• 岁的小孙子看着爷爷当年穿蓝海军服的照片

    My five-year-old grandson was looking through some old photos when he noticed his grandfather in his Marine dress blues.


  • 穿一身整洁海军制服

    I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit.


  • 改进内容包括海军制服换成清新相间的套装

    The revamp includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.


  • 文本设置为海军添加一个紫色的背景颜色以便这个图像这个页面背景中凸显出来

    I've made the text navy blue and added a lavender background color to help the image stand out from this page background.


  • 好像小跑身后,海军上衣随风飘动只是为了我把事实说出来

    It would be like him to trot after me, his navy blazer flapping, just to eke the truth out of me.


  • 文本设置海军添加一个淡紫色背景颜色以便这个图像这个页面背景中凸显出来但是不管是否使用背景颜色,得到的图像大小都相同

    We've made the text navy blue and added a lavender background color to help the image stand out from this page background, but you get the same size image with or without the background color.


  • 第一海军或者灰色可能白色条纹那种(条纹,不过更柔和),四季皆重量适中。

    Your first suit should be either navy blue or gray, possibly with a light chalk stripe (like a pinstripe, but softer), and in an all-season, medium weight.


  • 可以紫色绿色,海军米黄色棕色或是白色裙子你始终看起来不出彩,这时候有一些适当的配饰就再好不过了。

    You can wear purple, turquoise, navy, beige, brown or even white dress and still look like a million bucks but the only thing you must remember is to accessorize properly.


  • 如果唯一西装避开黑色羊毛衫穿着海军可搭配各种式样的领带其他服饰配件。

    If this is your only suit, skip the black wool and go with a solid dark-navy blue that allows multiple tie and accessory options.


  • 天黑的很快,其实没有看见,也没人会奇怪穿着裙子海军平底鞋个什么。

    It was getting dark so early that no one would see me and wonder why, in a skirt and navy flats, I was running.


  • 这套西服四种颜色款式包括灰色深灰色海军和灰色细条纹

    It comes in four colors and styles, including medium gray, charcoal, navy, and a gray pinstripe.


  • 凯特在游艇上统一服装海军夹克外加短袖衬衫不过其他女孩一样自己准备黑色或者色的短裙

    Kate's official uniform was a navy blue jacket and polo shirt, but, like all the girls, she had to provide her own black or navy shorts.


  • 地毯上的伊拉·菲舍尔因为一身海军吊带礼服银色手袋看起来就家中一样随意。

    Isla Fisher looked at home on the red carpet in her navy halter neck dress set off with a silver clutch.


  • 缅甸风在发生几天后,三个现存拥有海军国家——美国,英国,法国把载物资军舰开到了缅甸海岸

    Within days of Myanmar's cyclone, three existing blue-water navies-those of America, France and britain-had ships off the country's coast, laden with supplies (see article).


  • 活生生连接现代德国和那个由海军长胡子阿尔弗雷德提尔比兹代表光荣传统

    He is the German nation's living link with the proud traditions of bearded old Alfred von Tirpitz, father of the blue-water Navy.


  • 黑色橙色春天神话穿黑色海军或者灰色衣物相当不错的选择

    Dark, burnt orange is fabulous for spring and a great alternative to wearing black, navy or gray.


  • 不在家(可能是折磨一个无辜的),决定试穿她那件莱茵石缀链的海军外衣

    One day while my sister was gone (most likely torturing some other innocent person), I decided to try on her new Old Navy overalls with the rhinestone straps.


  • 印度新的海军旗舰将会艘航母——与英国数目相同

    The flagships of its new blue-water navy will be three aircraft-carriers—the same number as Britain.


  • 有些经典颜色海军巧克力灰色

    There will also be some of the classics present like Navy, chocolate brown, and gray.


  • 制服体现出"麦克唐纳标牌:腰,轮廓突出,色调海军大量使用弹性布料从而突出优雅身材。"

    The uniforms will have "the MacDonald stamp;a tight waist and sharp silhouette.The main color will be navy and I'll be using lots of stretch material, which helps define the body.


  • 可取:不要仅限于黑色巧克力色红色、炭灰色海军都会吸收光线有瘦身效果。穿单色同色系衣服。不可取:浅色衣服反射光线进而显胖。

    Seek: Beyond black. Chocolate, wine, charcoal and navy absorb light, so they slenderize. Keep to a single or close shades. Avoid: Lighter colors that reflect light and expand silhouettes.


  • 缅甸遭受强热带风暴几天三个已经拥有“”的海军——美国,法国英国——将满载着救灾物资到缅甸海岸外。

    Within days of Myanmar's cyclone, three existing blue-water navies-those of America, France and britain-had ships off the country's coast, laden with supplies.


  • 穿着WilliamTempest清透海军晚礼裙款款走来——定格为沃特森动人的瞬间之一

    One of our favourite Watson moments was when she stepped out in this William Tempest sheer navy number.


  • 件镶红边的海军上衣紧的领带,锃亮的皮鞋,克里斯洛杉矶正要出演下一个镜头

    In a red-piped navy blazer, matching tie and shiny loafers for his next scene in L.A..


  • 混凝土台面防溅板搁置在海军桦木橱柜顶部,与黄色厨房墙壁单元形成对比

    Concrete countertops and splashbacks rest on top of birchwood cupboards with navy accents to contrast with the yellow kitchen wall units.


  • 混凝土台面防溅板搁置在海军桦木橱柜顶部,与黄色厨房墙壁单元形成对比

    Concrete countertops and splashbacks rest on top of birchwood cupboards with navy accents to contrast with the yellow kitchen wall units.


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