• 什么情况下必须补给燃料制止

    In which cases must bunkering be stopped?


  • 这种火箭可以解决频繁补给燃料这一问题

    Such rockets will solve the problem of frequent refueling.


  • 日本最近宣布他们不会美国领导的阿富汗战船补给燃料

    Japan recently announced it will no longer refuel ships involved in the U. S. -led war in Afghanistan.


  • 我们不是太阳火种颤抖寒冷中的火种,需要学习补给燃料

    We are not the sun, is the fire, shivering in the cold of the fire, the fuel supply required to study.


  • 空气燃料电池容量时间使用、可机械性补给燃料电池。

    Zinc-air fuel cell is a kind of cell that longtime usage and high power capacity, its fuel can be supplied automatically.


  • 根本没什么用,而且基于柴油动力只能跑出几百英里范围每天补给燃料

    Useless. Based on Diesel power, only has a range of few hundred miles. It will take days to refuel...


  • 1990年洁净空气法修正案要求机动车随车配备控制90%补给燃料汽化系统

    Clean Air Amendments (1990) required that motor vehicles be equipped with onboard systems to control about 90 percent of refueling vapors.


  • 集装箱型号每日生产1,200加仑,连续生产7无需外部电能补给燃料

    Container models can produce up to 1,200 gallons of water per day for 7 days without outside electrical source or refueling.


  • 而且除非我们偶尔补给燃料,我们其他任何人也将不多很好因此这里再一次生活置于平衡一些我们的喜爱方法

    And unless we refuel once in a while, we won't be much good to anyone else either, so here are some of our favorite ways to put life in balance again.


  • 然而追求绿色现代时尚一些设计师设找出新的东西,可以让游艇如此清洁自给自足,可能永远不需要燃料补给

    But the modern fashion for greenness has enabled a number of designers to find something new, in the shape of vessels so clean and self-sufficient they might never need refuelling.


  • AFS概念减少所需的用于后勤支持海上海军战舰数量,该战舰能够提供补给航行中所需的备件食物燃料

    The AFS concept reduced the number of logistics ships needed to support Navy warships at sea, and was able to provide spare parts, food and fuel via underway replenishment.


  • 可以离开飞船,但是必须回去进行燃料补给

    You could leave it, but you'd have to return to refuel.


  • 当然它们民用潜力,比如森林巡逻员在交错纵横的森林中很难找到传统燃料作为补给但是这里充足生物材料供战术机器人“食用”。

    There are also civilian applications, such as a forestry patrol over large swathes of territory where traditional fuel may be hard to find, but where there is plenty of biomass to keep the EATR going.


  • KC- 135“同温层加油机主要用于空军海军和海军陆战队美国的盟军进行空中燃料补给

    The primary purpose of the KC-135 Stratotanker is aerial aircraft refueling for air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and allied nations.


  • 年后城市没有储存足够发电机燃料食物其他补给应付这一问题。

    Seven years later, the city had still not stockpiled enough generator fuel, food and other supplies to handle the job.


  • 提供海上补给海洋运输服务,同时运输设备车辆物资货船油轮提供燃料

    It furnishes sealift and ocean transportation and also operates tankers for fuel transport cargo ships that transport equipment, vehicles and supplies.


  • 成百上千数不清巴勒斯坦人潮水般的冲过去购买燃料食物、紧缺品其它补给

    Tens or even hundreds of thousands of Palestinians poured through to buy fuel, food, spare parts and other supplies.


  • 答复博尔登提及轨道建立燃料补给可能这样小型火箭可以实现低地球轨道的运行。

    In response, Bolden referred to the possibility of setting up fuel depots in orbit, which could enable smaller rockets to make trips beyond low-Earth orbit.


  • 美方试图编织出一张“北方配送网络”,诸如燃料等非杀伤性补给通过网络,经由俄国中亚运抵阿富汗。

    It is stitching together a "northern distribution network" to bring non-lethal supplies such as water and fuel into Afghanistan through Russia and Central Asia.


  • 意味着今后军舰海上可以自行制造燃料,不必依靠油轮补给

    That means instead of relying on tankers, ships will be able to produce fuel at sea.


  • 公司指望艘80双汽油涡轮机驱动的三体船不用燃料补给能够横穿大西洋天时间航行3千海里(约合5556公里)。

    The company expects that the 80m twin-gas-turbine driven trimaran would be able to cross the Atlantic without re-fuelling, making the 3, 000-mile journey in under two days.


  • 然而尽管有宏伟愿景Shell目前在世界范围内还还只有6个汽车燃料补给站。

    Despite the grand vision, however, Shell currently has only six hydrogen filling-stations worldwide.


  • 摆脱了外部燃料补给依赖战术机器人能够长时间执行侦察任务;在一些危险地区,侦察任务交由他们去完成而无需士兵冒险

    With no dependence on external fuel supplies, an EATR would be able to perform long reconnaissance missions in areas which might be deemed too dangerous for soldiers to venture.


  • 油桶是不是燃料补给的?

    Are those the oil barrels that they're moving to the refuelling point?


  • 自古以来一直阿拉伯半岛南部主要港口之一,1869年苏伊士运河开通成为一个主要贸易区燃料补给

    It has been one of the chief ports of southern Arabia since ancient times and became a major trading and refueling station after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869.


  • 想象一下,火星可以作为一个补给燃料中转站,同时判断一下火星是否生命存在

    Imagine using Mars as a stopover point for water and refueling. As for determining whether life ever existed on Mars.


  • 我们燃料补给就会明白意思我们落后

    Compare that to our ONE refueling station and you can see what I mean when I say we are quite behind time.


  • 月球存在对于未来太阳系探测旅行中提供火箭燃料以及建立一个月球燃料补给至关重要

    The presence of water on the Moon is also important because it could also be used for rocket fuel and to establish a refueling station on the Moon for solar exploration trips.


  • VERTREP可以用来加速通过套海上补给(RAS)装置补给舰船进度,回收储存另外的一舰船上需要携带舰载燃料

    VERTREP may be used to speed up the process of replenishing a ship on one of the RAS RIGS, or to re-store another vessel that does not need to take fuel onboard.


  • VERTREP可以用来加速通过套海上补给(RAS)装置补给舰船进度,回收储存另外的一舰船上需要携带舰载燃料

    VERTREP may be used to speed up the process of replenishing a ship on one of the RAS RIGS, or to re-store another vessel that does not need to take fuel onboard.


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