• 哭着回答:“亲爱的,我今天行为真的很抱歉。”

    I tearfully replied, "Sweetie, I'm really sorry for the way I acted today."


  • 上节我们讨论动物行为一些模式今天课我们集中讨论动物研究使用方法

    Last time, we discussed some patterns of animal behaviour, and in today's lecture we will concentrate on the methods used in the study of animals.


  • 今天公司诞生10周年之际我们时间考虑一个不那么明显的优势:智能手机技术彻底改变行为科学潜力

    Today, on the 10th anniversary of the company, let's take a moment to consider a less obvious advantage: the potential for smartphone technology to revolutionize behavioral science.


  • 但是今天公司诞生10周年之际我们时间考虑一个不那么明显的优势:智能手机技术彻底改变行为科学潜力

    But today, on the 10th anniversary of the company, let's take a moment to consider a less obvious advantage: the potential for smartphone technology to revolutionize behavioral science.


  • 这份报告会今天开市刺激玉米期货一些购买行为

    This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today.


  • 今天讨论中我们回顾一些动物如何行为适应环境案例研究

    For today's discussion, we'll review the case study on how some animals have behaviorally adapted to their environments.


  • 今天开始我们只能改变我们行为

    We can only change our behaviours from today onwards.


  • 今天UML6支持上面提到四个分层类型结构的、行为的、继承

    UML today 6 also supports the four hierarchy types noted above: structural, behavioral, package, and inheritance.


  • 今天如果仔细观察研究基因如何影响人类行为专家,你会发现许多反弗兰肯斯坦的准则。

    Today, if you look at people who study how genetics shape human behavior, you find a collection of anti-Frankensteins.


  • 今天公布一项研究显示,母亲在怀孕期间吸烟显著增加孩子日后出现行为问题风险

    Smoking during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of having a child with behavioural problems, according to research published today.


  • 今天对于很多俄罗斯人来说,把俄国银行里经济不负责任行为也是现代俄罗斯经济生活真实悲剧

    To many in Russia today, saving money in a Russian bank has become a financially irresponsible act. This is the truest tragedy of modern Russian economic life.


  • 印度环境部长今天西方各国努力利用印度“毫无节制生育行为强迫新德里接受具有法律约束力减排目标

    Western nations are trying to use India's "profligate reproductive behaviour" to force Delhi to accept legally binding emission reduction targets, India's environment minister said today.


  • 然而知道今天大部分研究(线上和线下)不是集中一小部分用户集中在成功群体驱动行为上。

    However, most of the research (both on - and offline) to date has focused on either a small subset of users or the most successful herd-driven behaviours.


  • 努力提高今天生活质量同时我们必须考虑到我们行为未来生命产生什么样的影响

    While making great efforts to increase our current quality of life, we must simultaneously consider how our actions will affect future lives.


  • 慢动作冲击在今天看来不可避免的,但是他却及时产生同等的不能停止的更加积极的慢动作反应行为

    The slow-motion shock seems irresistible today, but in time it will give rise to an equally unstoppable and more positive slow-motion reaction (see article).


  • 相信灵活身体产生灵活的思想,确实,今天我将着重讲思想行为的灵活性。

    While I do believe that a flexible body lends itself to a flexible mind, here I'm focusing on the mind and our behavior.


  • 所以今天星期一我们学习心理理论,其代表人物分别,西格蒙特·弗洛伊德和,伯尔赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳,这两个理论便是精神分析理论,和行为主义理论。

    So today and Monday we're going to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated with Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism.


  • 今天英国社会事故预防组织,谴责了这名母亲大胆行为

    Today the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents condemned the woman for ignoring the signs and advised people to stay off the ice.


  • 其中有老鼠嗅嗅”,另一个叫“匆匆”。 还有两个老鼠一般大小的小矮人,模样行为看上去今天人类

    Two were mice, namedSniff 3” and “Scurry4” and two were littlepeople-beings5 who were as small as mice but who looked and acted a lot like people today.


  • ,“女儿原谅今天行为,我不该大声喊。”

    I said, "Daughter, I'm sorry for the way I acted today. I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."


  • 艾利斯上个世纪50年代创立理情行为疗法遇到一些其他来自心理健康领域抵制今天这种疗法成为全世界广泛应用的心理疗法之一。

    When Albert Ellis created REBT in the 1950's he met with much resistance from others in the mental health field. Today it is one of the most widely-practiced therapies throughout the world.


  • 虽然反吸烟行为倡导者在过去几十年里一直努力,但是今天仍然超过10亿的烟民

    Despite decades of work by health campaigners, more than one billion people still smoke today.


  • 织布鸟并不是天生就懂得怎样建造这种结构研究人员今天(2011年9月26日)的期刊行为过程》里作了这样的报道

    Weavers aren't born knowing how to build these structures, researchers reported today (Sept. 26, 2011) in the journal Behavioural Processess.


  • 我们常常错误地认为,我们可以过去获得知识或者洞察力,使得我们可以改变我们今天需要改变的行为举止想法感觉

    We believemistakenly, all too often — that the knowledge or insight we will gain from the past will give us what we need to change our behaviors, thoughts and feelings today.


  • 今天的傍晚,老公花了一个多小时女儿一起骑着自行为围绕我的邻居不断的兜圈

    This evening, my husband spent an hour riding bikes around and around and around our neighborhood with our daughter.


  • 所以,今天车辆行为模式在很大程度依靠调查道路传感器收集经验数据填补理论空白

    As a result, today’s traffic models rely heavily on empirical data from surveys and road sensors to plug the holes in the theory.


  • 所以,今天车辆行为模式在很大程度依靠调查道路传感器收集经验数据填补理论空白

    As a result, today’s traffic models rely heavily on empirical data from surveys and road sensors to plug the holes in the theory.


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