• 沃尔表示费用'不得不'上涨补全全球交易计划费用

    Walsh said fares would "have to" rise in order to cover the cost of a global trading scheme.


  • 公司表示费用主要额外费用有关调查公司出售美国科罗拉多州律师推广实践

    The company said the charge is due mainly to additional costs related to the investigation of the company's sales and promotional practices by the U. S. Attorney for Colorado.


  • 这个全球化时代我们有充足的理由进行国际旅行而且一些家长表示相比家庭度假学校组织的出国旅行费用更加便宜。

    In this globalised age, there is a good case for international travel, and some parents say they can manage the cost of a school trip abroad more easily than a family holiday.


  • 艾迪生·维图斯基的祖母金姆·奥尔雷德表示艾迪生可能是无意中听到了家人之间谈话,他们谈论弟弟做手术所需费用

    Addison Witulski's grandmother Kim Allred said Addison probably overheard a conversation between family members talking about the funds needed to get her little brother to treatment.


  • 账单上费用似乎太高了,我们对此表示怀疑

    We queried the bill as it seemed far too high.


  • BuzzFeed首席执行官乔纳·佩雷蒂表示,管理较低发行量费用可能很高急于取消印刷版一个错误

    Overhead may be high and circulation lower, but rushing to eliminate its print edition would be a mistake, says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.


  • 接受采访时泰尔表示这些赠款旨在消除一些障碍沉重课程负担大学费用这是青年人创业时面临的困难。

    The grants are aimed at removing some of the barriers, such as heavy course loads and high college costs, that young people face as they try to create businesses, Thiel said in an interview.


  • 美国世界粮食计划署官员表示他们正在办法减少运输其他非食品类费用

    U. s. and WFP officials say they are searching for ways to cut transportation and other non-food costs.


  • 乔伊斯表示印度酒店费用已经失控

    Hotel costs in India, says Mr Joyce, are out of control.


  • 参议院武装部队委员会名成员星期四召开记者会表示伊拉克应当开始支付伊拉克战争重建部分费用

    Three members of the Senate Armed Services Committee told a news conference Thursday that Iraq should begin paying some of the costs of the war and reconstruction of the country.


  • 面对人口出生率下降状况,63%的表示巨大的工作压力孩子越来越困难54%的人认为养育孩子的高额费用也让人不父母

    As to the fall in birth rate, 63% of people said career pressures are making it harder to have children, while 54% said the cost deterred potential parents.


  • 高级执行主管们表示因为开展数字营销宣传活动要比开发传统媒体广告包含更为密集的劳动,就意味着更高费用

    Because digital marketing campaigns are more labor-intensive to develop than ads in traditional media, executives say, this means higher fees.


  • 公司表示这个产品可以提供低廉费用无缝体验用户只需点击次就可以完成数字产品和内容的购买过程。

    According to the company, the new product will offer low fees and a seamless integration that "lets consumers pay for digital goods and content in as little as two clicks".


  • 新航有关管理人员表示此举既可减少昂贵印刷费用,而且可降低飞机整体载重提高燃油效率

    Officials claim the move will eventually have an impact on overall weight and fuel efficiency of the aircraft, although clearly the decision will also remove expensive printing costs.


  • 非石油公司的头儿决定限制费用开采并且更多交到股东手里应该拍拍表示鼓励。

    ConocoPhillips' chief deserves a pat on the back for deciding to limit high-cost exploration and put more money in shareholders' hands.


  • 此外表示难以承担医药费其它医疗费用居民所占比重2003年的50%至2008年的19%。

    Additionally, the percentage of people reporting difficulty in meeting the cost of pharmaceutical and other health expenses dropped to 19 percent in 2008 from 50 percent in 2003.


  • 组织先前表示租房者缴税更高房租维修费用构成

    The organization has previously noted that compliance costs will be borne by tenants in the form of higher rents or maintenance charges.


  • 例如,空间探索技术公司表示火箭类型,他们发射费用降到5千万1亿美元。 而航天飞机每次发射花费高达15亿美元。

    For example, SpaceX says it can reduce the cost of a launch, depending upon the rocket, to between $50 million and $100 million compared to the $1.5 billion price tag for each space shuttle mission.


  • 一位业内人士表示,在这些地区上市,时间更多,最终的费用也更高。

    "That would take longer and cost more," an insider said.


  • 城市信息总监马克.巴勒姆表示弗吉尼亚州,威廉斯堡议会预期使用iPad之后每年打印费用节约2,000美元,iPad的花费是3,000美元。

    Williamsburg, Va. The City Council expects to save $2,000 a year in printing costs after it switches to iPads, which will cost $3,000, says Mark Barham, the city's information technology director.


  • 直至10月18日Expedia取消澳洲所有机票预订费用表示如果网站在截止日期前的用户数量超过100万人,一规定将永久生效。

    Expedia has dropped fees on all airline bookings in Australia until October 18 and says the move will be made permanent if the site receives more than one million visitors by the deadline.


  • 英国大学和学院联合会[注5]表示如果必须的话,成员设法应对担心支付额外教室的费用不会得到兑现

    The Association of Colleges says its members will manage if they have to, but it fears that money to pay for the extra places will not be forthcoming.


  • 一个叫做‘今日美国医疗’(Healthcarefor America Now)团体,长期以来通过支付广告费用支持巴马的医改计划。 他们今天表示坚定支持公费医疗。

    The group Healthcare for America Now, which has been paying for ads in support of the Obama plan, today expressed its continued support for the public option.


  • 一个叫做‘今日美国医疗’(Healthcarefor America Now)团体,长期以来通过支付广告费用支持巴马的医改计划。 他们今天表示坚定支持公费医疗。

    The group Healthcare for America Now, which has been paying for ads in support of the Obama plan, today expressed its continued support for the public option.


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