• 他们口中虽然没有明白地把他们情话说出来,但是他们却希望现在就适可而止。

    No definite words of love had crossed their lips as yet, and suspension at this point was desirable now.


  • 似乎玛丽小姐像是明白的意思,虽然没有说话

    It seemed to Mistress Mary as if she understood him, too, though he was not speaking in words.


  • 虽然没有受过良好教育,但是他明白教育的重要性

    Although he was not well-educated, he understood the importance of education.


  • 曾经醉心研究地球生活的最后时期,那时我还没有明白堕落虽然知道了许多我们曾经尊重并予以接受的根本没有道理

    I was so wrapped up in my research during my last lifetime on Earth, that I did not see the corruption, though I knew that so much of what we were expected to accept did not make sense.


  • 虽然明白付出可能没有收获许多故事也都没有结局的。

    While it is understand that the pay may not be harvested, many stories are not the outcome.


  • 本书全都练习了,虽然没有把那些汉字记下来,但是一个好的顺序习惯明白吗?

    I practised all the characters in that book. Although I did not memorize them all, I've formed a good writing habit. You know?


  • 虽然并不是每个人都承认,而是习惯于接受你们当前的生活状态。 但是你们很快明白当前生活的限制,不能自由表达没有自由

    Although not everyone recognizes it as such having come to accept your lives as normal, you will quickly see how limited you have been in free expression and liberty.


  • 需要帮助他们询问时,他们虽然可能没有明白但是他们猜测十分耐心地放慢语速你解释。

    When you need help to their questions, although they may not quite understand, but they would guess, be very patient and speak slowly for you to explain.


  • 爸爸惊讶虽然只是简单句子爸爸突然明白念书代表没有上进

    Dad was very surprised, although simply sentence, but the father did not go to school does not mean that suddenly understand that there is no upward mobility heart.


  • 虽然身上没有创口大家明白一时间清洗重要

    Although he did not wound him, but we all understand that the most important to clean the first time.


  • 虽然我们感到难过因为这些无情地震,我们都明白,我们从来没有如此强大团结

    Although we feel sad these days because of the relentless earthquake, we all realise that we have never been so strong and so united.


  • 虽然明白喜欢一个并为付出一切也许付出没有收获许多故事都是没有结局的,但是依然甘心付出我的努力尽量受到伤害。

    Although understand, like a person to give everything, perhaps this pay no harvest, many stories are also no end, however, I still freewill pay my efforts, try not to let him get hurt.


  • 虽然脸色没有可是嘴唇发白了。就像冷不防受到当头。思嘉震动最初几秒钟还不明白那是怎么回事

    Scarlett's face did not change but her lips went white-like a person who has received a stunning blow without warning and who, in the first moments of shock, does not realize what has happened.


  • 假设员工谈及决策虽然赞同但很明显有些勉强,没有说出真实想法,我明白必要自我反省了。

    When I'm meeting with an employee and he/she blatantly acquiesces instead of conveying his/her true thoughts regarding a decision, that's when I know self-reflection is necessary on my part.


  • 虽然她的中文写作水平不够但是阅读方面没有太大理解问题尽管有时还是需要一些时间领会窝里的文章并且无法完全明白

    Hope you all don't mind. I hardly write Chinese but reading is much better, although it will still take me some time to read articles you all had post and can't fully understand it.


  • 这时大家真正明白危险存在虽然没有亲眼见证——也没有人愿意见识

    Everybody there exists in the danger having known really's at this time, witness neither has person with own eyes though not having person being ready to get rid of experience.


  • 这时大家真正明白危险存在虽然没有亲眼见证——也没有人愿意见识

    Everybody there exists in the danger having known really's at this time, witness neither has person with own eyes though not having person being ready to get rid of experience.


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