• 网际网路之应用层面行业特性企业规模大小有关

    There are various Internet application layers are possibly that depend on the industry characteristics and business size.


  • 适应行业特性,就应当研究特殊管理人和管理环境

    Must adapt this profession characteristic, must study its special supervisor and the management environment.


  • 行业特性人才稀缺等因素使人才竞争成为投资银行竞争重要表现

    It is the character of the industry and the scarcity of talent person that make the human resource competition become the most important representation of the investment bank competition.


  • 鼓励优先设立填补博物馆门类空白体现行业特性区域特点专题性博物馆。

    The establishment of museums with special topics that can fill up vacancies of the museums' types or can embody industrial or regional characteristics are encouraged.


  • 评估结果反映了本次研究所构建评估体系适合行业特性行之有效的。

    The evaluation's result reflects that the set up of the evaluation system in the research is both adaptive and effective.


  • 一方面,金融高管高薪其合理性因此既要考虑到高管能力要考虑经济环境行业特性

    High salaries are reasonable, for the high ability of executives, as well as the economic environment and industry characteristics.


  • 问题在于,我们每个人对一个网站还是的感知,是受我们个人背景行业特性影响而有所偏倚的。

    The problem is that each of our perceptions of how 'good' or 'bad' a Website is, is skewed by our personal backgrounds and specialties within the industry.


  • 我们所考察六种财务比率显著行业均值收敛调整成本行业特性差异导致了不同的财务比率具有不同的收敛速度

    All of the six ratios are statistically significant converge to the mean of industry, but the speeds of convergence are different from each other for the existence of adjustment cost.


  • 第二部分中国商业银行现状,该部分目前我国银行业特性市场竞争格局进行分析,指出我国商业银行现有状况同时分析上市商业银行的现状特征。

    The second part describes the present situations and features of Chinese commercial Banks, at the same time, describing the public commercial Banks' features and competitive situations.


  • 每个都包含专门用于通信行业特性

    Each includes features specific to the communication industry.


  • 软件行业有着相似概念除非我们库存品很多缺陷有一整张单子的特性开发出来而且还有一连串决定还没做出。

    In the software industry, the concept is similar, except our inventory consists of a backlog of defects, a list of features that haven't been delivered, and a series of unmade decisions.


  • 多种不同行业产生了影响支持开发各种各样特性服务(1)。

    It is also having an impact and many different industries, enabling the development of all kinds of new features and services (Figure 1).


  • 完成连锁超市行业调查报告,内容聚焦于新经济下风险变化特性

    Completed an industry report on supermarket chains, focusing on the changing risk profiles in the new economy.


  • 通过这个特性客户行业企业就可以清楚了解各自分工,以及企业之间如何协作

    A clear distinction that made it easier for customers and companies within the industry to know who was doing what and (in the case of companies) how to operate together.


  • 作为中国互联网公司阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司首席执行官马云和苹果公司著名创始人有着相同的特性——他们都享有行业竞争者的挑战者的盛名

    The chief executive of Chinese Internet company Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. has a big reputation for challenging industries and competitorstraits shared by Apple's famed co-founder.


  • 行业专家周四时对记者即便这些特性iPhone不是智能手机市场无可争议的老大。

    But even with those new features, the iPhone is far from the undisputed crown jewel of the smartphone market, industry experts said in interviews on Thursday.


  • WS - Security构建成熟密码学以及xml加密签名行业标准基础上,Web服务应用程序提供一整套安全特性

    WS-Security provides a comprehensive set of security features for web service applications, building on established industry standards for cryptography and for XML encryption and signing.


  • CSACloudAudit已经行业中获得了接受本文情景添加了重要特性

    CSA's CloudAudit has become accepted by the industry and adds important features to the scenario in this document.


  • 如果企业行业Web服务格式需求规定了Web服务消息应该什么样子,那么这个特性特别有用

    This is particularly useful in cases where enterprise or industry Web service format requirements dictate what the Web services messages should look like.


  • 简单web应用程序支持云SaaS应用程序之间区别涉及IT行业目前主要的两个容量利用特性

    The difference between a simple web application and a cloud-enabled SaaS application encompasses two of the biggest capacity utilization features in it today.


  • 这些练习生还每周大学,在大学他们学习诸如足球场养护以及办公室管理足球行业特性

    The trainees also go to college one day a week where they study other characteristics of the football industry such as pitch maintenance and office administration.


  • 鉴于玩具行业周期性起落特性集团策略维持一个均衡产品组合

    Given the cyclical nature of the toys industry, it is the groups strategy to maintain a more balanced product portfolio.


  • 企业文化不仅代表公司自身特性分开他们的策略市场其他行业不同。

    A corporate culture does not only represent a company's own features but also differentiate them and their strategies with others in the market.


  • 水泥行业生产过程产品决定了其能源资源消耗型特性

    The cement industry production processes and products determine its energy and resources consumption characteristics.


  • 然后分析房地产产品特性以及顾客价值理论房地产行业应用可行性

    Then the paper analyzes the characteristic of real estate product and the feasibility of applying customer value theory in the real estate industry.


  • 简述纳米材料特性分析了纳米技术化纤行业影响、纳米材料在纺织上的应用展望

    It generalizes the characteristics of nano material, analyzes the influence on chemical fiber industry and textile utilization prospects of nano technology.


  • 客观上设计一个放之四海质量管理体系有效性评价体系难度很大,而且可能也不能体现各个行业特性

    Objectively speaking, it is difficult to design a general evaluation system for all industries, which will fail to reflect the characters of each industry.


  • 标志整体造型古钱币状,使人联想到企业金融特性形象表达了企业的行业个性

    Was the overall shape of ancient coin-shaped, reminiscent of the enterprise's financial characteristics, the expression of the image of the enterprise business personality.


  • 标志整体造型古钱币状,使人联想到企业金融特性形象表达了企业的行业个性

    Was the overall shape of ancient coin-shaped, reminiscent of the enterprise's financial characteristics, the expression of the image of the enterprise business personality.


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