• 互联网行业历史最大并购案

    This will be the biggest on Internet industry history buy case.


  • 行业历史个人所造成最大交易损失

    It was the largest trading loss by an individual in banking history.


  • 数百行业历史证明这种期限转换”的不稳定性

    Hundreds of years of banking history attest to the instability of this "maturity transformation".


  • 经纪行业历史悠久…,纽约股票交易所历史悠久,成立18世纪

    Now the brokerage industry — the New York Stock Exchange goes back into the eighteenth century, it's very old.


  • 目前看来买家担心顾虑卖家更多些,也算是行业历史第一

    For the time being, buyers appear to have more worries and anxieties than providers, which is first time in this business.


  • 去年之间金融交通发生严重破坏波斯湾行业历史最为严重一次。

    The financial traffic between the two countries also produced a terrible wreck last year-one of the worst in the history of banking in the Gulf.


  • 下一步应该了解公司大小行业声誉历史,以及其他许多事情

    Next you should research the firms, and look at size, industry, reputation, and history, among many other things.


  • 至今为止,这些冲突倒还没有引发法庭诉讼——而正是技术公司想方设法避免的,因为它们都知道这个行业历史

    So far none of these skirmishes has led to a big court battle-something technology firms, which are keenly aware of the industry's history, are anxious to avoid.


  • 历史成就于预防成为行业规范不是所谓的最佳做法之时。

    History will be made when prevention is the industry norm, not just the best practice.


  • 其次美国钻探石油天然气历史悠久进而衍生出庞大的具有竞争力的石油服务行业专业设备完善,专业技术成熟。

    Second, America has a long history of drilling for oil and gas, which has spawned a huge and competitive oil-services industry bristling with equipment and know-how.


  • 历史告诉了我们汽车行业实现跨国并购多么艰难的事情,而且他对合并(试图进行交易的主要原因)在欧洲是否存在政策上的可能性也持怀疑态度。

    History, he says, shows how difficult cross-border mergers in the car industry are and he doubts whether consolidation-the main reason for attempting such a deal-is politically possible in Europe.


  • 这座历史学府显然不想一个广泛熟知危害人类健康行业产生关联

    The historic seat of learning apparently didn't want to be associated with an industry known for harming people's health.


  • 其一行业剧烈竞争历史

    For one thing, the industry has a history of intense competition.


  • 随后就是步入衰退销量下跌实际情况这个历史久远行业正在被缓慢地侵蚀。

    Subsequently, in the recession, sales are down, but the real story is of a prolonged assault on the infrastructure of a time-hallowed trade.


  • 行业最后工厂8个月倒闭,该工厂位于纽约谢里尔,艾迪·朗达克山麓历史追溯到殖民地时期——80个工人失业

    The last factory in an industry stretching back to colonial times closed eight months ago in Sherrill, N.Y., a small community in the foothills of the Adirondacks, and 80 employees lost their jobs.


  • 他们从头开始开发操作系统浏览器摆脱堆积了20软件历史即IT行业所谓的“遗产”)。

    They wanted to shrug off 20 years of accumulated software history (what the information technology industry calls the "legacy") by building an OS and browser from scratch.


  • 全球范围内,在情人售出玫瑰达到了八千万朵,情人节已经成为一个全球性行业。但是对于情人起源历史却没有明确的记载。

    Although Valentine's day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear and hidden in the mists of time.


  • iPad一问世就迅速成为历史上普及最快消费电子产品重塑整个行业

    The iPad quickly became the fastest-adopted consumer electronics product in history and remade the entire category.


  • 历史行业掌握着硬件支票簿/借记卡),控制流通机构(分支企业,网站等等)。

    Historically, banks have controlled both the hardware (chequebooks and debit/credit cards) and the distribution (branches, websites, etc).


  • 一边美国历史大部分时间定义了行业观点银行必须能对风险作出判断,因此它们贴近这些风险。

    On the one hand, there is the idea - which defined banking for much of American history - that Banks should be close to the risks that they must judge.


  • 今后20汽车行业所生产的小汽车超过行业110历史所生产的总和,因此带来严重的堵塞道路死亡伤害以及环境后果。

    Over the next 20 years, more cars may be built than in the auto industry's 110-year history, with resulting increased congestion, road deaths and injuries, and environmental consequences.


  • 我们相信两个历史一度拒绝改变行业因为勇于开拓的软件企业家,正整装待发,扬帆出航。

    We believe both of these industries, which historically have been highly resistant to entrepreneurial change, are primed for tipping by great new software-centric entrepreneurs.


  • 行业科学借鉴经验历史由来已久例如天文学家埃德蒙·哈维17世纪人寿保险业编制了死亡率表格

    Banking has a long history of borrowing ideas from science - astronomer Edmund Halley was constructing mortality tables for the life assurance industry back in the 17th Century.


  • 由于美元欧元历史低点1欧元1.51美元,投资人正把大批资金投入到石油行业其他货物对抗通货膨胀

    With the dollar falling to a record low of $1.51 against the euro, investors were ploughing their funds into oil and other commodities to hedge against inflation.


  • 他们正在回归传统旅行社——专家曾经预测随着在线预订兴起,这个行业会成为历史

    They are going back the travel agent, an industry that many industry experts once thought to be passé with the advent of online booking.


  • 为了一个计算目标很好案例分析师应该讨论一下历史趋势通过与有关行业组合进行比较分析这些趋势。

    In order to make a good case for a target price, the analyst should include a discussion of the historic trends and an analysis of these trends through a comparison to a relevant peer group.


  • 为了一个计算目标很好案例分析师应该讨论一下历史趋势通过与有关行业组合进行比较分析这些趋势。

    In order to make a good case for a target price, the analyst should include a discussion of the historic trends and an analysis of these trends through a comparison to a relevant peer group.


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