• 尽管科学家观察生物体行为具有节律性,但生物体运送到一个新的环境时,这些模式如何影响的,他们意见一。

    Although scientists observe that an organism's behavior falls into rhythmic patterns, they disagree about how these patterns are affected when the organism is transported to a new environment.


  • 强调通常一个无意识过程即使试图假装一致模式可以识别出来

    Emphasis is normally an unconscious process and even if you try to fake this, the patterns are not the same and can be detected.


  • 当然卡罗琳一定要非要做出这样一个戏剧性的选择,猛扑上并用的强有力的獠牙那些人制服,喜欢关注

    Of course, she didn't necessarily have to make such a dramatic entrance, swooping in and taking down the deputies with her superpowered fangs, but Caroline likes attention.


  • 但是今天一样了,车上一个多小时。

    But this is today and I have been stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour.


  • 我们很少希望一个活动立即停止如果活动正在进行更新的时候取消,那么程序数据结构可能处于一致状态

    We rarely want an activity to stop immediately; program data structures could be left in an inconsistent state if the activity were canceled mid-update.


  • 线程中断一个线程时,中断的线程一定要立即停止正在做的事情

    When one thread interrupts another, the interrupted thread does not necessarily stop what it is doing immediately.


  • 赋予一个工具之后,人们一定总是说明来

    When you give people tools, they don't always use them as prescribed.


  • 这种情况跟一个广泛接受行星形成模型一致。

    That doesn't jibe with one widely accepted model of planetary formation.


  • 承认自己之所以要求接纳到后备役军官训练军团,是因为惟一一个两全其美方法,既可能(但一定)让我逃避越南战场,而且也算是服了兵役。

    I also admitted that I had asked to be accepted in the ROTC program because it was the only way I could possibly, but not positively, avoid both Vietnam and resistance.


  • 研究者核对已经出版同位素数据时,他们发现查到的值和测量到的衰变速率一致,而这个速率物理学家假定是一个物理常量

    As the researchers pored through published data on specific isotopes, they found disagreement in the measured decay rates - odd for supposed physical constants.


  • 这样可以知道WeakReferencesoftreferenceget方法返回null时,就有一个对象声明为finalizable而且可能(一定)收集

    Therefore, you know that an object has been declared finalizable and possibly, but not necessarily, collected, when the get method of the WeakReference or SoftReference class returns null.


  • 解雇一天同事发邮件,“下一份任务……介绍如何跳出锅……但是一定要像之前那样!”

    The day after I was laid off from my job, a fellow co-worker emailed me and said, "This is your next assignment... instructions on how to jump out of the pot... But not necessarily the way you did!"


  • 根据历史上的经验,市场一般经济恢复前上涨,鉴于我们处于前所未有的时期,所以这个经验一定验证。

    "Historically, the market might move up before the economy starts to rebound, but given that we are in such an unprecedented time, that can't be assumed," he said.


  • 如果建立人工模式识别设备一定限制一定一种方法任何方法模型都可能可以用上。

    If the results are used for building artificial pattern recognition devices, then there is, of course, no reason to restrict oneself to a particular approach.


  • 一个更真的已经

    Never a truer word has been written.


  • 答案一致时任何一个研究总体,随机效应估计也许反应真正效应

    When the answers do not coincide, the random effects estimate may not reflect the actual effect in any particular population being studied.


  • 直到需要时它们释放叫做反应”的一样地方。在这里,化学物质混合

    Then they're both released into a different compartment called the reaction chamber, where the chemicals are mixed together with enzymes.


  • 随机效应Meta分析模型涉及这样一个假定各个研究中的估计效应一样的遵循某种分布

    A random effects meta-analysis model involves an assumption that the effects being estimated in the different studies are not identical, but follow some distribution.


  • 依照本文行为一个男人社会期望打字

    According to the text, which type of behavior is NOT expected of a man by society?


  • 发明发现科技知识本身一定人类带来好处只有它们应用产品才能产生效益。因而,应该认识到在一个特定的产品进行设计之前,必须先确定人们是否需要这种产品。

    The invention, the discovery and technical knowledge itself certainly not necessarily can bring the advantage to the humanity, only has when they are applied can produce on the product the benefit.


  • 想象实际一定一致的。因为处在一个相反季节中因素便淡化,我便只享受好的一面

    What I imagine is certainly different from what it really is , but just because I'm in an opposite season, the disadvantages are comforted and I just enjoy the good side.


  • 这种差异途径的角度展现了在哲学辩论是否建立数学(如艺术)或发现(如在学) 。常见的大学分成部分,包括一个科学数学,这表明领域视为结盟他们一致

    It is common to see universitiesdivided into sections that include a division of Science and Mathematics, indicating that the fields are seen as being allied but that they do not coincide.


  • 本书一定好书只是因为一个有名作家写的。

    A book is not always a good book just for it is written by a famous writer.


  • 本书一定好书只是因为一个有名作家写的。

    A book is not always a good book just for it is written by a famous writer.


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