• 为了补偿数字电视发射机频谱畸变相位失真,得到最佳VSB频谱特性可以调制器加入均衡网络对频谱进行预畸变。

    To minimize the frequency and phase distortion in a DTV transmitter in order to achieve best VSB frequency performance, a pre equalizer can be inserted into the modulator.


  • 如果我们不那么谨慎,将这些数字解读因果关系——事实上它们只是具有相关性——那么可能会得出下述结论:即,20婚姻足以补偿至多40年的丧偶经历。

    If we incautiously interpret these Numbers as causal - in fact they are merely correlations - then we could conclude that 20 years of marriage is compensation for up to 40 years of widowhood.


  • 这些数字2009年以来发生了重大变化,当时提供每种补偿公司占比仅有10%。

    Those numbers have changed significantly since 2009, when only 10% of companies issued each type of reimbursement.


  • 欧姆很多数字多用使用另一种消除偏置的方法偏置补偿欧姆

    Another offset-canceling method used by micro-ohmmeters and many DMMs is the offset-compensated ohms method.


  • 基于滤波器设计数字谐波检测方法用于任何一种电力系统谐波补偿装置中。

    The digital harmonic detection based on this kind of filter can be used in any kind of harmonic compensation system.


  • 基于滤波器设计数字谐波检测方法用于任何一种电力系统谐波补偿装置中。

    The digital harmonic detecting method based on this kind of filter can be used in any kind of power harmonic compensation system.


  • 运用数学形态学原理,对提取数字进行还原补偿噪声处理。

    Use the morphology principle to compensate and reduce the noise for the pick-up figure.


  • 一个世界纪录数字表明至少物质方面来补偿我所“俱乐部的一切,以此表达我的感激之情。

    The figure mentioned, which would be a world record, would serve as some compensation for the debt of gratitude that I owe the club, at least in material terms.


  • 系统采用大面CMOS图像传感器作为成像器件通过反射镜扫描进行补偿方法,实现无人机飞行状态清晰地数字成像

    This system USES large area array CMOS sensor as the image device, and makes the image motion compensation by reflector scanning, thus to obtain clear digital images during flight of UAV.


  • 数字控制时延补偿应用于直流开关电源中获得较好的控制效果

    The time delay compensation of digital control for DC switch-mode power supplies improves the control effect.


  • 滤波器设计数字检测方法用于任何一电力系统谐波补偿微机继电保护系统中。

    The digital first-harmonic detecting method based on this kind of filter can be used in anyone power harmonic compensation system and microcomputer relay protection system.


  • 本文简要介绍数字滤波几种方法非线性补偿误差修正的几种方法以及零点漂移问题的自动跟踪处理方法

    Introduce several methods of digital percolate ave, nonlinear compensate and error correction, as well as zero error and automatic trace processing method in this article.


  • 主要介绍高速数字设计利用CTAB进行阻抗补偿保证系统信号完整性方法

    A method that impedance compensation by CTAB ensured signal integrality in the high-speed digital design was introduced.


  • 控制器采用数字检测电路来获取电网电压电流相位差无功补偿原理出发,设计控制器软硬件

    It measures excess phase of voltage current by using digital circuit, Based on the reactive compensation theorem, the software hardware of the controller is deigned.


  • 本文提出了一种用于正交复用(OFDM系统大功率放大器引起非线性失真有效数字自适应补偿方法

    The paper presents an efficient digital adaptive method compensating for nonlinear distortions caused by a high-power amplifier (HPA) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) system.


  • 为了保证测量精度采用数字温度传感器ds1820实现温度的补偿

    In order to guarantee the measure accuracy, we also use DS1820 digital temperature sensor to realize temperature compensating.


  • 本文介绍了一种利用数字频率温度补偿装置来提高DRO的频率温度稳定性的方法。

    In this paper, it is introduced about how to utilize digital frequency temperature compensation circuit (DFTCC) to improve DRO s frequency vs temperature range stability.


  • 自适应数字预失真补偿功率放大器非线性一种有效技术

    Adaptive digital predistortion is an effective technique which compensate nonlinear distortion introduced by the high power amplifier (HPA).


  • 本文分析了产生现象原因提出了校正矩阵可以成功补偿有效数字损失。

    In this paper, the causes producing the above mentioned phenomena are analysed and a correction matrix method is presented in order to compensate for the loss of significant figures.


  • 通过回路噪声进行预测有效地补偿数字反馈回路造成噪声信号延迟从而改善了系统扰动控制性能

    By predicting the noise in the loop the delay of noise signal in digital feedback loop is compensated effectively, thus the control capability of the system on disturbance is enhanced.


  • 研究高倍抽取数字变频设计,重点分析了基于积分梳状滤波器、级联补偿滤波器、级联根余弦滤波器多级抽样频率算法

    In this paper, the high decimation ratio of digital down converter is studied and the multi-stage decimation algorithm is especially analyzed based on CIC filter, CFIR filter and RRC filter.


  • 算法能够克服数字控制器所产生延迟时间对于谐波补偿影响可实现谐波实时补偿

    This algorithm can overcome the infection of the digital controller's delay time to harmonic compensation and realize the real time compensation.


  • 传递函数辨识方法摆脱数字补偿设计依赖手工调试状况,可以提供复杂数字补偿得到高性能控制系统

    The identification of transfer function can facilitate the design of a digital compensator to get rid of manual debugging and provide complex digital compensator for a high performance control system.


  • 文中设计了补偿衰减数字滤波器并提出一种节省资源的高效实现方法

    A kind of inverse sampling filter is designed in order to compensate this attenuation and some methods is proposed to save the design resource.


  • 介绍利用DS1620数字温度传感器进行仪表温度补偿以及故障诊断报警等实现仪表智能化设计方案。

    This thesis introduces how to use digital temperature transducer DS1620 to cany compensation for temperature, failure diagnosis and alarm of instrument and to realize intelligent design of instrument.


  • 然后采用对基带信号数字补偿方法抑制镜像频率载波泄漏从而达到应用目的

    Then we perform digital pre-compensation method, which can be used in the processing of base band signal to reject image frequency and protect carrier leak to meet the application purpose.


  • 热式传感器很大滞后环节,在数字质量流量控制器需要传感器数据进行补偿

    The thermal sensor had a large lag phase, so the data got by the sensor of digital mass flow controller should be compensated in advance.


  • 传感器还借助处理器测量信号非线性温度漂移进行数字修正补偿

    The moisture sensor makes digital modulation and compensation on signal non-linearity and temperature offset by adoption of microprocessor.


  • 由于补偿方法中采用数字滤波样条插值技术,使得所建立控制系统任意输入作用具有良好的稳定性补偿效果

    Since digital filter and spline interpolation technique have been adopted in the compensation method, the developed control system is both stable and effective to arbitrary input signals.


  • 模拟补偿结果分析数字测量的系统误差传动误差补偿效果的影响。

    According to the results of compensation simulation, the effect of system error of digital instruments on the transmission error is discussed.


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