• 操作系统虚拟内存子系统允许应用程序分配的内存超过系统实际存在内存量,不足的部分磁盘上的临时存储组成。

    The operating system's virtual memory subsystem allows applications to allocate more memory than actually exists on the system, with the shortage being made up by temporary storage on disk.


  • 这个部分将介绍虚拟内存子系统中的一些更改

    This section discusses the changes made in the virtual memory subsystem.


  • 重要子系统静态模型变更管理虚拟装配对象事件处理

    The most important subsystems are: the Static Model, the Change Management, the Virtual Object to Assemble, and the Event Processing.


  • 虚拟内存子系统改进包括内存压力比较大的系统提供反向映射算法

    Virtual memory subsystem enhancements, including a reverse-mapping algorithm that provides improvements in memory-constrained systems.


  • 通过使用反向映射算法虚拟内存子系统已经得到了提高,内存受限的系统带来了改进

    The virtual memory subsystem has been enhanced with a reverse-mapping algorithm, which provides improvements in memory constrained systems.


  • 底层部分来自于Mach并且许多诸如虚拟内存子系统排程器的部分,最近版本中大量重写了。

    The lower parts come from Mach and a lot, such as the virtual memory subsystem and scheduler, have been heavily reworked in recent versions.


  • tmpfs使用磁盘交换空间存储并且存储文件请求页面时,使用虚拟内存(VM)子系统

    Tmpfs also makes use of the disk swap space for storage, and of the virtual memory (VM) subsystem when requesting pages for storing files.


  • 为了提供虚拟进一步层次z/VM实例可以运行一个或者更多其他操作系统叫做 z/VM 子系统

    To provide further layers of virtualization, an instance of z/VM can host one or more other operating systems, called z/VM guests.


  • 正因为一点,系统管理员不得不更改许多子系统中的设置特别是虚拟内存子系统(换话说,即minpermmaxperm)。

    Because of this, systems administrators have had to change Settings on many subsystems-most notably with virtual memory (in other words, minperm and maxperm).


  • 本文利用虚拟仪器技术优点研究远程测试故障诊断系统中前端测试子系统应用

    This paper takes the advantage of using virtual instrument technology, research its application in the testing and fault diagnosis system.


  • 针对足球机器人运动决策子系统提出基于虚拟目标点的路径规划方法算法

    A path planning algorithm based on virtual target and an algorithm of obstacle avoidance are presented in decision making subsystem of robot.


  • 为了提高虚拟接口存储结构(VISA)存储网络系统性能,设计实现了基于元数据管理子系统

    To enhance the performance of VISA (virtual interface based storage architecture) storage network system, a new metadata management subsystem is proposed. It is running at block-level.


  • 提出种在转子设置虚拟支承方法保证弧齿锥齿轮的啮合稳定性,并采用传递矩阵法,建立了弧齿锥齿轮-转子系统的振动模型。

    This paper presents a method of providing a virtual support for the rotor to assure the meshing stability of a pair of a pre determined spiral bevel gears in rotation.


  • 然后现代汉语疑问句计算语言学分析入手,提出虚拟信息顾问——问题理解子系统模型

    Then, we put forward the model of the question understanding sub-system borrowed the idea of Chinese question analysis of computational linguistics.


  • 本文虚拟光学数据加密理论模型基础上,研究一种并行电系统实现方法。

    In this article, we investigate an implementation scheme of virtual-optics based data encryption system.


  • 铁路选线工程数据库管理系统作为虚拟环境铁路选线设计系统”一个子系统,既是它的信息储存基地,又是它的信息处理工具

    As an important part of virtual environment railway location design system, railway location engineering database management system is base of storing information and tool of dealing with information.


  • 所得结果表明,虚拟诊断t -故障诊断在同样的系统拓扑结构识别更多的故障子系统

    The results obtained show clearly that the virtual diagnosis can identify more faults than t-fault diagnosis under the same structural constraints.


  • 虚拟场景中采用基于GPU系统模拟雨雪效率较高得到了广泛的应用。

    Particle system based on GPU to simulate rain and snow is widely used in virtual scene simulation for its high efficiency.


  • 介绍并联机床虚拟产品设计系统P MT V PDS基本框架及其子系统功能

    The basic framework of Virtual Product Design System for Parallel Machine Tools (PMT VPDS) and functions of three subsystems are introduced. The archetypal system is developed.


  • 该文描述了系统应用程序接口(API)的设计,将其作为一个模块应用虚拟现实系统的动态场景模拟

    This paper introduces how to develop a set of Particles system Application Programmer Interface (API) which can be used to simulate dynamic scene in VR system as a module.


  • 其次介绍了控制系统网络虚拟实验子系统构架虚拟实验实现方法,并为虚拟实验子系统开发了交通灯控制和电机控制两个虚拟实验。

    Secondly, the framework and method of virtual experiment subsystem of control system network laboratory is presented. Developed traffic light control and DC motor control are introduced in the detail.


  • 最后,把子系统应用虚拟移动电话系统主体部分交互反馈模块中,有效地提高移动电话设计效率

    And applied the subsystem to the interactive feedback modules of the main part of the system, effectively enhanced the efficiency of the system in virtual scene.


  • 车辆底盘综合系统虚拟仪表PC 104主板CAN控制器构建而成。

    Virtual instruments of integrated electronic system based on CAN bus for automobile chassis consists of PC104 and CAN bus controllers.


  • 自然景观可视化可以增加虚拟现实逼真效果,雨雪、瀑布这类自然景观的可视化通常采用系统实现

    Natural landscape can increase the reality of virtual reality. They can be realized by particle system, such as rain, snow, fountain and so on.


  • 为了有效地降低回转机械由于质量平衡引起振动故障基于转子动力学理论有限元数值分析方法,进行了柔性子系统虚拟动平衡研究

    A virtual balancing method of a flexible rotor based on rotor dynamic and finite element method is proposed in this paper to decrease the vibrations caused by mass unbalancing.


  • 系统就是大量简单图元表示某个物体,高性能的粒子系统可以真实地模拟出一些虚拟场景。

    Particle System is widely used to describe a model with some simple graphics. High performance Particle System can simulate the real time scene.


  • 按照ETSI标准虚拟方式实现TTCN - 3测试执行平台一个分布式由多个协同工作子系统组成的测试系统

    Accroding to the standard of ETSI, TTCN-3 testing platform implemented in virtual machine mode is a distributed testing system composed of cooperating subsystems.


  • 所得结果表明虚拟诊断t-故障诊断在同样的系统拓扑结构下识别更多故障子系统

    The results obtained show clearly that the virtual diagnosis can identify more faults than t-fault diagnosis …


  • 本文利用虚拟样机技术,对磁悬浮系统虚拟样机建模技术进行研究,旨在提高磁悬浮转系统设计质量减少开发时间、降低开发成本

    To improve design quality and reduce the developing time and cost of MSR system, modeling techniques and virtual prototype of MSR systems are researched.


  • 本文利用虚拟样机技术,对磁悬浮系统虚拟样机建模技术进行研究,旨在提高磁悬浮转系统设计质量减少开发时间、降低开发成本

    To improve design quality and reduce the developing time and cost of MSR system, modeling techniques and virtual prototype of MSR systems are researched.


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