• 行动可能涉及通过电子邮件电话寻呼机通知环境中的某些威胁人们发出警报。

    The action might also involve alerting people to certain threats in the environment by sending email, phone or pager notifications.


  • 我们任何一行动变得简便易行——数百万发送电子邮件组织数万活动

    We facilitate actions of every sort: sending e-mails out to millions and millions of people, organizing tens of thousands of events.


  • 这套设备行动不便人群带来极大的便利他们可以撰写电子邮件甚至世界其他地方通过即时通讯软件进行交流。

    This will make the life of disabled people much easier. Those who can’t move will be able to write email letters and even IM people around the world.


  • 他们同一个电子邮件诈骗中,采用多个不同的标题,比较不同标题得到的反馈率,内容用语进行细调,以便下一次行动

    They may use different subject lines in the same E-mail scam, comparing the response rates and then fine-tuning the language in the next round.


  • 如果多个接收者发送邮件请求行动确保行动分配给具体

    If you're sending an E-mail to multiple recipients and you're asking for action, make sure a specific person is assigned to that action.


  • 马丁电子邮件声明中说:“现在采取行动我们自己时间灵活性推动我们产品通过。

    Martin said in the e-mail statement that “by taking action now, we have given ourselves both the time and flexibility to drive adoption of our product.”


  • 打开收件箱时,Outlook设计保证看到所有邮件而不是帮助采取行动摆脱

    Out of the box, Outlook is designed to make sure you see all your mail, not help you act on and get rid of it.


  • 控怠采取行动揭发共和党一位前任同僚,前国会议员MarkFoley发送恐怖邮件那些国会的行政助理

    He is accused of failing to take action against a former colleague in the Republican party, ex-congressman Mark Foley, who sent lurid e-mails to boys working as administrative assistants in congress.


  • 早晨时间世界相对安静的时候,安静着,不要任何事,不要计划一天行动,不要检查你的邮件,也不要吃东西仅仅坐着,学会怎样舒服地静坐不动。

    Find a time in the morning, when the world is still fairly quiet, to sit still. Don't do anything, don't plan your day, don't check email, don't eat. Just sit, and learn to be comfortable being still.


  • 受灾现场所有大型救援行动都设有通讯中心援助人员可以那里发送电子邮件阅读最新安全资料,以及研读受灾地区卫星地图

    On the ground, all big relief operations have communications centres where aid workers go to send e-mails, read the latest security updates and study satellite maps of the affected area.


  • 戈尔这样度过一周,为此花费一整的时间——亲为人事、投邮件策划行动

    Gore spent the week where he has spent the whole year — in the weeds, spitting out e-mails, plotting every move.


  • 行动邮件所有的积极反馈打印出来吧。

    Do it: Look through your emails for any positive feedback, and print it out.


  • 测试电子邮件广告的要素包括发送日期时间频率个性化主题内容价格推广行动

    Ideas for testing email campaigns include: sending day and time, frequency, personalization, subject and contents, prices, and call to action.


  • 这些瓦解行动虽然减少了垃圾邮件不能根除暴利假药行业

    Such disruptions may cut spam but will not put the lucrative phoney pharmacies out of business.


  • 虽然有些成为facebook上粉丝”,但有些希望接收你的邮件,而有些人是能对你的工作巨大帮助的支持者、资金筹集行动

    Some users may only want to be a "fan" of your work on facebook, others may want to be on your email list or become a major supporter, fundraiser, or activist on your behalf.


  • 早晨时间世界相对安静的时候,安静着,不要任何事,不要计划一天行动,不要检查你的邮件,也不要吃东西,仅仅坐着,学会怎样舒服地静坐不动。

    Find a time in the morning, when the world is still fairly quiet, to sit still. Don't do anything, don't plan your day, don't check email, don't eat.


  • 指出说:“人们处理邮件的方法不同他们可能认为转发传达信息是帮到了你,而实际上这却是不慎重行动。”

    She states, "People process information differently and they may think they're being helpful by forwarding a message when, in fact, they're being indiscreet."


  • 怀特便是强大的学习工具像是一位导师,用易于分解方式教你学会电子邮件营销各种技巧以便采取行动

    White's book is a powerful learning tool that will act like a mentor, teaching you the tricks of the trade in an easily broken-down format so you can take action.


  • Sophos高级安全顾问CaroleTheriault表示:“虽然美国仍然位居垃圾邮件发送榜首,但是这项结果表明,其迫切地期望与世界各国共同合作,采取全球反垃圾邮件行动。”

    Sophos senior security consultant Carole Theriault said that while the U.S. remains the top spam dog, there results show an urgent need for countries to join together and take global action.


  • 高盛表示发送道谢邮件一个很好的行动不是必需的,另外,一封信会耗费很多时间电话体现出你的笨拙

    Goldman says that sending a thank you email is a nice gesture, but it's not necessary. Goldman says written letters take too long and phone calls can be awkward.


  • 有的可能一不小心就把邮件转发上司有关系的某人一样一下子就让你的秘密行动曝光了。

    Someone could reach out, inadvertently, to someone connected to your boss and blow your cover.


  • 一次,闯入者在克里姆林宫指挥下,远程采取了行动,工具钓鱼邮件黑客技术

    This time, the burglary was conducted from afar, directed by the Kremlin, with spear-phishing emails and zeros and ones.


  • 某种程度上讲,有特色邮件激发人们阅读采取行动只是稍微应用一下那些老生常谈的说服技巧就行。

    Luckily, crafting emails in a way that encourages people to read and act on them is relatively easy. You just have to apply some age-old techniques of persuasion.


  • 离开办公室之前确认每个人都知道不在的这段时间他们应该完成哪些工作,并且告诉你的员工邮件分一下并且把他们归纳成为可以采取行动

    Before leaving the office, make sure everyone knows what needs to be done while you are gone and ask your staff to sort the mail and condense it to action items while you are away.


  • 离开办公室之前确认每个人都知道不在的这段时间他们应该完成哪些工作,并且告诉你的员工邮件分一下并且把他们归纳成为可以采取行动

    Before leaving the office, make sure everyone knows what needs to be done while you are gone and ask your staff to sort the mail and condense it to action items while you are away.


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