• 规定行使撤销权的,受赠人负返还动产义务

    On revocation under this Chapter, the donee is obliged to return the goods.


  • 债务人行为发生年内没有行使撤销撤销权消灭

    Such cancellation right is extinguished if not exercised within five years, commencing on the date of occurrence of the obligor's act.


  • 债务人行为发生年内没有行使撤销的,撤销权消灭

    Such cancellation right is extinguished if not exercised within five years, commencing on the date of occurrence of the obligor 's act.


  • 行使撤销权提供法律依据仅仅适用于合同保全

    Although it provides the legal basis for the creditor to exercise its right of rescission, it is only applicable in the preservation of debts arising from contracts.


  • 并对司法实践一些不易把握典型是否行使撤销进行有针对分析

    In addition, an analysis is especially made on whether the cancellation right of the obligee may be exercised or not for some typical creditor's rights which are hard to deal with.


  • 第四分析买受人撤销要件,得出本案先买受人不得行使撤销权结论

    The fourth, analyze the conditions of the first vendee's right of rescission, then come to the conclusion that in this case the first vendee should not exert the right of rescission.


  • 第二十六条债行使撤销权支付律师代理费差旅费必要费用,债务人负担

    Clause 26 The necessary expenses incurred by the obligee in enforcing its cancellation right, such as attorney's fee and travel expenses, shall be borne by the obligor;


  • 不动产双重买卖并非法律禁止行为,(买受人)在一定条件下行使撤销

    It is recognized that although real estate dual sales are not inhibited by law, the creditor (prior purchaser) could, under certain conditions, enforce the right of revocation.


  • 行使撤销效力判决确立而产生,分别人、债务人相对人产生效力

    After the creditor performs recalling right, its force is to be established after the judgement, and has validity on the creditor, the debtor and the relative person.


  • 我国合同法》第74条、75条关于撤销制度行使撤销权提供了法律依据

    The article 74 and 75 of the Chinese Contract Law in the legal fraternity provide bases in regulations for the creditor's right of revocation.


  • 税务机关行使代位撤销性质方式程序上与一般民事主体行使代位撤销权具有明显的区别

    There is quite different for tax authorities to practice subrogation and revocation in the nature, method and procedure from the original civil subject.


  • 显然我国行政机关行使行政撤销完全是自由任何的控制。

    It is very obvious that administration offices freely perform the power of cancellation, which is not controlled in our country.


  • 产生重要错误场合,本文探讨了允许表意人行使法律行为撤销几种情形

    Secondly, on the occasion of major error, this article discusses eight situations of not allowing exercising the right of withdrawing the legal act.


  • 根据目前我国法律规定,合同撤销行使后果两种返还财产赔偿损失。

    According to the regulation of our laws the implementation of Contract-Withdraw Right has two consequences:return property and repay loss.


  • 在行后果,探讨了撤销行使标的物直接效力以及受让人效力问题

    As for the consequences on the exercise of the right, it includes withdrawing from the subject matter of directly and the effect on the re-issue the assignee.


  • 可见赠与合同性质对于赠与任意撤销权行使意义重大

    Shows that the nature of the grant contract, grant any person the right to revoke the exercise of great significance.


  • 第七十五条撤销知道或者应当知道撤销事由之年内行使

    Article 75 the right of rescission shall be exercised within one year from the day on which the creditor is aware or ought to be aware of the matters for the rescission.


  • 赠与人继承人或者法定代理人撤销,自知道或者应当知道撤销原因之日起个月内行使

    The heir or legal agent of the donor shall exercise the right of revocation within six months after he became, or should have become, aware of the cause for revocation.


  • 摘要可撤销法律行为撤销行使方法存在诉讼撤销自主撤销两种制度模式。

    Abstract: There are two methods of the rescission of revocable civil juristic ACTS, juridical revocation and non-juridical revocation on one's own initiative.


  • 任意撤销行使条件相对比较宽泛,赠与物转移之前完全掌控在赠与人手中。

    While consensual right of revocation has less stick conditions to apply, donors have right to decide whether to fulfill gift contracts or not before transferring gift to donnees.


  • 撤销行使必须符合法定成立要件撤销权行使债务人第三人都产生法律规定的效力。

    The exercise of the right of rescission is to accord with legal essentials of establishment a nd its exercise takes legal effect on the creditor, debtor and the third party.


  • 然后通过研究撤销行使方式、效力范围等问题,提出一定个人见解

    Then, through the study of the ways in which the obligee's right of revocation is exercised, its scope and its effect of application, this thesis presents some personal views.


  • 然后通过研究撤销行使方式、效力范围等问题,提出一定个人见解

    Then, through the study of the ways in which the obligee's right of revocation is exercised, its scope and its effect of application, this thesis presents some personal views.


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