• 也许要反驳大部分开发者了解区别很多网站表现恰好说明事实并非如此

    You might argue that most web developers understand this distinction, but many websites show that this is not the case.


  • 鉴于我们测试只有一个已触发队列这些选项表现几乎没有任何区别

    For our test with only one triggered queue, there is almost no difference in behavior between these options.


  • 平面中的通量空间中的通量有很大区别平面中,通量仅仅线积分另一种形式在空间中,表现曲面积分。

    Flux looks quite different in the plane and in space because, in the plane, it is just another kind of line integral, while in space it is a surface integral.


  • 这项实验发现尽管表现没有区别——任务相当简单——被研究对象脑部活动级别不同显示努力程度不同

    The experiment found that though there was no difference in performance - the tasks were very easy - the level of activity in the subjects' brains differed, suggesting different levels of effort.


  • 区别现在主要表现在对债券收益率股票上涨往来帐户预算赤字压力上,不是富有戏剧性外汇危机上

    The difference is that now they emerge in pressure on bond yields and ballooning current-account and budget deficits, rather than in dramatic foreign-exchange crises.


  • 任何原因引起死亡风险24%表现大程度上消耗更低的人群中,不过后面这个区别说服力足够

    The risk for death from any cause appeared 24 percent greater for those consuming lower salt, but this latter difference was not quite large enough to dismiss the role of chance.


  • 匠师专家之间重要区别他们成为了某个领域专家之后的表现

    The critical distinction between a craftsman and an expert is what happens after a sufficient level of expertise has been achieved.


  • 科索沃南奥塞梯事件区别战后表现得更加明显

    The difference between Kosovo and South Ossetia has been starker still in the war’s aftermath.


  • 尽管社交情况下的心理动作警觉作业(PVT)测试中的区别并不明显内向型外向型人在清醒度维持测试(MWT)表现出更为警觉。

    Although differences in PVT performance were not evident during the social-exposure condition, introverts were more alert than extraverts on the MWT.


  • 奥姆斯特德感到设计精美”将作品花匠的工作区别开来(也就是说:应该所有元素服从整体设计以及希望表现效果)。

    Olmsted felt that what separated his work from a gardener was "the elegance of design," (i.e. one should subordinate all elements to the overall design and the effect it is intended to achieve).


  • 区别就在于,智慧任何情况下都是输出聪明则是在某些情况下表现

    The difference is that "wise" means one has a high average outcome across all situations, and "smart" means one does spectacularly well in a few.


  • 现在市场中,表现好坏区别就是不成功便成仁

    In today's market, how well they play may be the difference between success and failure.


  • 比如说人们总是照例般地品牌表现强烈的喜好,而品牌未知的情况下,他们分不出该品牌和对手品牌的区别

    For instance, people routinely express a strong liking for a brand that they are unable to tell apart from rivals in blind tests.


  • 两者间的区别只在于表现方式设计上。

    The difference is in presentation and design.


  • 它们Lisp其它语言本质区别外在表现

    They are the outward evidence of a fundamental difference between Lisp and other languages.


  • 唯一区别每种货币价值另外货币的价值表现出来的。

    The only difference is that each currency's value is stated in terms of other currencies.


  • 分析区别表现色度真实色度重要的。

    In water analysis it is important to differentiate between apparent and true color .


  • 用户角度来看链接错误链接表现一样所以一般我们并不需要区别死链接和错误链接。

    From the user point of view, dead links and error is the same as the performance of the link, so we do not need to distinguish between the general dead links and broken links.


  • 对于管理者来说,区分行为绩效非常重要的。这种区别表现在人们争论如何有效解决有问题的绩效的途径上。

    It's important for managers to distinguish between conduct and performance. The distinction characterizes a debate about the most effective way to treat problem performance.


  • 同时,犯罪目的犯罪动机区别不是绝对的,某些情况下,犯罪目的可以看作犯罪动机的表现形式。

    Meanwhile, there are no absolute differences between purpose and motive, purpose may be looked upon the exhibition of motive at times.


  • 成功者失败者之间真正区别,与其说天生的能力,还不如说是避免错误中表现有素的训练。

    The real difference between winners and losers is not so much native ability as it is discipline exercised in avoiding mistakes.


  • 这些燃料因其物理化学性质不同,所表现出来动力性能排放性能、经济性能其他方面存储运输原料等)也有很大区别

    The different physical and chemical properties cause the differences of power property, emission property, economic property and other aspects, such as storage, transportation and raw materials.


  • 这种行为实体法中的行为法律根据实际内容主体范围表现方式法律性质以及法律意义等方面,均有区别

    Many differences exist in legal basis, actual content, scope of subject, methods of expression, nature of law and meaning of law between this act and that of the substantial law.


  • 该文定义表现方式表达效果及与拟人修辞格区别四个方面对其进行了比较分析。

    This paper compares them from the definition, the way of expression, the effect of expression, and the difference from the figure of speech, "personification".


  • 这里根本区别在于,字符词语代表意思而不是它们在书面表现的形式。

    The fundamental difference between symbols and characters is that characters and words are a representation of meaning that may or may not resemble 'that' what it is representing.


  • 这些研究发现,抗草甘膦转基因大豆非转基因大豆不是实质相同”,而是它们的性质、对于实验动物作用上、在环境影响上,以及农田种植实际表现方面有区别

    The findings show that GM RR soy is not substantially equivalent to non-GM soy, but differs in its properties, effects on experimental animals, environmental impacts, and in-field performance.


  • 现代汉字艺术设计区别于传统美术字设计,首先表现形式美内涵

    The difference on artistic design between modern Chinese characters and the traditional art characters are firstly showed in the connotation of formal beauty.


  • 现代汉字艺术设计区别于传统美术字设计,首先表现形式美内涵

    The difference on artistic design between modern Chinese characters and the traditional art characters are firstly showed in the connotation of formal beauty.


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