• 并且水蒸气解明显提高了产密度

    Correspondingly, there is an increase in LHV and density of gas.


  • 要密切注视一新的领域有朝一日地球蒸气可以你们取暖

    Keep your eye on this frontier, steam heat from the earth may one day help keep you warm.


  • 邻接蒸气产生部(21),配置有含浸水分保水性6)。

    The steam-generating warming device further includes a water-impregnated, water-retaining sheet (6) adjoining the moist heating member (21).


  • 这种反馈可能涉及陆地海洋蒸气这些会吸收辐射

    Such feedbacks might involve ice on land and sea, clouds, or water vapor, which also absorb radiant heat.


  • 交互作用岩浆雾化通常火山灰更为纯净的微粒,同时,它产生蒸气火山灰送到了比通常更高高空

    The interaction of heat and ice atomized the magma into much finer particles than is typical, and created a steam cloud that sent the ash higher than usual into the air.


  • 金星上蒸气上升大气层中,在大气层中水分子阳光作用分解

    On Venus, hot water vapor rose high into the atmosphere where water molecules were split apart by the action of sunlight.


  • 采用法技术工厂消耗电力差不多如此但是同样需要大量蒸气

    Thermal plants suck up nearly as much electricity, but also need large amounts of steam.


  • 燃料电池反应蒸发,蒸发水将燃料电池末端排出,排出物为饱和蒸气液态水的混合物。

    The water evaporates because of the heat present within the fuel cell and it leaves the end of the cell configuration as a mixture of saturated air and liquid water.


  • 蒸馏涉及到沸腾变成蒸气- - -盐分了下来- - -收集的蒸汽冷却后凝结水。

    Thermal distillation involves heat: Boiling water turns it into vapor-leaving the salt behind-that is collected and condensed back into water by cooling it down.


  • 立刻削减跑步里程尝试一些疗:洗个水澡或者蒸气浴室,或者按摩也有所帮助——湿好一些

    For immediate relief, cut back on the mileage and try some damp heat: hot baths or the steam room. Heating pads and heat rubs may help somewhat, but wet heat seems to work better than dry.


  • 那些干旱地区太阳能电池将太阳光直接转换为电能,太阳能蒸气涡轮机间接转换是可行的。

    In hot, dry parts of the world, turning sunlight into electricity directly with solar cells or indirectly with solar-powered steam turbines makes sense.


  • 天然蒸气田所含有可以通过钻井方法,即打适当数量孔到达储的方法进行开采。

    The heat contained in a natural steam field is exploited by drilling a suitable number of Wells down to the reservoir.


  • 洗手洗衣服遇到下雨天,就可以这些孔隙中进入尤其厨房蒸气容易浸透表壳内。

    When washing clothes or a rainy day, the water can enter these pores, especially hot steam in the kitchen, easier to soak into the case.


  • 如果达到对应于温度沸点压力,就会形成蒸气

    Steam is formed if the boiling point pressure for the temperature of the reservoir is reached.


  • 使变成蒸气

    Heat turns water into vapor.


  • 本文利用自主设计大空间凝结实验台,水平光管和三维肋管管外不凝性气体含量蒸气的凝结换性能进行了实验研究

    In the past decades, little efforts has been done on the investigation of condensation of steam in the presence of high content non-condensable gas due to its complication.


  • 本文首先介绍了高升油田试验区蒸气吞吐的试验情况及增产效果

    This paper gives a brief description of the steam soak technique used in the pilot area in this oilfield, indicating that successful stimulation results have been obtained.


  • 神经网络,对物质蒸气汽化温度函数关系进行预测

    A feedforward neural network was used to predict functional relationship of temperature with steam pressure and heat of vaporization of the pure material.


  • 科学家发现了清晰迹象,证明蒸气存在其他恒星周围巨型行星大气中。

    Scientists have found clear evidence that water vapor exists in the atmospheres of giant, hot planets around other stars.


  • 还有一个方法浴室中,利用洗澡蒸气使平顺

    There is also a way to hang in the bathroom, the use of hot steam bath to make it smooth.


  • 同时考察气体流速温度不同比率蒸气中氯析出的影响

    The effects of gas flow rate, pyrolysis temperature and different ratios of steam on chlorine removal from coal are also examined.


  • 气体中含有少量蒸气经过干燥碱性吸附主要成分一氧化碳甲烷乙烷低级烷烃

    Pyrolysis gas contains a small amount of water vapor, after drying, after alkaline adsorption, the main components are lower alkanes such as carbon monoxide, methane and ethane.


  • 原子蒸气激光光谱实验常用光学介质

    Thermal atomic vapor is usually used as optical medium for laser spectroscopy experiments.


  • 那里地表的暖的上升气流蒸气带到甚至空气更高地方

    There, warm updrafts coming from the heated land surface took the water vapor up even higher to a place where the air is quite cold.


  • 少数氧化剂用于密封蒸气传递流体溶液碳氢化合物低温液体介质

    Besides the minority of strong oxidizer outside, it can be used to seal hot water, overheating steam, heat transfer fluid, ammonia solution, hydrocarbons, low temperature liquids, and other media.


  • 本文光束偏转干涉分别测量了石英为窗口材料蒸气激光器及其窗口透镜效应

    The thermal lenses in operating copper vapor lasers and in the fused silica Windows were measured by using of the deflection method and the interferometer method respectively.


  • 选用了一种工业镍基催化剂,它具有同时脱除煤气有机煤焦油蒸气的多种净化功能,而且能达到较高的净化效率。

    Nibased industrial catalyst has been introduced into hot gas cleanup study for removal of ammonia, coal tar and organic sulfur compounds in high temperature gas.


  • 本文理论数值上研究了大气击穿效应晕等非线性光学效应问题,并通过试验测试了空气击穿阈值和蒸气的击穿阈值。

    The breakdown and the thermal nonlinear effect is studied in theoretical and experimental aspect. The breakdown threshold of the air and water vapor also had been measure.


  • 接收器被加移动液体用来产生蒸气依次用于一个传统涡轮-产生器生产电力

    A heat transfer fluid heated in the receiver is used to generate steam, which, in turn, is used in a conventional turbine-generator to produce electricity.


  • 能源涂油水于流动而且能源然后用来一个传统蒸气产生器中产生电力

    This energy heats oil flowing through the pipe, and the heat energy is then used to generate electricity in a conventional steam generator.


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