• 把拼贴手法引入绘画采用几何图形表现物象,摧毁西方艺术表现中心

    It has introduced joining and pasting method into painting, expressed pictures by using geometry form, put away the western artistic expressive hub.


  • 那些带着不同问题来到中心单身母亲们,她们面对算术表现出的缺乏自信妨碍了她们的判断,让她们前途渺茫

    The single mothers who come to her centre have a different problem: their debilitating lack of confidence with arithmetic hampers their judgment and prospects.


  • 使我们客户理解他们顾客偏好,又能改进呼叫中心操作员工作表现

    This can both help clients understand customer preferences and improve the performance of call-centre operators.


  • 座无虚席中心球场世界排名第二费德勒草地球场开局表现不稳定,第一局便败给高大捷克人。

    World number two Federer, who had endured a shakystart to the grass-court tournament, was outplayed by the tall Czech in front of a capacity Centre Court crowd.


  • 座无虚席中心球场世界排名第二费德勒在草地球场开局表现不稳定,第一局便败给了高大捷克人。

    World number two Federer, who had endured a shaky start to the grass-court tournament , was outplayed by the tall Czech in front of a capacity Centre Court crowd.


  • 瑞士双子金融中心日内瓦苏黎世它们的专业领域里表现良好,比如私人银行业务理财以及苏黎世保险生意。

    Switzerland's twin financial centres, Geneva and Zurich, have done well in their specialities of private banking, wealth management and, in Zurich, insurance.


  • 母亲节激烈宣传活动相比购物中心父亲表现很淡的热情

    Shopping malls have shown little enthusiasm about Father's Day, compared with the fierce promotion campaigns for Mother's Day.


  • 那么日托中心的抚养是否会影响儿童的学校表现呢?

    So did time spent in day-care affect school performance?


  • 潜意识被认为是创造力中心舞台,能够忽然爆发灵感解决问题学习记忆中扮演重要角色甚至艰难决定的时候表现理性分析时更出色。

    It takes centre stage in creativity, puts the "eureka!" into problem-solving, plays a crucial role in learning and memory, and it's even better at making tough decisions than rational analysis is.


  • 斯蒂夫·乔布斯将偕同epicGames公司的开发者现场演示' epic之',一个正在开发的有不俗图像表现的砍杀游戏。展示游戏中心操作

    Steve Jobs brought out developers from Epic Games to show off a 'Epic Sword,' a graphically impressive fantasy slasher they've been working on, and demonstrate how Game Center will work for you.


  • 因此可能一个治理框架最佳表现形式因为纯粹是从服务中心角度去关注服务,不是技术的角度。

    Thus, this may be the best representation of a governance framework simply because it focuses on service delivery from a purely service-centric perspective and not a technological perspective.


  • 父母家中吸烟导致孩子动脉表现阻塞硬化迹象并显著增加孩子一生脏病发作的风险

    Parents who smoke in the home can cause their child's arteries to show signs of clogging and hardening, dramatically raising their overall life-time risk of heart attack.


  • 现在假定这种相关性一种因果联系父母好的教养造就优秀孩子日托中心造就相对聪明一点,行为表现的孩子。

    But let's suppose the correlations are due to causation: good parenting makes good kids, and day-care makes for very slightly smarter, but also slightly less well-behaved kids.


  • 它们表现可以极端活跃星系称为类星体中心大型黑洞作为参照。

    They behave as scaled-down versions of much more massive black holes that are at the cores of extremely active galaxies, called quasars.


  • 如果一个世界完全丧失兴趣,只想扔下所有,以自我中心难道无私表现吗?

    If he loses interest in the world to the extent that he is quite willing to let it go hang, for all he CARES, where is the evidence of spiritual unselfishness in this?


  • 虽然激烈的话语能够引起听众的注意,但如果这被认为是以自我中心表现,那就得不偿失

    While sharp words can be an effective call for attention, perceived selfishness is a huge turn-off.


  • 通过设计莱斯表演艺术中心我们希望创造力量优雅兼存建筑表现,一次接近音乐超群美感体验

    With our design for the Blyth Performing Arts Centre we aimed to create an architectural expression of strength and grace, and an experience that approaches the sublime beauty of music.


  • 鉴于世界最大网络设备制造商思科最近表现出来要进军企业数据中心领域的雄心另一些观察家认为他们可能会收购Sun。

    Others thought that Cisco, the world's biggest maker of networking equipment, would make a bid since it has recently shown ambitions to become more of a force in corporate data centres.


  • 虽然Google内容交付数据中心执行任务时的表现非常,但它们一个运行关键业务的企业数据中心截然不同的。

    While Google's content delivery data centers perform very well for the task that they perform, they are not apples-to-apples comparable to a business-critical enterprise operation.


  • 理解为何表现评估必要的以及如何使之达到呼叫中心市场活动目标大纲

    Understand why performance measurements are necessary and how they are used to reach program goals outlined by the Contact Center.


  • 现在断言edition酒店伊斯坦布尔表现还为时尚早,首批游客在旅游点评网站TripAdvisor上酒店装潢时尚、服务周到以及ESPA水疗中心赞不绝口

    It's too early to tell how the EDITION in Istanbul is doing, but initial traveler reviews on TripAdvisor have raved about the chic decor, attentive service, and ESPA spa.


  • 焦躁不安重要表现——个性改变——平常个性随和的变得易怒且咬住不放。”自杀预防中心的JodeeHankins告诉我们。

    "Agitation is a big one: change in personality: if people are generally easy going and they are irritable they snap at you," said Jodee Hankins with the Suicide Prevention Partnership.


  • Jared Taglialatela,一位叶克斯国家灵长类动物研究中心研究员,:“他们表现出了与人类相似各种复杂交际认知能力,他们有感觉,想法,有目标。”

    "They have been shown to have all kinds of complex communication and cognitive powers that are similar to humans, " said Clayton State University primate researcher Jared Taglialatela.


  • 同样缺陷表现类似情况下所有单位无例外包括那些固定诺基亚授权服务中心

    The same defect manifests itself under similar circumstances in all units without exception, including those that were fixed by Nokia's authorized service centers.


  • 图案表现中心点放射各种不同的色彩

    This pattern shows lines of different colours radiating from a middle point.


  • 图案表现中心点放射各种不同的色彩

    This pattern shows lines of different colours radiating from a middle point.


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