• 原子客体量子行为都是相同

    The quantum behavior of atomic objects is the same.


  • 原子客体量子行为都是相同

    The quantum behavior of atomic objects is the same .


  • 这些研究以一个他们命名Hawthorne效应结论结束这个当时十分具有影响力的结论告诉我们,仅仅是被实验就足以使实验客体行为发生改变

    Instead, the studies ended up giving their name to the "Hawthorne effect", the extremely influential idea that the very act of being experimented upon changes subjects' behaviour.


  • 传统犯罪构成理论危害行为视为犯罪构成客观要件之一混淆认识客体认识中介之间界限。

    The traditional viewpoints of the theory of criminal constitution that the dangerous act is one of the objective elements confuse the object of cognition with the intermediate of cognition.


  • 主要包括第一宣传主体宣传客体双向互动行为贯穿宣传思想工作过程始终

    Include mainly: First, the two-way interdynamic behavior of propagating the subject and propagating the object is run through in what has been propagated ideological work course all the time.


  • 作为一个经验客体属于这个感官世界行为自然法则决定,由因果规律所决定的。

    As an object of experience, I belong to the sensible world. There my actions are determined by the laws of nature and by the regularities of cause and effect.


  • 绑架既遂标准问题实质就是对于绑架罪的客观行为要件客体要件判断问题。

    The essential matter of the standard of accomplishment of the crime kidnapping is the judgment of objective behavior element and the object element.


  • 犯罪客体属于判断不是概念范畴内容行为法律关系的破坏性”行为违法性。

    The object of crime belongs to the category of judgment but not a concept, and its content is the behavior to destructiveness of the legal relationship, that is the behavior violated against the law.


  • 诉讼欺诈行为侵犯双重具体社会关系直接客体单一客体

    The act of litigation fraud infringes upon bilaterally concrete social relations, but its direct object of crime is single.


  • 民事客体(奴婢)行为三类组成。

    Civil objects was consist of substance, person (slaves) and ACTS.


  • 有关扰乱法庭秩序罪名定义客体行为主体适用中的若干较存争议问题进行了较为深入的探讨

    This paper makes a tentative study on the problems about the accusation, the definition, the object, the action, the subject and the application about crime of disrupting the order of the court.


  • 行为犯罪客体、实行行为特性以及犯罪主观方面都显著不同结果犯其他犯罪类型特点。

    The behavioral offense is quite different from the consequential offense and other kinds of crimes in the criminal object, the features of behavior and the subjective elements of crimes.


  • 自动词使役构成句子特点无论是主体允许还是命令下行为责任等都在于客体本身。

    The characteristic of the sentences composed of intransitive verb employment state is that the objects take the responsibility no matter the actions are allowed or commanded by the subjects.


  • 试图主体客体中介之间互动关系、论述促进强化行为参与空间交往

    Trying to review the relation among subject, object and intermediary, elaborates on how to strengthen the behavior to participate the space contact.


  • 英语双及物动词构块施事论元通过某行为使客体接受者成功转移中心意义,除其基本用法外还涉及隐喻和喻用法;

    The English ditransitive construction, with actual successful transfer as the central sense, typically implies that the(agent) argument acts to cause transfer of an object to a recipient.


  • 面对现实困境明确信息作为民事客体因为信息不同智力成果人身利益行为

    Difficult to face reality, the information should be clear as a civil object, because the information is different from the material, intellectual, personal interests and behavior.


  • 债权人撤销客体为债务人代理人有害行为

    The object of right of the creditors right of cancellation is the harmful behavior of the debtor or his agent.


  • 债权人撤销权客体为债务人代理人有害行为

    The object of the creditor's right of cancellation is the harmful behavior of the debtor or his agent.


  • 本文职务侵占犯罪概念入手,分析基本特征犯罪行为主观客观主体客体四大要素

    Starting with the concept of the crime of embezzlement by abusing power, the thesis analyses its basic features and its four essential factors: subjectivity, objectivity, subject and object.


  • 生产销售假药行为违法还是犯罪,应从其客体客观方面主体主观方面四个要件划分。

    The distinction between crime and illegality in production and sale of bogus or substandard drugs should be made by the four elements, namely subject, subjectivity, object and objectivity.


  • 国际税法客体国际税收利益和国际税收协作行为

    The objects of international tax law are international tax interests and conducts of international tax cooperation.


  • 想象竞合犯是实施犯罪危害行为全部一部又基于罪过侵犯另一客体,而形成的一个危害行为触犯数罪名的犯罪形态。

    An ideal jointed offence indicates a type of offence that one crime may offend more than one offence for its endangered act in part or as a whole against other objects.


  • 研究进行了一系列行为实验了解手动旋转是否不同客体心理旋转产生系统影响

    In this study, a series of behavioral experiments were made to examine whether manual rotation would systematically affect the mental rotation of different objects.


  • 通过对作为审美客体线性休闲空间动态景观要素形体时空三个方面的解析探讨线性休闲空间与动态景观创造原则,以构成对休闲行为支持。

    Analysis the linear leisure space and dynamic landscape as aesthetic object from essential factor, form and structure, and space-time, to discuss the principle of it.


  • 第二部分前人基础上,重新构建法律关系客体行为理论

    Based on the former theories, the second part reconstructs the "object of legal relation" theory.


  • 犯罪客体复杂客体还是简单客体关键是看犯罪构成要件行为所侵害的对象反映出什么社会关系社会利益

    Whether the object of crime is complex one or simple one depends on the social interests of the social relationship reflected by the target changed by requisites to constitute a crime.


  • 犯罪客体复杂客体还是简单客体关键是看犯罪构成要件行为所侵害的对象反映出什么社会关系社会利益

    Whether the object of crime is complex one or simple one depends on the social interests of the social relationship reflected by the target changed by requisites to constitute a crime.


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