• 这里资源虽然丰富,但已经到了极限

    Its resources, while plentiful, are stretched to the limit.


  • 地球水资源虽然丰富,但可利用淡水很少。

    Though the water resources are rich on the earth, the fresh water available is little.


  • 由此可见黄豆营养虽然丰富豆芽营养价值更高

    Thus, although rich in soy nutrition, but the higher the nutritional value of bean sprouts.


  • 我国能源资源虽然丰富,但人口计算可采储量低于世界平均水平

    Although, energy resource is abundant in China, the recoverable reserve amount per capita is under the world average level too far.


  • 这里能源储备虽然丰富过于依赖煤炭使黄土地成为全世界空气污染严重的地区之一。

    It has rich energy reserves, but over-dependence on coal accounts for some of the world's worst air pollution.


  • 衍生金融工具国际金融市场大量涌现虽然丰富金融市场上的金融产品但却传统会计理论产生极大冲击

    Quantities of derivatives emerged in the international financial market, although it could enrich financial products in the market, still the traditional accounting theory had a tremendous impact.


  • P 2 P应用飞速发展虽然丰富互联网内容流量爆发式增长不加限制的带宽占用造成很多负面影响

    Although the rapid development of P2P applications riches the content of the Internet, but the rapid growth of P2P flow and unlimited bandwidth have caused a lot of negative effects.


  • 虽然《阿斯塔篇幅冗长、情节复杂,但不失为丰富有益读物

    Despite its length and convoluted plot, "Asta's Book" is a rich and rewarding read.


  • 这个国家虽然,但植物种类丰富沙漠草原热带丛林都有。

    Though small, the country has abundant plants from desert grasses to tropical jungle.


  • 中国有一些资源很丰富,但是也有一些资源非常匮乏。

    Although China is rich in some resources, we are short of others.


  • 虽然没有受过很高教育,他的实际知识丰富的。

    He's not very highly educated, but he's got a lot of horse sense.


  • 超出任何时候,现在我模糊知道大堆一些“知道”的还有一些是我“不知道”的,虽然起来夸张了些但是这生活变的更加温暖丰富

    Far more than ever before, I'm vaguely aware of a huge number of people, some of whom I "know" and some I don't "know," and although that sounds overwhelming, it makes my life warmer and richer.


  • 虽然有些没有报告梦里所见到颜色,可是有些能够发现他们梦中颜色所包含的丰富充满生气信息

    While some people do not report dreaming in color, those who do can find rich and vibrant messages in the colors of their dreams.


  • 虽然流行开放式操作系统谈论最多的、功能最丰富文件系统配对在一起理想匹配但是许可证问题限制集成

    Although pairing the most popular open operating system with the most talked-about, feature-rich file system would be an ideal match, licensing issues have restricted the integration.


  • 这次访问虽然短暂,但内容丰富

    Though the visit is brief, it is rich in content.


  • 虽然任何人都掌握发布博客所需工具,但是平板电脑推出一个内容丰富的,杂志化的数字出版物仍然有些奢侈

    While anybody can master the tools needed to publish a blog, putting out a rich, magazine-like digital publication for tablets is still cost prohibitive for some.


  • 条环线丰富的自然地貌著名不是它的难度。虽然其中几天的路段困难一些,但的行程都可以当天下午完成。

    The circuit is more known for its varied terrain than its difficulty, and while some days can be a challenge, each day can be completed by mid-afternoon.


  • 这个行业市场很小虽然听起来有点自命不凡,但是确实是一领域经验丰富

    There is a very small market for this kind of business and, though it might sound pretentious, I am the most experienced in this field.


  • 身材纤瘦,感情丰富学过芭蕾舞虽然美国公民以色列当过兵

    He was a slight, intense man who had studied ballet and, though an American citizen, had served in the Israeli Army.


  • 精力充沛思想丰富相比当前多数领域有影响力人物他个智慧型的重量级人物(虽然并不难做到)。

    He fizzes with energy and ideas, and seems more of an intellectual heavyweight than most of the current field (though that is not hard).


  • 她们父母传统艺术家因此他们长大过程中虽然食物丰富,但却很少受到父母的关注,因为他们总是工作到深夜

    Their parents are artists in the grandest tradition, and bring up their kids accordinglyrich food, late nights, sporadic attention.


  • Devarajan印度虽然国家丰富水源但没有一个城市每天24小时每周天都饮用水

    In India, Devarajan says while the country has plenty of water, no city in the country has drinking water twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.


  • 英特尔第一商业市场运作不是技术背景老板虽然作为一个公司里待了31年的有丰富经验的人,他几乎不能认为是不懂技术

    He is the first boss of Intel to have a business and marketing rather than a technical background (though, as a 31-year veteran at the firm, he is hardly a technological novice).


  • 虽然含量丰富除了光子以外,宇宙中的含量所有其他类型粒子都要),但探测到它们难于登天。

    Though abundant (the universe probably contains more of them than any other sort of particle except photons), they are fiendishly difficult to detect.


  • 虽然中国拥有丰富石油资源,但是它们正在日趋减少。

    Though China is rich in its oil resources, they are running out rapidly.


  • 但是虽然有着巨大潜在空间经验丰富基金的基金经理不会一张白纸开始

    But while the potential universe is huge, experienced fund of fund managers do not begin with a blank sheet.


  • 这里虽然创建了DOAP,但应该达到两个重要目标DOAP应该尽可能易于开发人员使用并且创建输出尽可能丰富质量。

    However DOAP is created, the two important goals are that it should be as easy as possible for the developer to use, and the output it creates should be as rich and as high quality as possible.


  • 虽然缅甸有着丰富天然气、木材其他资源,但是缅甸的人均收入每年不到240美元

    Despite being rich in natural gas, timber and other resources, per capita income is less than 240 dollars a year.


  • 此外虽然一些有意无意传播垃圾信息但是还有另外一些人我们期盼一个信息丰富真实及时未来

    Moreover, even as some people are spreading garbage, whether deliberately or inadvertently, others are giving us genuine hope for a future that’s rich in trustworthy and timely information.


  • 此外虽然一些有意无意传播垃圾信息但是还有另外一些人我们期盼一个信息丰富真实及时未来

    Moreover, even as some people are spreading garbage, whether deliberately or inadvertently, others are giving us genuine hope for a future that’s rich in trustworthy and timely information.


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