• 用碲化制作薄膜太阳能电池便宜。

    It's cheaper to make "thin-film solar cells" with cadmium telluride than with silicon.


  • 很多理由相信这种材料可以用来生产薄膜太阳能电池

    There's lots of reasons to believe this could be scaled to make thin-film solar cells.


  • 全球太阳能利用技术称为(CIGS)薄膜太阳能电池

    Global solar USES a technology known as copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) to make its thin-film solar cells.


  • 发明提供一种纳米级黄铜矿结构粉体高分子薄膜太阳能电池制造方法

    The invention provides a method for manufacturing a nano chalcopyrite structure powder body and a macromolecular film solar battery.


  • 发明提供电极具有背电极的薄膜太阳能电池能够提高光电转换效率

    Back electrodes provided by the invention and thin film solar cells provided with the back electrodes can improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency.


  • 简要介绍薄膜太阳能电池厂生产工艺流程、空调净化自控系统设计方案

    The design was briefly explained of process flow, clean air-conditioning and automatic control system for a film solar cell manufacturer.


  • 依据多晶硅薄膜太阳能电池具有高性能成本特点廉价衬底材料成为产业化关键

    Poly Silicon Thin Film Solar Cell has the characteristic of high performance, low cost. As we know, the cheap base material is the key to ultimately realize the Cell coming into industrialization.


  • 短缺可能破灭一些型号薄膜太阳能电池开发前景不是所有其他的型号也许弥补空白

    Limited supplies of tellurium and indium could reduce the prospects for some types of thin-film solar cells, though not for all; the other types might be able to take up the slack.


  • 根据仿真所得电池参数设计了一SSP衬底多晶硅薄膜太阳能电池,探讨了工艺过程和条件。

    Finally, based on the simulated cell parameters, we designed a new SSP polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cell, and the specific process of the implementation process were discussed.


  • 有一新型纳米结构原材料,因其可吸收来自各个角度广谱光源制成有史以来有效薄膜太阳能电池

    A new nanostructured material that absorbs a broad spectrum of light from any Angle could lead to the most efficient thin-film solar cells ever.


  • 工人在Waldpolenz太阳能公园安装超过50万的薄膜太阳能光伏,这里靠近德国莱比锡。

    Workers installed more than half a million thin-film photovoltaic panels at the Waldpolenz Solar Park, near Leipzig, Germany.


  • 薄膜太阳能电池安置建筑表面,收集到雨水储存地下蓄水池里,日后整个垂直社区使用

    Are attached to the exterior of the building and the collected rainwater is stored in an underground cistern to be later used throughout the vertical community.


  • 单晶硅多晶硅体太阳能电池成本居高不下,非和非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池又光致衰退效应的困扰。

    The cost of crystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon solar cell is high steadily, amorphous silicon and amorphous silicon thin film solar cell has "optical-induced degradation".


  • 有机金属卤化物的钙钛矿认为优良的材料薄膜太阳能电池因为它们已经显示细胞水平转换效率

    Organometal halide perovskites are considered to be excellent materials for thin-film solar cells as they have shown high conversion efficiencies at cell level.


  • 发明结合柔性薄膜太阳能电池具有高能量转换效率特点机翼(4)上铺设柔性薄膜太阳能电池(6)。

    Combining the characteristic of the high energy conversion efficiency of a flexible thin film solar battery, the invention lays the flexible thin film solar battery (6) on the wing (4).


  • 阐述多晶硅薄膜太阳能电池结构特点以及多晶硅薄膜制备方法,并展望了多晶硅薄膜电池的发展趋势前景

    The structure and features of the captioned cell and the preparation of the thin film are described. The developing trend and prospects of the cell are predicted.


  • 可能听说过薄膜太阳能而是来自布鲁克海文国家实验室洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科学家制得了一种透明的可以吸收光的材料

    You've probably heard of thin-film solar power, but scientists from Los Alamos and Brookhaven National Laboratories made new light-harvesting material that's actually transparent.


  • 最大薄膜太阳能电池板厂家First Solar声称2012年,他们的产品阳光充足国家产生电能发电站的价格一样便宜。

    First Solar, the largest manufacturer of thin panels, claims that its products will generate electricity in sunny countries as cheaply as large power stations by 2012.


  • 最新梦想这座浮动的生态系统带有花园,以覆盖绿色植被的屋顶太阳能薄膜电池板

    His newest vision is a floating environment filled with gardens and covered by both a green roof and thin-film solar panels.


  • 这种溶液经过一种薄膜的过滤,就可以去除表面活性剂,然后各个组成成份会重新组合变成全新、有效的太阳能电池不再带有先前阳光暴晒带来的损伤

    By pushing the solution through a membrane to remove the surfactant, the elements once again assemble into working, rejuvenated solar cells undamaged by their prior exposure to the sun.


  • 由于被包裹层由太阳能电池组成的薄膜里,所以这个螺旋能够产生足够的电能供自身内部使用同时表面收集雨水然后储存在地下蓄水池里。

    Wrapped in a thin membrane of solar cells, the tower generates power for interior USES, while water is collected on the facade and then stored in a cistern underground.


  • 换言之这些阵列具有传统晶体太阳能电池(crystallinesolar cell)厚度时,它们体积相当于两微米厚的薄膜的体积。

    In other words, while these arrays have the thickness of a conventional crystalline solar cell, their volume is equivalent to that of a two-micron-thick film.


  • 超光速(FTL)太阳能公司研发出款高强度轻巧纤维纤细太阳能光板薄膜组合使用时,既可以遮挡阳光,还可以住宅供电

    Has created a lightweight tensile fabric with integrated thin film solar panels that is capable of shading your deck while powering your home.


  • 实际上,房屋建筑材料上可以铺上这种薄膜,它也可以直接做成建筑的外墙,甚至太阳能瓦片

    This could be side panels of the building itself or even in the form of 'clip-together' solar roof tiles.'


  • 实际上,房屋建筑材料上可以铺上这种薄膜,它也可以直接做成建筑的外墙,甚至太阳能瓦片

    This could be side panels of the building itself or even in the form of 'clip-together' solar roof tiles.'


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