• 终局行政规则首先公布联邦公报上然后是联邦规则法典

    Final administrative rules are published first in the Federal Register and then in the Code of Federal Regulation.


  • 而且实际上不是一种公共行政规则,而是他们家族私人规则

    And so this really is not an institutional rule. This is a personal family rule.


  • 技术标准实质一类规则,因制定主体的不同分为行政规则行业规则

    The essence of the technical standard is the regulation, which is divided into two sides including administrative regulation and professional regulation.


  • 第三部分指出行政规则存在问题主要在于制定主体、制定权限制定程序方面。

    We should reduce the administrative rule-making subject, define the permission of legislation clearly, and improve the public participation process.


  • 作为一类具有高度技术性专业性行政规则技术标准实质意义上发挥着作用

    As a high technical and special administrative rule, technical standard actually exerts the same function of law.


  • 虽然绝大多数行政规则的确关注将来行为标准,但机关偶尔也发布作用在于有追溯效力规则

    Although the vast majority of administrative rules do concern future standards of conduct, agencies occasionally issue rules that are intended to operate retroactively.


  • 行政规则研究一直行政法学理论研究热点笔者认为,行政规则存在许多问题的主要原因在于对行政规则的法律性质没有弄清楚

    The research of administrative rules is always a hot spot of administrative theoretical research, in my opinion, because of the legal nature of administrative rules is not clear, it has many problems.


  • 他们需要打击腐败加强边境控制改善司法行政国家工业支持规则

    They need to fight corruption, strengthen border controls, and improve justice, administration, and state industrial support rules.


  • 执行人员不是具体哪个法律行政长官,而是政策条例规则发起者他们可以行使权力。

    The Executive is not to be the administrator of specific laws, but the formulator of policies, decrees and rulings which will have the force of law.


  • 白宫行政人员没有正式反对法案援引该项立法可能违反国际贸易规则忧虑,表达了他们的不满!

    White House officials have not formally opposed the bill but have indicated discomfort with it, citing concerns about legislation that might violate international trade rules.


  • 直到现在大型金融公司收购很多顾虑,其中主要两个原因第一他们买卖已经规则了,这让收购成了一个行政上的雷区

    Until now, big financial firms have been considered largely immune to buy-outs, for two reasons. First, their business is regulated, making it a political minefield.


  • 律师协会制定行业规范惩戒规则不得有关法律行政法规规章抵触

    The professional regulations and rules of punishment formulated by lawyers associations shall not contravene relevant laws, administrative regulations or rules.


  • 服务原产地实际上就是服务原产国。服务原产地规则被定义任一成员确定服务原产地而实施普遍适用法律法规行政决定

    Rules of origin on services shall be defined as those laws, regulations, administrative determinations of general application applied by any Member to determine the country of origin of services.


  • 首先即使行政官员自由酌情决定支配作用的法规一致,但决定与机关内部的规则,仍是违法的。

    First, even when an administrator's discretionary decision is in accord with governing statutes, it may be unlawful if it is inconsistent with the agency's own rules.


  • 美国法律规则赋予一个战区指挥官广大行政责任和权力。

    American law and regulations give a theater commander a vast amount of administrative responsibility and authority.


  • 第三讨论行政契约生效制度支持规则以及进行了案例分析

    Chapter Three focuses on the rules that effectuation system of administrative contract supports and analyses some cases in practice.


  • 总体我国行政复议制度WTO规则是相适应具体制度设计上与WTO的要求尚存在一定的差距。

    Generally speaking, administrative reconsideration system in our country fits in with WTO regulations, but looking from concrete regulations, it can't meet the needs of WTO.


  • 对于名为刑事、实为行政纠纷案件蕴含规则就是案件的实质出发纳入受案范围

    The rule is that the named criminal but actually administrative procedure cases should be brought into the scope of administrative accepting cases according with its nature.


  • 税务行政复议机关受理行政复议申请作出行政复议决定,适用规则

    The Rules are applicable to taxation administrative review authorities in accepting the application for review and in making decisions on administrative review.


  • 设置严格程序规则各国行政诉讼保障原告辩论通常做法

    In the current world, it is usual in administrative action to emphasize the debating right of the plaintiff by strict procedural regulation.


  • 国家正是通过上述方法立法行政的、行业规则的方式构筑证券监管严密体系

    Country has constructed the tight system of security supervision just through above-mentioned methods with administrative and legal measures and trade regular rules.


  • 我国已加入WTO有关行政行为也与WTO的规则相适应

    China being a member of WTO, related administrative operation should be adapted to WTO rules.


  • 现场勘查规则实际上就是现场勘查专业总则主要包括技术管理标准行政管理标准两个方面的内容。

    Rules of crime scene investigation are indeed the professional criteria of crime scene investigation, which include technical management criterion and administrative management criterion.


  • 构建新型经济行政许可制度必须充分重视WTO规则中国经济法特定作用

    To construct a new economic system of administrative licensing, much attention must be attached to the special role of WTO regulations and Chinese economic law.


  • 中国入世迫切要求中国法制国际规则接轨行政审判面临外部形势严峻

    Chinas entry into WTO urgently needs Chinese legal systems to adapt to the international rules; whereas, its administration trial is confronted with severe situations outside.


  • 用尽行政补救方法原则反对联邦法院的中间上诉一般规则相似,以下若干目的

    The principle of exhaustion, which resembles the general rule against interlocutory appeal in the federal courts, has several purposes.


  • 我国必须遵循wto争端解决机制规定完善民商审判机制行政审判机制,司法审判标准必须WTO规则接轨

    We should follow the regulations of WTO dispute solving mechanism, perfect the legal mechanism and administrative judge mechanism. The legal standards should keep connection with WTO rules.


  • 委托行政活动普遍存在的现象再委托规则控制行政裁量权一种手段

    Although subdelegation is a general phenomenon in administrative law, the rule against subdelegation offers a way to control administrative discretionary power.


  • 委托行政活动普遍存在的现象再委托规则控制行政裁量权一种手段

    Although subdelegation is a general phenomenon in administrative law, the rule against subdelegation offers a way to control administrative discretionary power.


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