• "广告商有时会通过补偿或者免责的形式,即索赔要求一种限定条件,来平衡夸大的说辞。

    Advertisers sometimes offset or counterbalance an exaggerated claim with a disclaimera qualification or condition on the claim.


  • 根据mihaly Csikszentmihalyi模型引入了一个框架为了确定用来根据工作满意度平衡职工贡献补偿

    Based on mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's flow model, he introduces a framework for determining compensation that balances employee contributions against job satisfaction.


  • 当然工作很大一部分,而且工作得到的回报远远超越了薪资补偿信仰家庭朋友爱好创造出真正的平衡

    Certainly, work is a big piece of that and work is rewarding well beyond compensation. But faith, family, friends and hobbies create real balance.


  • 但是平衡感官通过怎样一个机制运行,却一直没有弄清楚补偿机能如何运作

    But what hasn't been clear is how the mechanics of a compensating sense work.


  • 对所给出补偿方法进行仿真研究,结果验证单相statcom进行快速平衡补偿能力比较强。

    It is proved by the simulation results of the proposed compensation method that the single phase STATCOM possesses the ability to carry out fast balancing compensation.


  • 电力系统补偿无功平衡保证电压质量基本条件

    Reactive compensation and reactive equilibrium of electrical system are the basic conditions for guaranteeing voltage quality.


  • 针对常规平衡煤粉浓度测量存在动态误差的问题,提出一次测量量进行变系数动态补偿测量方法

    Aiming at dynamic error during measuring pulverized-coal concentration by general heat balance method, a dynamic compensation soft measurement method is introduced.


  • 话说,另一较高串联补偿上,轨道不稳定极限原来稳定平衡上分出来,系统的稳定性态将被改变。

    In other words, the unstable limit cycle will be bifurcated from the original asymptotical stable equilibrium point at another higher series compensation level, and the system dynamics will change.


  • 基础上,就可以建立满足各种条件下系统的谐波抑制、无补偿不对称负载平衡衡量化的统一控制策略

    Based on these relations, a general control strategy for harmonic elimination, reactive power compensation and asymmetrical load balance can be devised.


  • 试验表明转子间的对中状况、联轴器补偿能力以及系的平衡因素机组噪声有明显的影响。

    Test shows that proper shaft alignments, compensation capacity of the coupling and rotor dynamic balance etc. are essential to the noise control.


  • 如果一个,你寻求环境平衡和谐,也许,是为了补偿两个边缘之间平衡以及星图中空缺的对立半球

    If you're a Bowl Pattern, you seek balance and harmony with your environment, perhaps to compensate for the polarity between the occupied and unoccupied halves of your charts.


  • 通过针对输出电容电压差值的直流分量进行补偿,解决电压平衡问题

    The problem of voltage balance was solved by a compensation for the difference of the output voltage of capacitor.


  • 介绍热水地板供暖节能控制方法包括室温控制气候补偿水力平衡具体技术手段的控制目的实现方法

    Presents the control purpose and solution of some energy saving methods for hot water floor radiant heating, including indoor temperature control, weather compensation, hydraulic balance, etc.


  • 磁体磁性稳定性直接影响磁力平衡传感器精度自动补偿具有重要意义

    Magnetism of permanent magnet affects the accuracy of electromagnetic force balance sensor, and is important to compensate the effects of the magnetism.


  • 静止无补偿(SVC)补偿负荷无功同时,具备补偿三相负荷不平衡能力关键在于SVC采取的控制策略

    The SVC can not only compensates the reactive power, but also dish the negative sequence current produced by the unbalance loads, which mostly depend on the control scheme.


  • 本文利用功率平衡原理提出了一种新的补偿方法

    This paper proposes a new approach to reactive power compensation according to the principle of power balancer.


  • 通过简析双室平衡容器工作原理介绍测量补偿系统DCS控制系统中的实现方法。

    The article introduces the operational principle of double-chamber balancing vessels and describes the realization of the measurement and compensation system on DCS control.


  • 作者通过神经补偿机制探讨目前平衡训练方法提高脑卒中慢性期患者平衡功能的可能机制存在的问题

    The authors mainly discussed the mechanism and issues of balance training by which the balance function of stroke patients in chronic period improved, based on nerve compensative mechanism.


  • 平衡回馈补偿直流传感器传统直流互感器、双向磁放大器基本原理基础设计出的一种新型的直流大电流传感器。

    The DC sensor based on magnetic potential self-balance and feed-back compensation is brought forward based on the research of basic principles about traditional DC transformer and magnetic magnifier.


  • 各方激烈博弈不仅公共利益个人利益之间存在一定的此增彼消的矛盾性而且个人利益之间也可能会存在着一定的补偿平衡

    In the intense game of various parties, there not only exist contradictions between public interest and personal interests but also some compensate imbalance between the interests of individuals.


  • 建立STATCOM模型,并在基础上推导出平衡负载补偿的STATCOM无差拍控制模型。

    STATCOM mathematical model is set up to derivative the deadbeat STATCOM control model for unbalanced load.


  • 文中介绍主动电磁轴承工作原理推导主动电磁轴承的数学模型给出平衡补偿方案

    The working principle of active magnetic bearing is introduced, the mathematic model of active magnetic bearing is inferred, and the two approaches of unbalance compensation are given.


  • 提出伏安电阻一种接法——桥伏安法,接法以电桥平衡原理基础,不需补偿线路即可完全消除电表内阻影响

    This paper presents a new method for measuring resistance by voltametry-bridge type voltametry. It can eliminate effects of internal resistance of electrimeter without a compensator.


  • APF消除谐波补偿少量负载平衡由于TBC二进制条件不能消除功率因数

    The APF eliminates the harmonics and compensates the small amounts of load unbalances of power factor that the TBC cannot eliminate due to its binary condition.


  • 仿真结果表明补偿方法对于不同接线方式平衡负荷都具有较好的补偿效果,证明理论推导正确性

    The simulative results show the compensation effectiveness on the unbalanced load with different connection, which verifies the correctness of theoretical deduction.


  • 冲击性负荷会引起供电系统严重电压波动三相平衡,对其进行平衡补偿具有重要的意义。

    It is important to provide balancing compensation for shock load because of the severe voltage fluctuation and 3-phase unbalance imposed on power supply system by it.


  • 冲击性负荷会引起供电系统严重电压波动三相平衡,对其进行平衡补偿具有重要的意义。

    It is important to provide balancing compensation for shock load because of the severe voltage fluctuation and 3-phase unbalance imposed on power supply system by it.


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