• 自然抗争中亚悲剧,人与人的关系中所体现的悲剧两个角度可以揭示《白鲸》所表现的时代特征所蕴涵的悲剧实质

    This article intends to reveal its spirit of times and tragic essence by the tragedy embodied in Ahab?s fighting against nature and the relationship among human beings.


  • 如果蹲着确实迈克尔·弗赖利时代杂志里说那样对健康有益,那表现为能预防痔疮

    If squatting does provide a health benefit, just as Michael Freilich stated in Time, it comes in the form of hemorrhoid prevention.


  • 特效图片本身就是艺术正如我们所知道那样要求专业精准,它数字时代孕育而生富有表现种艺术形式。

    Photo manipulation is an art in itself, that requires a skill and precision as we know, it is one of the most creative artforms to come out of the digital age.


  • 好莱坞黄金时代,当时闻名电影常常巨星施展才华平台,剧情泪片使男女主演使尽浑身解数表现丰富情感。

    In Hollywood's golden age, the celebrated films of the day were often giant star vehicles, dramas and tearjerkers that let the leading men and women emote until the rafters fell down.


  • 我们这个时代神秘化趋势(尤其是有神论唯心主义泛滥),看来,不过人的软弱困惑的某种表现罢了。

    The mystical trend of our time, which shows itself particularly in the rampant growth of the so-called Theosophy and Spiritualism, is for me no more than a symptom of weakness and confusion.


  • 浪漫主义没有拒绝科学就像里查德·福尔摩斯著名的新书奇迹时代表现的那样。

    The Romantics did not reject science, as Richard Holmes demonstrates in his remarkable new book, The Age of Wonder.


  • 《我脑海中的永恒美丽拍卖会上没有购买美国最近表现更多自信今年初纽约高古画廊举办时代尽头展览上,他们购买了一些作品。

    Americans who did not make purchases at the "Beautiful" sale have recently shown more confidence, buying from Gagosian Gallery's "End of an Era" show in New York earlier this year.


  • 萨代人解释说,他们是受伊里杂德压迫才住山洞表现石器时代的样子的。

    The Tasadays explained that they had moved in the caves and behaved in a stone-age manner because of pressure from Elizalde.


  • 拒绝眼泪——因为我们英国人”的时代早已远去,那时,多愁善感认为很不好表现

    Long gone is the "No TearsWe're British" era when emotion was considered distinctly bad form.


  • 这种起起落落表现老板来说可是没法带来多少安全感的,特别是现在这个时代董事会喜欢的振奋人心新变革。

    That is not the sort of performance to make a boss feel secure in his job, especially in this era of trigger-happy boards.


  • 它们众多表现方式中,纵观人类历史原始农耕时代的部落饮食最后晚餐”,从游牧民族简陋的饭到国际盛宴这些锅碗瓢盆奏响一曲永恒的绝唱。

    In their many manifestations, pots resonate throughout human history, from the most primitive domestic meal or drink to the Last Supper; from a nomadic snack to an international banquet.


  • 时代华纳有线TWC年前,还是老牌传媒巨头时代华纳一部分,而今却站到拳击场另一角,急于表现自个技术实力。

    Time Warner Cable (TWC) was, until a couple of years ago, a part of big-media veteran Time Warner; now it is in the other corner of the ring, keen to prove its tech chops.


  • 认为这种表现验证了我们处于房地产市场的特殊时代而且我们产生很大压力

    This behavior recently, I think, confirms that we are living in a very unusual time in the housing market and it's going to put a lot of stress on us.


  • 雅虎董事会表现在萨梅尔时代表现乏善可陈,而萨梅尔主政时代正是雅虎衰落开始

    The same board stood idly by Semel, who presided over the beginning of Yahoo's decline.


  • 那个拉丁hospitem时代好客医院主人等意思,所以如果需要表现好客一些并且的主人友好,你或许就要他们hostage

    That Latin hospitem gave us hospitality, hospital as well as host so that if you were required to show hospitality and be a good host to your ostage you might start calling them a hostage instead.


  • 10强选手有4人来自成都唱区赛区超女时代强势表现得以延续。

    Four of the finalists came from Chengdu, where many stars in the show's former and more popular edition "Super Girls" came from.


  • AOL拙劣表现此刻尤其敏感原因时代华纳的首席执行官richardParsons最近刚处理了一位活跃投资者CarlIcahn攻击

    AOL's poor performance is particularly sensitive at the moment because Time Warner's chief executive, Richard Parsons, recently saw off an attack from Carl Icahn, an activist investor.


  • 年来,长途跋涉中的MoLab已经分析了许多作品,大英博物馆本前哥伦布时代的米斯特克法典挪威首都奥斯陆的蒙奇博物馆内《焦虑》青春期这类表现主义油画

    five years on the road, MoLab has analyzed everything from a pre-Columbian Mixtec codex in the British Museum to expressionist paintings, such as Angst and Puberty, at the Munch Museum in Oslo.


  • 设计师们从20世纪80年代赛道公路上表现出色Quattro车型中汲取了灵感新的概念车拥有原型紧凑矮胖的风靡街机时代轮廓

    Inspired by the potent 1980s race and road-going Quattro models, the new Quattro Concept begins with the compact and chunky Pac-Man-era silhouette of the original.


  • 作为这种时代一个表现,《Otaryman》这部讲述进取心上班族的漫画系列出乎意料成为2008热门书。

    In a sign of the times, 'Otaryman, ' a comic-book series about a less-than-driven salaryman, has become one of this year's surprise hits.


  • 看看美元时代表现

    Looking at the dollar in the old-fashioned way.


  • 表现那个时代特征人物必然命运

    More performance characteristic of that era and the character of the inevitable fate.


  • 每一时代文献和文学作品记载表现具有相对绝对数量优势

    The recordation and the representation of peach both had relative and absolute numerical advantages in the literature of every times.


  • 西方哲学反思性不同时代有着不同的表现

    The reflection of western philosophical have different manifestations in the different times.


  • 欣赏美妙的节目同时自然也好奇自己青年时代挚爱肖邦如何一位中国音乐家表现出来。

    I was interested in the beautiful program, and naturally I was wondering how Chopin, the great love of my youth, would be played by a Chinese musician.


  • 因为经历一个艰难时期才能看到人们如何使用数字产品,所以我们过分倾向依赖在机械时代表现方式

    Because we have a hard time seeing how digital products will be used, we tend to rely too much on representations from the past, Mechanical Age.


  • 因为经历一个艰难时期才能看到人们如何使用数字产品,所以我们过分倾向依赖在机械时代表现方式

    Because we have a hard time seeing how digital products will be used, we tend to rely too much on representations from the past, Mechanical Age.


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