• 虽然室内温度很高,莫妮卡照样举行盛大圣诞派对

    Despite the heat, Rachel and Monica have a big Christmas party.


  • 中间温度恰好室内24接近,而它相邻读数虽然明显不至于结冰但是显然比较低

    The middle temperatures are right near that indoor 24, and the neighboring readings, while definitely non-freezing, are distinctly lower.


  • 虽然需要进一步的研究但是沃尔弗顿说:这项研究已经表明普通室内观赏植物能够清除室内环境中的某些污染物

    While more research is needed, Wolverton says the study has shown that common indoor landscaping plants can remove certain pollutants from the indoor environment.


  • 室内撑开认为带来厄运虽然现在不清楚这个迷信起源

    Opening an umbrella indoors is supposed to bring bad luck, though the origins of this belief are murky.


  • 虽然为了更好地控制室内晒黑,30多个已经立法,但医生们认为一个全国性标准必要的,特别是鉴于人工紫外线是众所周知的致癌物质

    Although more than 30 states already have legislation to better regulate indoor tanning, doctors think a federal standard is needed, especially since artificial UV light is a known carcinogen.


  • 虽然可能会听从一个室内装潢师建议或是选择杂志上某套你欣赏完整设计,但是,你要确保你卧室可以使你的思绪回归平静

    While you may follow a decorator's Suggestions or choose an entire bedroom look you've admired in a magazine, make sure that the master bedroom evokes calm.


  • 一般来说虽然意味着我们拍摄饭厅光线条件下室内

    Generally, though, this means shooting indoors in the low-light conditions of our dining room.


  • 虽然柔和舒缓颜色水晶静谧蓝室内装饰上的作用可是大不相同

    Though both colors are soft and calm, Rose Quartz and Serenity have different effects on room decor.


  • 虽然这些区域都室内与盒子内室内空间截然不同因为它们的尺度与城市道路相似,所以给人公共空间的感受

    Although it is inside the home, it contrasts with the interior of the boxes in that it has the scale of a city street, lending a somewhat public feeling to the space.


  • 室外机拆除方法虽然室内的拆除方法有些相似有着一些不同因此拆卸的时候注意安全

    The demolition method of outdoor although the demolition method of indoor machine has some similar, but it has some different, so more attention should be paid to safety in the disassembly.


  • 虽然室外空间变小了,但通过粗糙砖块室内空间之间空间介入,使人们在心理上体验空间的扩大之感。

    Although the exterior space physically became smaller, the psychological space experience was able to expand by the interaction of the void Spaces between the rough brick solids and interior space.


  • 室内静载试验模型虽然不能完全模拟现场水泥土搅拌工作状态定性上分析泥土搅拌桩复合地基的工作机理可行的。

    Although the indoors experiment model can't imitate the state of destroying in testing ground completely, it is feasible in qualitative analysis of the working mechanism of cement-soil mixing piles.


  • 新风室内污浊空气混合污染物充斥整个房间虽然浓度得到稀释,容易造成交叉感染

    New wind mixed with indoor polluted air, the pollutants are filled with the room, although concentrations are diluted, it is easily to create cross-infection.


  • 接近这个项目时候,虽然很难区分其室内室外但这里个包含休息区浴室低层别墅以及一个提供睡眠区域高层休息处。

    Upon approach, though hard to distinguish interior from exterior, there is an open-air lower-level villa housing the sitting area and bathroom and upper-level perch for the sleeping area.


  • 虽然还要经过衍射过程但是这样便可以更好转换特殊形式的室内光。

    A diffraction process is also used, but in this case, the light output can be more finely turned to produce particular internal light patterns.


  • 感觉真的非常而且可以度过舒适冬天因为虽然外面但是室内生火以后又舒服温暖

    It's actually really nice and lends itself to a very cozy winter cause it's so cold outside and yet you can get nice and warm by the fire inside.


  • 虽然他们发生室内户外,详述现场环境特点以及如何保护他们

    They take place indoors and out, detailing the environmental features at the site and how to protect them.


  • 虽然系统无法控制影响所有变量可以一个调节温度湿度水分含量产生积极影响

    Although a fog system cannot control or affect all variables, it can have a positive impact by regulating the temperature, humidity and moisture content within the greenhouse.


  • 模型中假设围护结构绝热的,只考虑了室内热材料的蓄热作用,这样得到控制方程虽然比较简单但是对于研究简单的物理现象已经足够了。

    The wall is supposed insulate, indoor thermal mass is considered in the model. the control equation is very simple, but it is enough to study physical phenomena.


  • 同时发现该洞室内虽然温度变化,但仍水平应变固体潮影响

    Besides, it is found that though temperature change is very small in the hole, it has an effect on horizontal strain earth tide.


  • 酒店位置很好房间干净宽敞虽然临街的房间,室内一点声音都没有,早餐品种非常丰富

    Location good, room very clean and spacious, although the living room is the street can be almost silent room, breakfast variety is also very rich.


  • 黑蚱蝉室内惊鸣声自鸣声,虽然音色有一定变化,但保持自然鸣声结构层次

    The protest songs and the free songs in the room still retain the structural level of the natural songs though the timbres present some changes.


  • 虽然中枢神经细胞瘤颅内肿瘤超过1%,但是20 - 40室内肿瘤患者,中枢神经细胞瘤大约占了50%。

    Although central neurocytomas account for less than 1% of all intracranial neoplasms, they constitute approximately 50% of intraventricular tumors in patients 20-40 years old.


  • 沙滩排球室内排球虽然技术动作表现形式相似两者技战术运用上的不同决定它们之间存在很大的差异。

    It is similar in form of technique action between volleyball and beach volleyball, but it is very different in application of technique and tactic, which leads to more differences between them.


  • 传统静力检测法虽然具有精确的优点,但其实验室内进行,而且实验周期无法适应日益普遍的工地实时检测要求

    The traditional static testing which has a precise result only can be carried out in lab for a long period and can't meets the demands of on-line detecting and monitoring.


  • 建筑原始设计带有明显水平元素虽然房子只有层高度但是确保室内之间顺畅空间连续性

    The original design offers a language with markedly horizontal elements, which form spaces with single heights but ensure a smooth spatial continuity between the interior and exterior;


  • 虽然室外实现定位方法已经比较成熟但是实现室内定位方面还是比较空白。

    Although the outdoor location method has been comparative ripe, the indoor location method is still can not find a good way to deal with.


  • 虽然现今马赛克形式多元化,物料推陈出新,但天然大理石打造的马赛克仍然室内装潢的首选;皆因只有天然大理石才能这种年代久远显露出来

    Although nowadays there are lot of choices in mosaic material, natural marble is still the best choice accordong to it can thoroughly express the art and craft characteristics of this ancient art.


  • 虽然现今马赛克形式多元化,物料推陈出新,但天然大理石打造的马赛克仍然室内装潢的首选;皆因只有天然大理石才能这种年代久远显露出来

    Although nowadays there are lot of choices in mosaic material, natural marble is still the best choice accordong to it can thoroughly express the art and craft characteristics of this ancient art.


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