• 抽象表现象征性内容

    The symbolic content of abstract expressionism .


  • 如果表现自己是个激进分子的话,他就有可能吓跑那些温和,而他急需那些人的选票

    If he presents himself as a radical he risks scaring off the moderates whose votes he so desperately needs.


  • 一个孩子一样地喜欢这个戏剧,并是不说他不能自己的爱好但是很像少年颓废派的表现而且太过分了,是吧?

    He loved the comic as a kid, and I’m not saying he can’t have a hobby, but it’s a teenybopper show, and this is too much, right?


  • 戴利先生记者谈话总是很古怪,以致有人称为“英格兰语言杰克逊•波洛克美国抽象表现主义艺术家)”。 虽然他自己从未受到诋毁,但是当他的团队受到丑闻攻击时,他和媒体的关系日益紧张。

    Mr Daley’s odd dialogue with reporters (one calls himthe Jackson Pollock of the English language”) grew strained as scandals felled allies but never reached the mayor himself.


  • 重新灌录过去伟大钢琴家的唱片,更加证明浪漫派的演奏听起来宛如一个世纪以前不是年老体弱的尼莱吉哈奇表现出来的那样。

    Newly remastered recordings of great pianists of the past have increasingly demonstrated what Romantic playing sounded like a century ago, and it is not what the fragile and aged Nyiregyhazi mustered.


  • 据说国王不能随意地忽视反对现在的表现最好的了。

    The king, it is said, cannot breezily ignore the reactionaries; he is doing his best.


  • 与之形成对比最后一个现存什叶选举团体,伊拉克国家联盟投票站的表现上佳,仅仅因为60%以上的投票者什叶

    By comparison, the last remaining Shia block, the Iraqi National Alliance, is likely to do quite well at the polls for the simple reason that more than 60% of the voters are Shias.


  • 公众不满李先生表现,以及所在的大国家(GNP)支持率低迷使反对更趋大胆

    Public discontent with Mr Lee and low approval ratings for his Grand National Party (GNP) have emboldened the opposition.


  • 艺术家罗伯特·赫特博士蒂姆·将斯皮策太空望远镜观测科学数据转化为视觉效果图,但表现对象办法用肉眼直接看到

    Spitzer artists Dr. Robert Hurt and Tim Pyle turn the space observatory's streams of scientific data into visual renderings of objects no one - not even them - has ever seen before.


  • 网站信息的发布更为快捷,对反对出色表现回避

    It was faster and did not fight shy of trumpeting the opposition's excellent showing.


  • 反对正和越来越多正规军交锋,同时,这些正规军被俘时,却表现士气低下

    The rebels are now encountering more regular soldiers but they too, when captured, speak of low morale.


  • 乐曲用十分迷人的尾符成功表现心情起伏。 “十里照片“(10milestereo)中,乐曲精致的开头转入激越带有迷部分时,海边小屋我们表现了地道的自赏风格(shoegaze)。

    A similar lift-off happens on "10 Mile Stereo", when the song shifts from its deliberate opening bars to its rushing and noisy main section that's as close as Beach House have come to true shoegaze.


  • 如同诸位印象画家们出色作品所迷惑时,我看不到任何原因需要去把颜色表现局限印象技术中。

    While I am as captivated as anyone by the stunning works of the impressionists, I see no reason to confine color to an impressionistic technique.


  • 彼得安德鲁表现正统立场否认深奥启示正确性拒绝妇女教导权威

    Peter and Andrew represent orthodox positions that deny the validity of esoteric revelation and reject the authority of women to teach.


  • 保尔·穆杭为代表都市文学虽然表现手法上有印象主义感觉主义的倾向,日本感觉本质上是不同

    Although Paul Muque, the master of the City Literature, exhibits traces of impressionism and sensationalism in his writing style, he differs from the Japanese New sensational School in nature.


  • 青春新颖之处不仅仅在于“接地气”,刘杰导演处理素材表现的强大自信也是功不可没。

    What's new about Young Style is not only its accessible approach, but also the great confidence Liu shows in handling the material.


  • 2013年艾美奖颁奖礼上,《纸牌拿下了座奖杯表现不俗。凯文·史西罗宾·怀特获得了剧情类主要角色提名

    At the 2013 Emmy Awards, "House of Cards" picked up three statues and shook up the race. Stars Spacey and Wright both earned nominations in the lead drama categories.


  • 一般来说停止削减经济疲软表现之一。

    Typically, ending or cutting a dividend has been a sign of weakness.


  • 主张艺术表现自我运用象征暗示通感等艺术手法,追求诗意朦胧曲折。

    Poets of the two schools all advocate self-expression and try to make their poems misty and intricate by using symbols and hints.


  • 一个孩子一样地喜欢这个戏剧,并是不说不能自己的爱好但是很像少年颓废派的表现而且太过分了,是吧?

    He loved the comic as a kid, and I'm not saying he can't have a hobby, but it's a teenybopper show, and this is too much, right?


  • 现实主义形式正是在叙述描写、现实主义与表现主义、先锋论争中找到自己的定位而建构起来

    As a form of realism with some debates and discussion formed it's borders and the main features.


  • 当时俄罗斯先锋持不同观点,但是作品表现一个男子汉坚守自己风格而毫不动摇的信心

    He was AT odds with the Russian avantgarde school of the time, but his work showed the confidence of a man sure of his style.


  • 本文以钢琴前奏曲《焰火》为例,从作品分析入手,将德彪西印象音乐特征创作风格基本表现手段以及演奏方法都进行了阐述

    To analysis the prelude Feux d'artifice, the article expatiated the features of Impressionism music by Debussy, its composition style, the basic method of expression, and the performance way.


  • 正是由于两者结合,才使得七月主观战斗精神理论具有了发生的有力根基并且获得了表现出来的具体形式

    The combination of these two points lays a solid foundation for the theory of the July School realistic writers' "subjective combating spirit" and provides it with concrete expressive forms.


  • 创造了不同绘画风格包括立体——几何形状表现事物的艺术形式。

    He developed different styles of painting, including cubism, which is a type of are where things are represented as geometric shapes.


  • 印象自然主义忽视理性逻辑艺术表现中的作用等危机应让我们反思

    But impressionism is too naturalistic, which neglect the usage of logos and logics in art representation. The crisis also causes us to introspect.


  • 印象自然主义忽视理性逻辑艺术表现中的作用等危机应让我们反思

    But impressionism is too naturalistic, which neglect the usage of logos and logics in art representation. The crisis also causes us to introspect.


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