因此我们生存唯一途径就是自然和谐相处。

    Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.


  • 不同,皮刺能够轻易地植物茎上剥落,因为仅仅植物外层一种特征,刺那样是树木的一部

    Unlike a thorn, a prickle can be easily broken off the plant because it is really a feature of the outer layers rather than part of the wood, like a thorn.


  • 食品2008年列为柳州非物质文化遗产的一部,并于2012年《舌尖上的中国》节目介绍后开始流行。

    The food was listed as part of Liuzhou's intangible cultural heritage in 2008 and became popular after being introduced in the program A bite of China in 2012.


  • 个例子,经济学家游戏常见结果困扰,在此游戏中,一个游戏另一位玩者之间钱,然后他决定是否公正

    Economists were long puzzled, for example, by the routine outcome of a game in which one player divides a sum of money between himself and a competitor, who then decides whether the shares are fair.


  • RUP规程开发过程步骤”相关联,这些不同主题,如下一部描述的。

    RUP associates disciplines with "steps" of a development process, and these are divided into different subjects, as described in the next section.


  • 激光雷达数据显示一些已知以前认为不是卡拉科尔一部古代遗址实际上大规模城市一体的。

    Some known ancient sites not previously thought to be part of Caracol are actually integrated with the massive city, the LiDAR data have revealed.


  • 如果填空词汇权力有关(比如“领_”成“领导而不是领悟”)那么研究者便在私下者打

    For each of these that was filled out as a power word (" lead ", say, instead of "load") the participant was secretly given a score of one point.


  • 货币日常生活中最平常一部存在兑换一般当做理所当然。

    Money is such a routine part of everyday living that its existence and acceptance ordinarily are taken for granted.


  • 单元测试人员访问实际之外信息沟通工件重要

    It is very important the unit tester has access to artifacts that communicate decomposed information, outside of the actual use case.


  • 有的时候我们日子各种需要事情充斥着,那么10钟就体现理智理智区别

    Sometimes our days are so crammed with things to do that 10 minutes represents the difference between sanity and insanity.


  • 他们还是一个公司,大家憎恨微软叫阵的时候句座右铭恰如其

    It was the right thing to say when they were young and battling the hated Microsoft.


  • 比尔·斯通:(西邦尼胡的)模拟欧罗巴接近,甚至还要接近,因为我们这个地方完全没有探索过的。

    Bill Stone: the analog to Europa was very close, and even more so because the place we were going was completely unexplored.


  • 在比赛还有401秒的时候,里弗斯皮尔斯加内特雷•阿伦换下场,随后他们主教练拥抱一起。 而上赛季,里弗斯还差点辞退。

    Rivers pulled Pierce, Garnett and Allen with 4:01 left and they shared a group hug with their coach, who was nearly run out of town last season.


  • 去年莎拉波娃对手艾丽娜·戴蒙蒂娃进行之一赛时,跃入中央球场的裸奔者了一大跳。

    Last year, Maria Sharapova was startled by a streaker who leapt on to Centre Court during her quarter-final against Elena Dementieva.


  • 第一位天使吹号,就有雹子地上。 地之一之一了,一切青草烧了。

    The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.


  • 调查的人群中,将近五之一讲述了一段错失良机的爱情故事,其次遗憾家庭有关,16%的调查者后悔家人争吵,后悔孩提时,没有善待兄弟姐妹。

    The second most common regret involved family issues, with 16 percent of respondents expressing regret about a family squabble or having been unkind to a sibling as a child.


  • 这些让人紧张的信息一部夸大了,随着沙特阿拉伯迅速增长的通货膨胀,贬值的美元相挂钩导致了一系列让头痛的问题。

    Some of this nervousness is exaggerated. With inflation rising fast in Saudi Arabia, the link to a falling dollar is causing a growing headache.


  • 这种病毒的出现可追溯到感染疾病的黑长尾,当时这些猴子实验室已经肢解以进行小儿麻痹症研究,而这些猴子所感染的疾病乌干达出现的疾病十相似。

    The outbreak was traced to infected vervet monkeys cut up in the LABS for polio research; they came from close to the present outbreak in Uganda.


  • 如果事务标识或者说Xid作为IIOP调用一部方法参数一起传播远程对象

    If so, the transaction id, or Xid, is propagated to the remote object as part of the IIOP call along with the method parameters.


  • 南部—每5名白人男子就有一人丧生,百之九十地区铁路工厂遭到破坏。

    The south was devastated – one in five white males died and 90% of the region's railroads and factories were destroyed.


  • 之十通货膨胀埃及认为是良好的,货币贬值用来大规模惩罚储蓄资本积累

    A good rate of inflation in Egypt is considered to be 10 percent, and currency depreciation works as a massive punishment against savings and capital accumulation.


  • 随机电话调查中,将近之二(63%)认同这种留下记忆模式。 这种观点证实记忆是基于“目标和期望值”才回忆起来的研究背道而驰。

    Nearly two thirds (63 percent) of those in the random telephone survey said that they agreed with this model of a passively recorded memory.


  • 插播告示显示儿童基金会亲善大使成龙6名儿童一些色彩绚丽的在一起,他们用于传达一个极其重要信息

    The one-minute spot shows Chan, a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, with six children and some very colourful origami birds that are used to convey an essential message.


  • 10%身高在5英尺8英寸以下女性相比归入高个”行列的五之一的调查者她们年收入在3万英镑更高

    A fifth of those questioned who fell into the "tall" category said they earned? 30, 000 and above compared with 10 per cent of women under 5ft8in.


  • 我们输入我们希望robot执行的命令监视一个脚本生成最为结束这个脚本robot生成的gui脚本(第8讨论)不同

    We entered the command we wanted Robot to monitor and ended up with a script that was quite different from a GUI script created by Robot (discussed in Part 8).


  • 我们输入我们希望robot执行的命令监视一个脚本生成最为结束这个脚本robot生成的gui脚本(第8讨论)不同

    We entered the command we wanted Robot to monitor and ended up with a script that was quite different from a GUI script created by Robot (discussed in Part 8).


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