• 印刷技术中的线,用于引导视线沿印刷行移动

    In printing, a line of dots, used to direct the eye along a printed line.


  • 重新打包分区末端移动分区上部空白空间中。

    Repack moves rows from the end of the partition to the empty page space present in the upper end of the partition.


  • 目前拿到水货所以办法做成刷机。目前仅仅移动镜像

    Currently not get the real parallel machine, we had to make Brush package. Currently only the line moving image for the country.


  • 远程服务器联邦服务器移动本地HSJOIN操作union操作符之间行移动仍然的。

    Row movement from the remote servers back to the federated server, as well as between the local HSJOIN operators and the UNION operator is serialized.


  • V 8中谓词没有被下CF为了计算谓词和聚合需要大约1百万个移动联邦服务器

    In V8, the predicate was not pushed down to CF, and nearly one million rows had to be moved to the federated server to evaluate the predicate and perform the aggregate.


  • 游戏版本条消息是游戏运动系统球员身体很大进步,将允许快速换位,同时移动更快

    The versions next-gen will profit from a system of movement of improved body, allowing faster displacements, as well as technical epic aligned more quickly.


  • 移动托架,有一个能另一杠杆还有一个按字母顺序排列键盘

    It had a movable carriage, a lever for turning paper from line to line, and a keyboard on which the letters were arranged in alphabetical order.


  • 添加表格标题移动顶部,做起来简单不会精心调整布局或颜色方案

    Adding a table row or moving the headings to the top should be simple to do without messing up a carefully tweaked layout or color schema.


  • 通过JSTL代码移动输出元素的可重用标记文件中,就可以代码片段缩减

    This code fragment can be reduced back to a single line by moving the JSTL code into a reusable tag file that outputs the element.


  • 可滚动结果允许游标移动到结果集中任意

    A scrollable result set allows the cursor to be moved to any row in the result set.


  • 所以我们可以看到这个,progress3,c,这个一个和progress2,c完全相同程序,一个爱好者版本,它,反斜杠r把代码移动开始

    So we can see this in progress3.c. This is the exact same program that I had in progress2.c. It's the fancier version that's actually using backslash r to move things to the start of the line.


  • 对于移动每一两个动作insertdelete

    For every row that moves, there are two actions - insert and delete.


  • 标题单元格最后调用Ln方法以便向下移动下一开始

    At the end of the header cells, you call the Ln method to move down to the start of the next line.


  • Iq balQuadir一个移民美国从事职业后来成为商业学者孟加拉人,梦想移动电话带到故乡

    Iqbal Quadir, a Bangladeshi who emigrated to America to become an investment banker and then a business academic, had a dream of bringing mobile phones to his homeland.


  • 可以控件添加一个可用中,如果没有更多,那么控件移动到下一第一列中。

    Controls are added to the next available column in a row; if no more columns exist in the row, the control moves to the first column of the next row.


  • 接下来代码将鼠标移动限制每个维度中心移动最大距离

    The next four lines restrict the movement of the mouse to the maximum distance from the center in each dimension.


  • 因为堆栈中压入变量会让堆栈指针移动一个双,所以给堆栈指针4(双字大小)(第32)。

    Since pushing a variable essentially moves the stack pointer by a dword, the stack pointer is adjusted by adding 4 (the size of a dword) to it (line 32).


  • 着让眼睛在读过3-4文字再进休息,或者任意觉得效果更好数,保持眼睛文字间顺畅移动大脑沿着线不断地获取知识

    Try to reduce your eye rests to 3-4 per line, maybe evenless as you get betterkeep the eye moving smoothly line after line, lettingyour mind drink in the knowledge on the line.


  • 按着这个移动游标经过中的每个字符就会切换遇到每个字母字符大小写

    Holding down the key rolls over each character in the line, flipping the case of any alpha characters the editor comes across.


  • 互联网泡沫破灭之后软银经历了次转型,第一次是转型一家固定电话宽带服务商,现在风光不再,软银又转型成了一家移动电话运营商

    Since the bubble burst, Softbank has reinvented itself at least twice, first as a fixed-line telecoms and broadband firm, and now that scheme has lost its shine, as a mobile-phone operator.


  • DB2更新当前中的副本移动历史表中,记录系统时间起始结束值。

    DB2 updates the row in the current table and moves a copy of the old row to the history table, recording the system time start and end values.


  • 打印机会识别自动根据在新的开始所需移动打印

    Printers recognize the form-feed character and automatically advance the print head by the required number of lines necessary to begin the next line of data on a new page.


  • 选定段落向下移动

    Moves the selected section down one row.


  • 默认情况下,用于历史移动编辑组合类似gnuEmacs编辑使用的相应内容。

    By default, the keys and key combinations used to move through the history or edit lines are similar to those used in the GNU Emacs editor.


  • 摩根·斯坦利称,2020年可能达100亿移动装置流通

    According to Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, there could be 10 billion mobile devices in circulation by 2020.


  • JPMorgan的观点,中国移动业绩璀璨,得到了三分之二移动用户至少五分之四的盈利增长

    China Mobile is doing brilliantly, collecting two-thirds of all new subscribers and more than four-fifths of the industry's profit growth, according to JPMorgan, an investment bank.


  • 或许微软重返移动市场改进搜索引擎看起来成功(至少让人满意)windows7方面意义。

    It would certainly make sense against a backdrop of potential comeback in the mobile space, gains in search, and the seemingly successful (or at least satisfying) Windows 7 launch.


  • 或许微软重返移动市场改进搜索引擎看起来成功(至少让人满意)windows7方面意义。

    It would certainly make sense against a backdrop of potential comeback in the mobile space, gains in search, and the seemingly successful (or at least satisfying) Windows 7 launch.


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