• 这副1314世纪壁画描绘藏传佛教保护神马哈卡拉。

    A 13th- to 14th-century painting depicts the Tibetan Buddhist protector god Mahakala.


  • 宏伟寺院海纳藏传佛教的广博内涵

    The grand temple has absorbed and collected extensive Buddhism with inner meanings.


  • 四川省甘孜州德格协庆藏传佛教注重的上师相应。

    June 2010, Shechen Temple, Dege County in Sichuan province. Heart to heart between students and teachers was the most important in Esoteric Buddhism.


  • 这天穿蓝色印花藏传佛教密宗。第一次傍晚拍摄

    That day I wore a blue print dress, the first shot in the evening.


  • 中的网站提供学习实践藏传佛教感兴趣资源冥想

    The sites in this section provide resources for people interested in learning to practice Tibetan Buddhism and meditation.


  • 根据藏传佛教仪轨历史惯例活佛去世传统办法转世传承

    According to the rituals of Tibetan Buddhism and historical traditions, after a Living Buddha passes away his position should be inherited by his incarnation through traditional methods.


  • 藏传佛教复杂的神灵谱系存在大量特色鲜明地位显赫的女性神灵

    There exist considerable female deities with peculiar feature and powerful status in sophisticated deity pedigree.


  • 因此,研究藏传佛教寺院僧侣俗,可以充分挖掘蕴涵其中的深层文化意义

    Researching the traditional customs of tea of the monks in Tbetan Buddhism temples will help to develop its deep-seated culture significance.


  • 清代蒙古族地区藏传佛教寺庙设有各种较大中等寺庙巴扎仓。

    There are Tibetan Buddhism Temples that have various kinds of Raseng in Mongolian regions of the Qing Dynasty, large or medium sized Tibetan Buddhism Temples all have Manba Raseng.


  • 今天布达拉宫辉煌雄姿藏传佛教圣地地位成为世所公认民族象征

    Today, the Palace, with its glorious charm and position as a sacred site of Tibetan Buddhism, has become a universally acknowledged symbol of the Tibetan ethnic group.


  • 新中国成立以前作为文化之一的藏医学基本上藏传佛教寺院里修学经营

    Before People's Republic of China was founded, the Tibetan medicine was studied and managed in the Tibetan Buddhism temple as a part of big five science cultures.


  • 文章就前宗派时期藏传佛教汉传佛教进行了比较,旨在帮助人们了解二者的差异和特点。

    This article makes a comparison between Tibetan Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism in the period of pre-faction, its purposes lies in making people understand their differences and characteristics.


  • 纳木错“纳木错”意为天湖、灵或神湖,藏传佛教著名圣地,位于当雄县班戈县之间

    Nam Co Locating between the Dangxiong county and the Bange county, Nam Co is the famous place for its Tibetan Buddhism. It means the Namco Lake, the graceful lake as well as the holy lake in Tibet.


  • 因而年来机会阅读了一些国内外学者关于元代藏传佛教造像艺术方面研究文章著述

    Thus these for two years had the opportunity to read some domestic and foreign scholars about the Yuan Dynasty Tibetan Buddhism statuary art aspect research article and the writings;


  • 认识研究当代藏传佛教现状发展趋势不仅具有重要学术价值而且具有重要的现实意义。

    It has both important academic value and practical significance to get to know and study the current situation and the development trend of contemporary Tibetan Buddhism.


  • 藏传佛教非常着重将佛陀教法由上授予弟子间断师传承方式传到现今

    In Tibetan Buddhism, great importance is placed on the way in which the Buddha's teachings have been transmitted from master to student in an unbroken lineage down to the present day.


  • 藏传佛教认为由于“我”,人们会有消极情绪是因为他们真相无知,从而陷入生死轮回。

    Buddhism believes that human beings have negative emotions because of self-grasping, which results from their ignorance of the truth.


  • 色拉寺藏传佛教格鲁派宗师喀巴派其八大弟子之一释迦益西于明代永乐十七(1419年)建造

    It was built by shvakya-ye-shes one of the eight disciples of Tsongkhapa in Yongle seventeen years of Ming Dynasty(i. e. 1419 AD).


  • 宗喀巴藏传佛教格鲁派创始人,是藏传佛教思想的集大成者,也是藏传佛教历史上重要人物之一

    Tsongkhapa is the Tibetan Buddhism Gelug sects founder, is the Tibetan Buddhism thought epitomizes, is also one of the most important characters in the Tibetan Buddhism history.


  • 前言论述了课题提出缘由以及意义藏传佛教研究进行了文献专著方面的简要回顾说明了研究方法

    The preface discusses the reason, meaning and the methods of study in this paper, and also gives a brief documental review about the researches in Tibetan Buddhism.


  • 次仁罗布中、短篇小说关注下层民众生活中审视了藏传佛教的生死轮回、因果报应观念他们带来影响

    Tsering Norbu's short and middle-length novels focus on the lives of lower class people, scrutinizing the influences on them from the ideas of Sipay Korlo and Karmic Retribution in Tibetan Buddhism.


  • 藏传佛教中,有着大量经文、仪轨,经由诸多伟大的精神导师一直传承下来他们我们留下了经典仪轨,我们学习和祈祷。

    In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate.


  • 本文藏传佛教艺术中最主要绘画形式——“唐卡”的技法材料主要研究对象,同时必不可少涉及艺术表现形式和审美意蕴。

    In Tibetan Buddhism, the main art form of painting--thang khatechniques and materials for the main study, but also essential to involve the art form and aesthetic subjects.


  • 本文旨在通过对伏藏这样一个鲜为人知藏传佛教的特殊文化现象,与《格萨尔史诗关系研究,试图《格萨尔》史诗佛教历史进程作一个实证性的省查评判。

    The purpose of this dissertation is to comment on the history process of Buddhist epic of Gesar by the study of relationship between Terma tradition in Tibetan Buddhism and Gesar Epic.


  • 本文旨在通过对伏藏这样一个鲜为人知藏传佛教的特殊文化现象,与《格萨尔史诗关系研究,试图《格萨尔》史诗佛教历史进程作一个实证性的省查评判。

    The purpose of this dissertation is to comment on the history process of Buddhist epic of Gesar by the study of relationship between Terma tradition in Tibetan Buddhism and Gesar Epic.


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