• 大多数死亡事件都发生花镇蜜蜂农场,这是一家位于萨默维尔的公司销售蜜蜂蜂蜜产品

    Most of the deaths came from Flowertown Bee Farm, a company in Summerville that sells bees and honey products.


  • 目前蜂蜜其他蜂蜜产品国内市场十分昂贵

    At present, honey and other bee products are very expensive in the domestic markets.


  • 麦当劳肯德基小型个人包装蜂蜜产品花粉100%被移除

    100 percent of the honey packaged in the small individual service portions from Smucker, McDonald's and KFC had the pollen removed.


  • 根据我国蜂蜜产品自然地理条件规定理化品质要求

    Requirements for physical and chemical quality are specified in accordance with natural and geographic conditions for honey production in China.


  • 被消费者信赖蜂蜜产品品牌,在市场的知名度很高。

    A trusted brand. Wedderspoon is one of the more popular brands out on the market.


  • 美国一些蜂蜜分装工人愿意透露他们如何加工蜂蜜产品的。

    Some U. S. honey packers didn't want to talk about how they process their merchandise.


  • 考虑到目前国内蜂蜜产品生产特点以及鼓励生产成熟蜂蜜的要求,增加了等级划分;

    Gradation is supplemented in consideration of production characteristics of honey products at home and encouraging the production of mature honey.


  • 蜂蜜单糖,因而更易人体吸收国家标准不允许蜂蜜产品添加糖类代糖类物质的原因所在。

    Honey is a kind of monosaccharide, which is easy for human to absorb. This is the main reason that sugars and artificial sweeteners are forbidden in honey in our country.


  • 蜂蜜一种优质食兼用型食品固有粘度流动性成为当今制约蜂蜜产品销售关键因素

    The honey, a natural product of high quality, is used as medicine as well as food. But its high viscosity and high fluidity have currently become the key factors in deterring the products selling.


  • 卢卡蜂蜜蜜蜂新西兰一种叫麦卢卡的红茶花蜜酿造而成,现在用于世界上很多得到许可伤口护理产品中。

    Manuka honey is derived from nectar collected by honey bees foraging on the manuka tree in New Zealand and is included in modern licensed wound-care products around the world.


  • 严守素食主义其中一种这些人不吃所有动物制成的产品包括乳制品鸡蛋蜂蜜。奶素食主义者食用奶制品,但是不吃鸡蛋。

    A vegan diet is a form of vegetarian diet which excludes all animal products, including dairy products, eggs and honey.


  • 通过当地蜂蜜收集者”网络出售产品

    But he also sells produce from his network of local "honey collaborators".


  • 绝对素食主义者不任何产品吃肉制品牛奶乳酪蛋类蜂蜜或者是动物胶

    Vegans avoid eating any animal products. They don't eat any meat products, milk, cheese, eggs, honey, or gelatin.


  • 社区农业支持项目农贸市场消费者能够直接附近社区生产产品肉类奶酪面包蜂蜜以及其他食品

    Community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs and farmers' markets give consumers direct access to produce, meats, cheeses, breads, honey, and other foods that are produced in nearby communities.


  • 光明食品旗下有很多种产品:奶制品、冰激凌罐头食品、糖果蜂蜜制品米酒等等,就是没有饼干

    Bright food makes dairy products, ice-cream, tinned food, sweets, honey products and rice wine but no biscuits.


  • 山楂蜂蜜食用酒精原料,采用浸泡工艺生产营养型山楂产品风味独特营养价值,具有一定的保健作用

    Using haw, honey and alcohol as raw material, nutrient haw wine was produced by soaking technology. The product had high nutritive value and special flavor, and healthy function.


  • 以外其他蜂蜜作为产品名称产品名称主词产品均应符合标准

    Except for comb honey, any other products using honey as the name of the products and subject term of the name of the products shall meet this standard.


  • 当然很想念那些昆虫带来的产品蜂蜜牛奶

    And of course, you'd also miss out on insect products like honey or silk.


  • 蜂蜜大自然馈赠最好礼物,作为一种延续我们开发天然产品

    Honey is the most delightful product of nature, We continue to develop honey as a natural product!


  • 我们蜂蜜产品来自遥远的赞比亚热带雨林西北部,赞比亚养殖传统方法保护森林,也保持了养蜂人的传统的生活方式

    The Zambian Honey we use in our products comes from the remote tropical forests of north west Zambia, where it's farmed using traditional methods that preserve the forest and beekeepers' way of life.


  • 最近使用转化糖浆代替葡萄糖麦芽糖浆、蜂蜜情形很多,如使用喜配多SP制造出优良产品

    Recently, it is more often to use invert syrup to substitute glucose, maltose syrup and honey with invert syrup. By adding SpreadMount SP, the quality of final product could be better.


  • 中国蜂蜜出口量世界市场20%以上,我国出口主要产品之一

    Honey was one of the main export livestock products in China, which occupied more than 20% of the world market.


  • 目前主要供应绿色天然食品:天然蜂蜜水果手工吉他昂贵产品

    At present mainly supplies the green natural food, for example: natural honey, fruit and manual guitar and so on expensive product.


  • 上面所提及的通告包括动物产品肉类生活用品蛋类蜂蜜不能依据JAS

    The above-mentioned notifications do not include animal products. Certification of meat, dairy products, eggs, honey, etc. is not yet possible according to JAS.


  • 除了以上各类产品我们供应客户急需大量大规格红酒蜂蜜黄豆小麦

    In addition to gourmet and organic products we are also able to supply on short notice large quantities of bulk products such as Wine, Honey, Soya and Wheat.


  • 出口受阻的产品蔬菜水果茶叶蜂蜜,进而扩展到畜产产品

    The products negatively affected range from vegetables, fruits, tea, and honey to livestock and fishery products.


  • 请格外注意,部份食品含有由动物制成产品例如奶类、干酪蜂蜜成为素食

    Do take note that some products contain animal products such as eggs, milk, and honey, which also know as ovo-lacto vegetarian product.


  • 原国家出入境检验检疫局针对肠衣鳗鱼小龙虾蜂蜜等不同产品制定不同的、详细取样程序

    CIQ also set up various detailed sampling procedures for cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, chicken, rabbits, casings, eels, crayfish and honey respectively.


  • 包含蜂蜜如果蜂蜜或是产品过敏不要使用

    This product contains honey. Do not use if you are allergic to honey or other bee products.


  • 蜂王浆花粉蜂蜜具有广泛生物学活性天然绿色产品

    The product of royal jelly pollen honey are a new type of bee product, which are made of the natural food royal jelly, bee pollen and bee honey.


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