• 清洁产品行业卓越的隔绝性能精制巴西棕榈广泛应用行业。

    Cleansing Products industry: the excellent insulating properties of the Refined Carnauba Wax makes it of great use by this industry.


  • 一个遥远时代伊卡洛斯第一天空人类,但是双翼太阳光热融化最终葬身大海

    In another distant age, Icarus was the first human being who can fly in the sky, light and heat of the sun melted the wax on his wings, finally he drowned in the sea.


  • 混凝土厚重感一丛丛茂盛德克萨斯接骨木、珊瑚莓杨梅消减了不少。

    The heft of the concrete walls is offset by the riotous plantings of Texas elderberry, coralberry, and wax myrtles.


  • 在1896年夏天某段时间里,加利在他的教堂内发现玻璃瓶。 唱诗班的栏杆替换木头移去后东西的处所展现,里面有一个封的瓶子,瓶子里保存着一片银色纸张,里面写着:这密码是上世纪通用的编码方式

    The railing for the choir had required replacing and, when the wood was removed, a hiding place was found that contained a wax-sealed vial holding a


  • 如果很难牙线拉入两之间,那么试试的牙线。

    If you have trouble getting floss through your teeth, try the waxed variety.


  • 然后蚂蚁把尸体植物壁上,这是一项艰巨的工程,因为表面真是太滑了,都是因为植物分泌以防食物拖走。

    Then the pair carried the body up the pitcher walls, an equally tough job because the surface is slippery, thanks to a flaky wax that helps the pitchers entrap their prey.


  • 休斯敦航道牛肉脂肪堵塞了,不水面带有多彩光泽石油,牛肉脂肪变成实心饼,看起来

    The Houston Ship Channel is clogged with beef fat. Unlike petroleum, which has a colorful sheen on the water's surface, beef fat turns into a solid cake, looking like a waxy ice flow.


  • 皮尔指出乌干达石油除非石油管道不停地加热,石油可能会变成固体。

    Mr Pearmain points out that Ugandan oil is waxy, and so likely to solidify in a pipeline unless heated.


  • 不同是,Irtyersenu木乃伊器官保留了下来,但是具木乃伊似乎一种神秘物质包裹

    In contrast, the mummy of Irtyersenu contains organs, but the whole body seems to be coated in a mysterious waxy substance.


  • 毕竟,希腊神卡罗斯(Icarus)因为得太接近太阳其融化了粘合翅膀之后栽回到地球上

    Icarus, after all, flew too close to the sun and fell back to Earth when the wax holding his wings together melted.


  • 提炼房间里这个结构快速的拿出来放到一个“没有”的盒子旋转式覆盖每个蜂房

    In the extracting room, the frames are lilted out and lowered into an "uncapper" where rotating blades shave away the wax that covers each cell.


  • 名非法闯入一处教堂窃贼抓获,因为衣服发现了少量这种可能来自教堂使用

    A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, had come from the sort of the candles used only in churches.


  • 然而我们一种的标示成分浓度(假设没有其他种类的混合在里面,),有可能当成100%纯棕梠

    However, if we look at the percentage of the wax in the product (assuming that no other waxes are blended in like bee's wax) then it is possible to have 100% of the wax content being carnauba.


  • 论道之2010年,接受CNET记者丹尼尔特迪访问克雷奥拉了解这些无处不在奇迹创造

    On Road Trip 2010, CNET reporter Daniel Terdiman visited Crayola to see how these ubiquitous wax wonders are created.


  • 柏拉图认为人脑接受印象表面状物划过留下痕迹一样

    To Plato the mind accepted impressions in the same way that wax becomes marked when a pointed object is moved around on its surface.


  • 正常情况下(耳垢)可以排出耳朵脱离,或者

    Earwax is normally expelled; it falls out of the ear or gets washed away.


  • 保护查询者免受暴露渗透大部分文本污物,防止理性轻易冲走

    Wax protected the inquirer from exposure to the foulness that permeated the majority of the texts, preventing one's anchor of reason from being too easily washed away.


  • 然而可能知道某种涂层用上了,目的在于使面条边很好地粘在一起

    However, you may not know some kind of wax coating is used in order to make the noodles kept together side by side.


  • 驱逐他们,使他们如烟风吹散;恶人要见的面而没,融化

    As smoke is driven away, You will drive them away; As wax melts before fire, the wicked will perish before God.


  • 鱼,也叫香烛鱼。 因其高含油,在风干,甚至点燃

    Also known as candlefish, eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) are so oily that they can ignite when dried.


  • 鱼,也叫香烛鱼。 因其高含油,在风干,甚至点燃

    Also known as candlefish, eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) are so oily that they can ignite when dried.


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