• 根据比值可以实现探头被测表面估计

    By using this ratio, mean distance between probe and target surface was estimated.


  • 根据比值可以实现探头被测表面估计

    By using this ratio mean distance between probe and target surface was estimated.


  • 根据比值可以实现探头被测表面估计。

    The distance between the head of a recording device and the surface of the recording medium.


  • 介绍利用光学相干层技术实现光学表面间距测量方法。

    This paper describes the distance measurement of optical surface based on optical coherence tomography.


  • 研究结果表明随着体积分数增加集料细度的提高,平均最邻近集料表面间距减小

    The results reveal that the average surface spacing decreases with the increase of volume fraction of aggregates and fineness of aggregates.


  • 电容器电量取决于两个电极表面区域电极绝缘性强弱、绝缘材料以及两电极

    The amount of charge that can be stored depends on the surface area of the electrodes, the strength and composition of the insulation between them, and how close they are together.


  • 结果表明,相邻粗表面最近间距随集料体积分数增加以及集料细度增大而减小

    The results show that the surface spacing decreases with the increasing of aggregate fineness as well as with the increasing of aggregate volume fraction.


  • 分析表明离子注入使WC晶面间距增大,稀土元素Y注入材料表面形成Y氧化物层。

    Phase analysis shows that the distance of crystal face of WC increases and oxide film of Y forms on the surface by Y ion implantation.


  • 因此,通过改变固化温度聚醚亚胺端基来降低聚醚酰亚胺的表面,可以在一定程度调控反应诱导分离体系结构,并获得间距较小的双连续结构。

    It suggests that the phase structure can be controlled by lowering the surface energy of polyetherimide and it is a possible way to obtain co-continuous structure with a smaller periodic distance.


  • 实验确定获得最大热流密度表面尺寸为槽宽、槽深以及间距分别为0

    When the maximum heat flux density is acquired, the experiment confirms the groove surface size as follows: 0.


  • 单位砂浆体积下集表面变化对邻近集料表面最近间距平均值影响二者之间比值并非常数

    The surface area of aggregate per unit volume of mortar does have influence on the mean value of the nearest surface spacing, but the ratio between them is not constant.


  • 通过控制电压、电极间距温度电解工艺条件,在钛合金表面沉积得到DLC

    DLC films can be deposited by changing technology, such as voltage, distance and temperature.


  • 电镀工艺表面平整度通常取决于版图关键特征包括线,线间距金属密度

    The non-planarity of a surface post electroplating process is usually dependent on variations of key layout characteristics including line width, line spacing and metal density.


  • 颗行星支撑生命必须地球相似质量表面液态水大气以及它和自己恒星距离类似地球和太阳间距离。

    To sustain life, a planet must have a mass similar to that of earth, liquid water on its surface, an atmosphere and a similar orbital distance from its star as that of the earth from the sun.


  • 测试结果反映了地板表面温度传热延迟时间管径、管间距、管道埋深和管道平均水温之间关系

    The results revealed the relationship of floor surface temperature and heat lag with floor structures and water conductions.


  • 本文利用轮胎受荷前后表面反射光波干涉原理,从布方程出发,导出了干涉条纹间距变形的关系式,分析内部缺陷与条纹畸变关系

    The formulas for strain quantity and fringe spacing on the basis of Bragg equation are derived. The relationship between fringe deformation and internal flaws is analysed.


  • 根据母线计算了管型母线表面工作场强,校验管型母线电晕无线电干扰

    Based on the phase distance of the tubular bus, the working field strength of the surface of the tubular bus had been calculated and the corona and the radio interference of the tubular bus had be.


  • 加工表面存在残余应力残余应变,且残余应力和残余应变随着刀尖和已加工表面间距增大而减小

    There were remnants strain and stress in the finished surface and the remnants strain and stress decreased with the distance of tool tip and the finished surface increased.


  • 由于表面积、层间距以及容积具有良好吸附催化性能

    Because of its high surface area, basal spacing and pore volume, it has good capability of adsorption and catalysis.


  • 结果表明填充颗粒表面越大极板间距越小、电压,越有利于氟离子去除

    The result showed that the removal efficiency was improved with larger specific surface area of particle electrodes, decreased space between polar plates and higher voltage.


  • 放置晶片传送表面具有扇形区域多个间距形成抽吸

    A surface of the transporting arm on which a wafer is placed is provided with a plurality of suction holes formed at equal intervals in a fan-shaped region.


  • 同步传动表面设有间距齿的环行带具有相吻合的带轮所组成。

    Synchronous belt drive consists of an annular belt whose inner surface has equidistant teeth and belt pulley which has the relative teeth.


  • 试验结果表明,新型开窗翅片间距表面传热因子阻力性能影响较为显著。

    The results show that the j and f factors increase with the fin space and fin length decreasing, and the fin space has more obvious effect on the area of optimization factor.


  • 特别注意保证发热部到发热表面一个足够长的间距

    Special consideration must be made to keep the hot zone a sufficient distance from the hot face.


  • 间距离焦量变化过程激光束复合热源平板堆焊焊缝表面成形影响很小。

    The influence of Nd:YAG laser on hybrid weld appearance is light in variation of laser-arc distance and defocusing distance.


  • 间距离焦量变化过程激光束复合热源平板堆焊焊缝表面成形影响很小。

    The influence of Nd:YAG laser on hybrid weld appearance is light in variation of laser-arc distance and defocusing distance.


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