• 经过行驶模式分析后,浮动系统准确性有显著提升

    The float car driving mode analysis enhances the accuracy of exiting system evidently.


  • 该车可提供节能、普通运动三种行驶模式,其中节能模式下最长续航能力198公里

    The Fit will feature three drive modes - Econ, Normal and Sport - with a possible range of 123 miles (198 km) in Econ mode.


  • 作者研究一种新的主观侧重赋权值方法据此讨论了车辆的三种行驶模式燃油经济性模式低排放模式正常行驶模式

    In addition, the author studies a new way of weighting subjectively and discusses the three driving modes: fuel economy mode, emission mode and natural operation mode.


  • 因此,充电时间相等情况下,这两款车电动模式下的行驶里程相当。

    So an equal duration of charging creates the same distance of EV travel in both cars.


  • 欧盟不应掩盖分歧而是需要采用一种模式,让行驶快车道成员国充当先锋,为整个欧洲一体化项目赋予新的目标

    Rather than hiding this division, the EU now needs a model in which fast-lane nations act as pioneers who endow the whole project with new purpose.


  • 这款电力模式行驶20英里

    For the first 20 miles of travel, the vehicle can run in all-electric mode.


  • 模式通用公司的这汽车预计行驶50英里(合80公里),足以满足大多数美国通勤者的需求,这样他们长途的情况下需要使用汽油发动机

    GM's car is expected to go around 50 miles (80km) in all-electric mode, more than enough for most American commuters, who would need to use the petrol engine on longer trips only.


  • 该车使用容量离子电池组使汽油发动机停止运作,以模式运行行驶距离增加。

    Together with a big battery pack based on lithium-ion technology, this gives plug-ins a much larger range in all-electric mode, after which the petrol engine kicks in.


  • 特别值得注意的是款车型甚至电动模式行驶20英里

    Especially noteworthy is that even this model has an electric-only mode that will last up to 20 miles.


  • 充满电电池可以行驶62公里一旦电池用汽车就会转为混合动力模式

    The car has a range of 62 miles on a fully charged battery, and once the battery runs out, the car switches into hybrid mode.


  • 追捧Volt的人津津乐道一个事实是:Volt能用电行驶35英里后,平顺地切换到汽油机模式,由此节省燃油减少温室气体排放

    Volt enthusiasts like to recite the fact that the Volt can go 35 miles on battery-power and then shift seamlessly into gasoline-engine mode, saving on gas and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.


  • 目前正在考虑这辆车百公里油耗估计约5.23升,使其拥有电力模式只是行驶范围尚未确定

    Currently being considered for production, this car gets an estimated 45 MPG and will also feature an all-electric mode, although no specific range has been defined.


  • 这样一来,该汽油机不仅可以起到增程效果驾驶员启用运动模式后,还可以通过向电机输送额外电能改善车辆行驶表现

    As a result, besides its range-extending function, the petrol engine can improve the car's performance by delivering extra electricity whenever the driver flips on the vehicle's sport mode.


  • Volt纯电动模式行驶35英里之后就会切换汽油驱动模式——不再电池助力

    The Volt can go about 35 miles in EV mode, but after that it switches over to pure gasoline power - no more battery assist.


  • 本文通过理论分析试验模拟计算方法轻型车辆下坡行驶工况下经济性驾驶模式进行了研究。

    In this paper, by the methods of theoretical analysis, testing and simulation calculation, the economic driving mode of light vehicles traveling downhill is studied.


  • 相比传统控制模式论文提出车辆行驶区间功率平衡功率实时自适应调节控制策略

    Compared with the other control model, this thesis proposes a novel strategy that the power of the APU is adaptively regulated based on the power balance of the driving cycle.


  • 论文采用插电式并联混合动力方案要求增加电动驱动模式行驶距离

    The thesis adopts the Plug-in parallel hybrid electric project which means that it should increase the distance under the pure electric mode.


  • 通用汽车一直大力宣传,雪佛兰Volt概念使用电动模式凭借锂离子电池行驶至多60公里

    GM has heavily promoted the idea that its Chevrolet Volt concept could use lithium-ion batteries to operate for as far as about 60 kilometers on electricity alone.


  • 通用汽车一直大力宣传,雪佛兰Volt概念使用电动模式凭借锂离子电池行驶至多60公里

    GM has heavily promoted the idea that its Chevrolet Volt concept could use lithium-ion batteries to operate for as far as about 60 kilometers on electricity alone.


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