• 莱斯特大学教授戴维·哈珀表示:“火烈鸟已经进化出了非常坚韧皮肤这样它们就可以忍受盐水。”

    "Flamingos have evolved very leathery skin on their legs so they can tolerate the salt water," says David Harper, a professor at the University of Leicester.


  • 如果表示怀疑惊奇立即请你闻一闻然后取出一些抹在皮肤上。

    If you expressed doubt or surprise, he would immediately invite you to smell it and then to rub some into your skin.


  • 嫉妒——我对于伊莎贝拉漂亮的头发白皙皮肤,她那端庄风度,还有全家她所表示喜爱,可从来不觉得苦恼呀。

    I'm not envious: I never feel hurt at the brightness of Isabella's yellow hair and the whiteness of her skin, at her dainty elegance, and the fondness all the family exhibit for her.


  • 维纳教授对于结果表示满意,“比利斯先生皮肤现在已经有了革制的感觉表明他已经成为木乃伊了。”

    Professor Vanezis said he was pleased with the result, adding: ‘The skin itself has this leathery appearance which indicates that he has become mummified all over.


  • 2006年,京都大学研究人员表示他们4中基因重新编码老鼠皮肤细胞使之还原胚胎多能状态

    In 2006, researchers at Kyoto University showed they could reprogram mouse skin cells into a pluripotent, embryonic-like state with just four genes.


  • QuickPlaceui中的重要概念就是皮肤主题,它表示某一位置统一图形外观

    One of the key concepts of the QuickPlace UI is skins or themes that present a unified graphic look for a place.


  • 表示色素沉积紊乱造成坊间流言称他皮肤进行了漂白。

    He claimed it was caused by the pigmentation disorder vitiligo, but rumours suggested he had bleached his skin.


  • 紫外线伤害能够导致皮肤过早老化甚至导致皮肤癌,科学家表示番茄里发现氧化剂——番茄红素正好能提供防止上述的功效。

    Damage from UV rays can lead to premature ageing and even skin cancer and the scientists say it is the antioxidant lycopene found in tomatoes which provided the benefit.


  • 如果脱发问题,世面上有众多针对女性治疗方法。 但克利夫兰诊所皮肤专家梅丽莎·皮里博士表示大多数都是没有疗效的。

    Ifyour hair is coming out, be advised that of the multitude of treatmentson the market for women, few are worth your money, says Dr. MelissaPiliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic.


  • 通过擦洗去掉粉刺的做法不对的,”哈佛大学皮肤临床试验研究组主任皮肤病学者亚里克斯•波尔金博表示

    The concept that you can wash away your acne is not based on true fact,” said dermatologist Alexa Boer Kimball, director of Harvard University's Clinical Unit for Research Trials in Skin.


  • 在曼哈顿布鲁克林开设私人诊所业务的皮肤专家马克·阿夫拉姆博士表示头皮活检诊断脱发黄金标准

    Ascalp biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosing hair loss, ” said Dr. Marc Avram, a dermatologist in private practice with offices inManhattan and Brooklyn.


  • 许多黑人女性美泰公司所作努力都表示赞许具有白人特征皮肤芭比1980 年出现货架上之后的许多芭比娃娃都拥有这种特征。

    Many black women are praising Mattel for its eff ortsBlack Barbie hit the shelves in 1980 with white features shared by many of the dolls following her.


  • 曼西尼医生也表示由于人们能够轻而易举避免皮肤笔记本电脑长时间近距离接触因此我们并不能说电脑的使用导致皮肤

    But Mancini said it's unlikely computer use would lead to cancer since it's so easy to avoid prolonged close skin contact with laptops.


  • 阳光就是最好比方,“位银行家表示,”交易商市场阳光太多,这会让我们患上皮肤。”

    Sunshine is the perfect analogy,” says one banker. “Too much of it in dealer markets and we all get skin cancer.”


  • 医院走廊中与其皮肤医生Costa Soares谈论的病情表示感到担忧。

    In the corridor of the hospital, she talked to Costa Soares, her dermatologist, about her case and expressed her concern.


  • 明显要求是匀称身材(symmetricalfeatures)皮肤(good skin),表示发育健康良好免疫系统基因

    There's the obvious stuff like symmetrical features and good skin - which showcase a healthy development, immune system and good genes.


  • 华盛顿皮肤科医生Elizabeth Tanzi表示10年间,每天至少10病人注射肉毒杆菌毒素,却从未听说过有人抱怨情绪感知有关的问题。

    Dermatologist Elizabeth Tanzi of Washington says she's treated at least 10 patients a day with Botox for a decade and has never heard a complaint related to emotions.


  • 皮肤科医生LeslieBaumann表示红酒含有对肌肤有益的葡萄籽提取物白藜芦醇两种物质都具有极高的氧化性。

    According to dermatologist Leslie Baumann, red wine contains skin-friendly grape-seed extract and resveratrol, two powerful antioxidants.


  • 这些研究人员发现运动量更大人们患上皮肤的几率他们表示可能是因为接受了更多日照

    The researchers also found that people who did heavier exercises had a slightly higher rate of skin cancer. This, they say, could be from more sun exposure.


  • 污点、肿块油脂铜锈皮肤表示可能“罹患传染病”;不对称夸张发育不良不完整的相貌暗示先天问题

    Splotches bumps and greasy verdigris skin mean "possibly infectious illness" while asymmetry and exaggerated stunted or incomplete features hint of a congenital problem.


  • 一场采访中茱莉表示尽管纹身没有皮肤不起水泡但是纹身遮住了她皮肤上的伤疤使得她敢把皮肤暴露太阳光之下

    In an interview, Miss Gnuse said although the ink did not stop her skin from blistering, it covered up the scars and allowed her to be exposed to the sun.


  • 然而,研究人员谨慎表示,要想成为商业产品款人造皮肤需解决几个问题。

    Still, they cautioned that the skin was still several breakthroughs away from becoming a commercial product.


  • 通过皮肤不同颜色表示不同时段,白天黑,夜晚

    It indicates the time of day by the colour of its skin, which is dark by day and pale by night.


  • Ephemeral现在正在进行产品检测——首先是细胞层面上,然后是猪皮肤上,宋欣表示他们希望产品能在明年秋季上市。

    Ephemeral is currently being tested - first on cells, then on pigs - and Shin says that they hope to release the product commercially by fall next year.


  • 国王学院光生物学专家Antony Young,在份声明中表示,“我们已经证明胡椒局部治疗可以刺激皮肤色素沉着

    "We have shown that topical treatment with piperine stimulates even pigmentation in the skin, " Antony Young, a photobiologist at King's College who worked on the study, said in a statement.


  • 移除数据表示相控物理皮肤线之前通过虚拟射线产生的数据。

    This removed data represents data generated by virtual rays the prior to the physical skin line of the phased array.


  • 一项研究日本表示某些化妆品可能会令人感到皮肤年龄过分暴露紫外线

    A study undertaken in Japan indicated that certain cosmetic products may cause skin to age excessively when exposed to ultra-violet rays.


  • 根据德国癌症中心表示每年有3千皮肤

    According to German cancer Aid, 3,000 people die from skin cancer every year.


  • 根据德国癌症中心表示每年有3千皮肤

    According to German cancer Aid, 3,000 people die from skin cancer every year.


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